
Chapter 6: Finding the Monster/Truth

Yesterday was tiring and so was today. Hopefully after I've rested I will have energy to go tonight. I threw myself on my bed without changing, then fell asleep hitting the pillow.


What was amazing was I slept until dinnertime. I never slept that late unless I passed out. I felt like I could eat with everyone at the table today. I got tidied up and changed then I went out. "Hey guys. I'm ready for dinner." "Wow you are up and energetic. I wondered if you'd ever wake up." Said Sean. As we were walking to the dining room, I said, "Hey Ryker. I see you don't talk much. Is that a personal or is it part of the training." "Oh uh a little bit of both actually." "Good grief. I need to talk to my uncle. Later. I can't stand silence from you. It feels weird." Then we finally go there.


We went to the dining room and there was 3 chairs next to him. 2 lower ones. One his right. A big chair and another one like mine. Must mean he I getting a wife soon. The other must be for my twin sister if I ever get to meet her. That's another thing I have to talk to uncle about. Then I sat down next to uncle like he told me. my uncles and Aunts had another side. I bet some of my uncles are going to marry into royalty and leave with them. It will get boring without them but I will have to live with it.


Dinner was done. I excused myself. Before anyone else. Then I went to get changed into my play clothes as they call it. I also brought a sword with me though I don't have any experience yet. I am supposed to start that tomorrow but who knows know. Depends on how my condition will be when I get back.


Finally I was ready. I brought some water in case I needed it. We had a medic with us. My uncle told everyone I was in charge. He told them they were back up. They all agreed. My uncle saw us off and told us to be careful. I told him I'd try. Then off we went into the forest. We got to the cave where my animal friends were.


I told the others to stay out. "Hey Everyone. Good to see you all again. I'm still getting used to the fact I can talk to animals. Anyways. I'm here to ask if any of you saw the last place this big creature was." "I-I was the last place who saw it." Said a little rabbit. "It was really scarry. My name is Bon Bon. Cace." "Ok Bon Bon come here." She hopped right into my arms. "Tell me little one. Where was the last place you saw his shadow?" She looked around scared. "Its ok Bon Bon. Your safe here." "He was about a mile or 2 away from here." "Thank you." I kissed her little head. "Now all of you stay here ok? Graine is in charge of the small animals and the bear is in charge of the bigger ones." They bowed and agreed. "Be careful out there Cace." Said Graine. "I will do my best." He patted her head. Then we headed in that direction. 


We made it a mile already and we were cautious. She said a mile or 2. I told the others to stay hidden when they are following me. To not scare the creature if we see it. I saw my breath. It was that cold at this time of night. I rubbed my arms. Then I heard twigs snap. I looked around and didn't see anyone. Then I got closer and saw a little girl. I was cautious because the beast could be tricking me. "Hello little girl. Hey. Its ok I won't hurt you. I promise." She came out a little ways and tole me her name. "M-My name is T-Talisa I am hiding from the monster." "Oh so you saw its shadow too?" Luckily my trustworthy gift is working. It says I can trust her unless he knows how to manipulate the gift. "How long have you been out here little one?" "Just tonight. My little sister ran off and I can't seem to find her." Likely story I thought. "What is your sisters name? old is she?" If she hesitates I know its fake. "Her name is Mally. She is 3 years old." I was relieved but not too much. "Ok we will look for her but first there is something we must do. Stay close to me ok? We are going to find the monster. I can talk to animals. I can understand this beast and see if I can help him." "O-Ok." Then she stood beside me hanging on tight.


I finally saw its shadow. Everyone noticed I stopped. So, they did as well. "Ok honey. I need you to go over there. I don't want to get you hurt, ok?" "O-Ok." Then I got closer to the shadow until I saw the creature's feet. Then I bowed down to show I wouldn't hurt it.


 "Excuse me you monster-ness. I can talk to all creatures. I would like to talk and find out what is going on. I am prince Cace." (Cace no. What is he doing here? I told them not to let him here even with people. Sigh that stupid King. Luckily my voice is different in this form he won't recognize it.) "Rise prince Cace. I won't hurt you." "Thank you. If I may ask, what creature are you? In the book it was an unidentified creature." "That is correct. Sigh. I wish I knew. I had this spell put on me until I have accepted certain things." "Do you want to become human?" "Part of me does but the other part things I deserve it. I have done some bad things in the past." "Well that's the past right? You probably killed someone that is why you are regretting it. Sigh. I'm the same way. I didn't kill anyone but I might as well have. I have a twins sister who I only saw a glimpse of. I grew up in an orphanage until now. I've only lived here for 2 months. I just wish I could see my sister. The urge is getting stronger for some reason. I don't understand it myself." "Sigh. Trust me. It will get stronger. I had the same problem. As for what you said you are right. I may not have done it myself but I feel like I have killed them myself. My beloved husband." "Oh so you are a girl." "Yeah I sound like this because of this curse. The curse doesn't allow me to tell you who I am as much as I want to. All I can say is that I am someone close to you." "Can I come by tomorrow and talk to you? Try to help you through this?" "If you would like yes." "Before I go, why do people keep attacking you?" "Just because I am in this form. Until I can deal with this I will keep getting attacked. I have to defend myself." "I see. Do you have healing powers by any chance?" "Yes I do. I tried healing the King but it was out of my control. I didn't mean to hurt him. He stepped in front of the man I tried to protect myself from." "I see. Try not to kill people unless you have to ok? I promise to come back tomorrow." "Yes thank you. I'll be waiting." "Oh one more thing. Have you seen a 3 year old pass by here?" "Haha yes she is right here." "Fluffy." "I'm sorry sweet heart you have to go home. Listen to fluffy ok?" "Ok. Bye fluffy." She jumped down and saw her sister and ran to her. "Thank you for looking after her." "It was my pleasure." Then I gave the girl to her sister. Then her sister went home with her and we headed back.


