
Chapter 5: Untitled


"What is it sir?" I said. "Well I have to go on an errand to the village. Could you help Will and Liam with he kids?" "Yes of course." "OK thank you." Then he left for his errand.


While Liam and Will were inside, I watched the kids outside. Then the old man finally came back. "Sigh. Thank you Cace. You were a big help." "No problem. I see you're a little worn down." "Yeah I haven't been well these days. I don't know how much time I have. I want to keep this orphanage open but, there is no one to do it." "I'll write a letter to the king about it, and see if he can find someone." "That would be a big help thank you."


It was the last day of the visit. I decided to visit the old man. "Hey old man Tyrus. I've been visiting for 2 weeks. Looks like your brother will be joining you soon. We will bury him next to you. Don't worry. Today is my last day and I have to head back tomorrow. I miss you old man. Your lucky you get to rest in peace while all of us still have to work our bones off. Its been hard on me at the castle but I'm managing. Haha don't worry I'll try not to die at a young age or you well give me another lecture which I wouldn't mind right now. I'd do anything to hear your voice again. Well anyway I'll see you later old man." Then we left back. The next day we said goodbye and left.


When we got home I was able to have that day a rest day. The next day would be working time. When we do our lessons, uncle doesn't worry so much about those other than calling people by their right titles and acting nice even when you don't feel like it. The other stuff like paper work and going to the village is the main thing we have been doing.


Since I was done with everything, I went to talk to my uncle. "Have you seen King Leo around?" I asked the guards in front of his office. "I think he is on the training grounds." "Ok thanks." "By the way your highness. Are you feeling ok? You look a little pale." "I'll be fine thanks."


I found him at the training grounds and held on to a tree for a minute since I felt a little light headed. One of the knights saw me and came up to me. "Do you need something? Prince Cace?" "Yeah. I need the King. I need to ask him something. Its…Its important." "Yes I will go get him for you. Rest here. You don't look so well." "I'll be fine once I take my medicine."


Leo saw his nephew looking pretty bad. "Hey you ok Cace? Where are your guards?" "I gave them the slip. I needed to see you. Now it seems…I have…to wait…I can't do this…Anymore." Then he passed out right in Leo's arms. "Sigh. Let me take you to your room kid." He told the others to go ahead without him so he could take care of his nephew.


"Hang in there Cace." "How is he?" said Sean barging in. "Oh good you're here. I was told he didn't take his medicine." "That idiot. OK I will get it for him." He went to his bathroom to get it. "Here it is. Its an injection. He has to poke it in his chest to get the medicine to the lungs." "Damn! I bet that hurts." "Yeah so somebody always has to be with him. To make sure it gets to him." They waited and sighed in relief when he was calming down.


One night it was really late and Cace went out the window to escape. He ran to the forest since he was told not to go there alone. He did anyway. He was not scared easily. So he kept walking of course with a light of some sort. Then all of a sudden a sound spoked him and he dropped his light and it went out. Then his eyes turned night all of a sudden. "What? What the hell is this? Is this part of the spell that girl put on me? Well its better than a torch then." So I continued on.


I heard that sound again and it spooked me. Then I heard a voice calling my name. "Cace. You have returned to us. We've missed you." I looked around to see where the voice was coming from. I saw a bunch of eyes staring at me. Instead of running I walk towards them. "Hello? Who are you?" I look closer and it was a cave with a bunch of animals taking shelter. "Hello. Were you the ones talking to me?" "Yes we are." Said a fox. "Am I dreaming? Yes I must be dreaming. No one can talk to animals right? Or night vision?" I pinched myself. "No I'm not dreaming. I can talk to animals." "Sorry to frighten you prince." "No I'm not scared just shocked." I cleared my throat. "So why are all of you here? Why was I told to come to the forest with someone and not myself?" "Well you see. Oh by the way my name is Graine. There is a reason we are all near here. Um well. There is a big creature out there. No one knows who or what It is. Anyone who has seen it never survived. All they know is that it is a big creature. We though you could help us since you can talk to animals." "How did you know? I didn't know until now I could." "Oh right your father could. you got that from him." "OK where does this creature live?"


Meanwhile it was getting to be morning and the others went to go check and see if Cace was there but he wasn't. They saw the window was open and went to tell the king. "We need to talk to the King! Its urgent!" Said Sean. They were announced and he agreed for them to come in.


"What is this urgent thing?" "He escaped through his window! Its strange but he never did that at the orphanage." Said Sean. "I see. Sigh. You two go ahead. I will send a few people as back up. He probably went into the forest we told him not to go alone in." "Sigh. Be careful out there. If you see a huge creature run. That is why we told him not to be alone." "Sigh. I see. Ok lets go Ryker." They went out and ran to the forest. They found the cave the animals were in. "I know you can't understand us by can you show us which way Cace went?" They nodded like they understood. Then the fox led the way far enough. Then ran back.


I was looking where they told me the huge animal lived. Look in the bushes and huge caves. As I walked I still didn't see or hear anything. I was getting tired. Its already morning they are probably out looking for me. Looks like he really does come out at night. I'm either getting tired or about to pass out. (I felt someone pick me up. I guess I really did pass out. dammit. This is embarrassing.) "Come on kid. Lets get you to my place to let you rest." I heard a man say.


"Hmm. Argh. No. No Keely. Stay here don't go. Please. You'll die!" "Hang in there kid. You have a bad fever." Hey son change the water and get another rag. Hurry now." "Yes father." "Medicine. I need my medicine. At the castle. Sean. Ryker. Argh. Pant pant." "thanks son. Why don't you go out and listen for voices. Find out if they know this boy?" "Yes father." He was only 17 years old.


There were voices yelling. The boy could hear them. He yelled. "Over here! Over Here!" He heard footsteps of two people. "Oh hello. Have you seen a boy about 16 years old in the forest somewhere?" "If your talking about him I think he is in our house. My father found him passed out. See if you know the boy." He guided them to the house, he told his son to wait with him while he talked to these men.


"Do you happen to be Sean and Ryker? He said medicine castle and Sean, Ryker." "Yes. I'm Sean. This is Ryker. How is he?" "Go ahead and see for yourself."


They walked in and knew he had a fever. "Has his fever gone down any?" "Yeah just a little bit." Said the man's son. "Good. I have his medicine right here. This may look like I'm hurting him but I am not. He had this condition since he was young." "He pulled out the medicine and syringe and filled the syringe and stuck it in Cace's chest. They were shocked at first, then they saw him starting to get better and were relieved. "His name is Cace. He is the crown prince as of right now. We are supposed to be his guards. He has never done anything like this before so it shocked us. Thank you for saving him." Said Sean. "My name is Kiran. This is my son Cyan." "Nice to meet you two." "Likewise Cyan." "Well we better get him back. Thanks for the help." "Sure no problem. Um. That boy is special. Keep a close eye on him." "We will thanks."

(I felt myself being lifted in familiar arms. Except whose? Argh. My body just won't wake up.) Once they got there, they had a doctor waiting in his room. He hurriedly checked him and was relieved. "He is just exhausted. He will wake up in a few hours." The king was there as well worried about his nephew. "You two. Let me know the moment he wakes up got it?" Siad the king. "Yes your majesty." They bowed. Then he went back to his office to do boring paperwork.


Once the king got to his office, he sighed. "Sigh. I might have to cancel the meeting with the woman I am to marry soon. I am 36 years old for Gods sake. Well I guess they could stay here until I am able to see her. The others need a woman too now that they have kids. Fawn needs a man. In fact Fawn looks about one of those boys age that is helping the old man. I'll talk to Cace when he has woken up and full of energy again."


(I moved around and felt a hand. I slowly opened my eyes.) "Ah its so bright. Someone dim the lights." Ryker put the shades down. Then ran to get the King. "How are you feeling Cace?" "Huh? Where am I? What happened?" "You are back at the castle A man and his son helped you and I carried you back home." Once I woke up a bit I remembered what happened. "Oh now I remember. How did you find me?" "Its strange. A fox showed me a little ways where you headed then she ran back." "Yeah that was Graine. Where is uncle?" "Ryker went to go get him. He should be here soon." "Ok good." Almost on cue he entered my room. "Ow. Not so much noise. I just woke up. Jeeze." Uncle sat down and I told everyone I had to talk to him myself. So they left us alone and it was just me and Leo.


"How are you feeling Kid?" "Groggy right now. Listen uncle. I know dad had gifts. He could talk to animals. I have that gift apparently. I went into the forest because something or someone was calling me. I came up to a cave with a bunch of eyes and walked toward only to find out they were scared animals. They knew who I was so they weren't scared of me. Also I have night vision eyes. Whats next? Do I get horns talk to flowers fly or something?" "Haha no nothing like that. Just those gifts. And maybe end up having hair that will change to white or brown as you get older. Like we said you are a rare one. You ended up with black hair when your mother had brown and father had white." "Am I the only one that has these? Does Keely have any as well?" "We haven't seen her but we don't know. Also now that you are up and feeling better, I have a question. Do you know how old Will and Liam are?" "Why you want to set one up for aunt Fawn? Yeah I hear rumors." "Well sort of." "How old is Aunt Fawn?" "Same age as your mom would bee if she were alive. 35 years old." "Wait a minute. That would mean mom would have been 19 when she had us." "Yes she was." "Ok so you wanted to know the ages of Liam and Will huh? Well they are both in their 30s' I think they are 37. Yeah I think they may be brothers." "Well well. Two years older. Perfect. Can I introduce one of the to her?" "Well I would suggest she go there. I'll keep an eye on those kids of hers while she's out. After all I do know the rascals." "Haha interesting. Ok now back to business. Did you see the creature or its shadow at all?" "Sigh. No I didn't. Graine the fox told me that anyone who has seen it clearly never lived to tell the tale. Just that it was a huge creature that comes out at night. They thought I could help since I can talk to animals." "Hmm." "Do you have a theory of who or what the creature is?" "Just a moment. You should have the book in here. Ah here it is." He scrolled through the book and stopped at a certain page. "No way. Those are mythical Right?" "Oh no they were perfectly real at one point. We thought they were all extinct. But a lot of us think they went into hiding." "Hmm I see. Does it say why they attack or kill people?" "Just that they felt threatened. They must have been pointing their swords or bows at them." "Hmm. I have an idea. Hey uncle. If I promise to bring a few people with me at a distance at night, can I go out and see if I can talk to him?" "Sigh. Just be very careful. I didn't see the thing but I myself was attacked." He lifted up his shirt and I saw claw marks on his chest. "Ouch." "Yeah I almost died when they found me. I don't know how I survived myself." "I might have an idea. I just can't put my finger on it." "Ok well that's enough for now. Get some more rest." "Yes uncle thank you." I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Another hour or two I was well rested. But I was told tomorrow I would have lessons again. I just rolled my eyes. So I just found my newfound cousins I already knew, and hung out with them.