I went to my room to get a warm shower and changed for bed. Then fell asleep as I hit the pillow. The next morning I had told my uncle what happened. "I see. Yeah that was my bad. I didn't want the guy to get hurt. I'm glad she tried to help though. So you are going tomorrow again?" "Yes I am." "Ok well since she is not a threat, take your two bodyguards with you. Also instead of your other work, you will be starting sword training. Go get into the outfit put aside for that and head to the training grounds." "Yes uncle."


I changed into the clothes I had laid out and headed to the training grounds. My bodyguards were there to practice as well. As for the one who is training us, its my uncle Zayan. "Oh Uncle. How long have you been doing this?" "A long time. Here you call me master or sensei Zayan. "Yes Master Zayan. I joked." He rolled his eyes. "How are those little ones doing?" "A handful but good. They are in school right now. In school for royals their age." "Well that's good." "Ok enough talking. How much do you know about sword fighting?" "Uh I've read a little about the basics." "Ok lets go through them then and see how much you learned. Now we are going to work with wooden swords as to not get hurt to bad." "Sigh. Fine." I Got my wooden sword and he taught me the basics like the stance I had or how to hold the sword. Also the basic movements. I got the basics down. Right foot behind left foot forward. Sword facing the chest. Then I take a step forward and hit the man in the shoulder as to avoid an attack on me. So we kept doing basic attacks and this time he tried attacking me. So we kept fighting the basics until I was good enough. Once I was they could show me different styles of sword fighting.


By the time I was done, I was sweating from head to toe. "We will do it again tomorrow. Since you were pretty good. We are going to try something different." "Yes master Zayan." Then I left to go get a shower and change for lunch.


Ah That was a relaxing shower. I think next time I'm going to take my shirt off. I headed toward the dinning room for lunch. I'm starving. I sat down next to my uncle the King. He said an announcement about the ball and his normal announcements. Then I ate my food. "So your majesty. When can we send out the invitations. I need to send them to the orphanage to get them prepared." "Oh that's right. Come to my office and we will talk about it ok?" "Ok good. I have a couple of other things I have to talk to you about as well."


Lunch was over and I followed uncle to is office. "Ok what is it?" "Well first off. I can't handle Ryker being so silent. Its annoying. Can he talk to me like Sean does? I mean yes I am the crown prince but I wasn't raised as one. I just can't do it uncle. If both of them do it, it would drive me crazy even one of them is driving me half crazy." "Haha ok I will talk to him. What is the other thing?" "Oh yeah. Uh." Then he clears his throat. "I know I am 16 years old and the age to marry is 18. I was wondering if you had someone in mind? If not I may have someone else I might want to meet." "Oh and who might that be?" "Haha it sounds strange but the girl who cursed me. I was never told her name only that she was a witch." "Haha well she is 16 years old as well. It would be perfect to meet her first and see how things go. Then we will decided to arrange something if it doesn't work ok? By the way her name is Hazel Amethyst Starr." "Hold on. Did you say Starr? As the oldest witch family?" "Yes that's right." "Holy. Just Wow! So if this works out between us, our children will be famous." "Yeah they would be. Will you be able to handle that?" "Well if we work out I would have to." "OK now as for the invitations, will send one to the orphanage and tell the old man to find the families of those who were adopted to come as well. We will have tuxes and dresses ready for them." "Ok thanks uncle. Uh I think I have a free day this weekend if you can make a time for us to meet?" "I will see what I can do. I'll send the invitations first." "Thanks uncle."


Then I left to do some personal things. Oh right uncle already talked to Ryker before we left. He can talk to me normally as well. I was relieved. 


Night came around and I was getting ready to meet the monster again. I just hope its who I think it is. I'm not telling. You will know if everything works. Ok done. This time my Uncle's Cole and Zane came with me. They too wanted to see who this was if it worked out. Yeah I'm sure my uncle told everyone what happened. Now its time to head off. I passed by the cave with the animals since I have a good idea of where she may be.


"Ok here we are. This is where I last saw her." The others were not hiding since there was only 4 with me. "Its ok. These people will not hurt you. I promise." She came out and we had to look up at her. (Cole and Zane? What are they doing here?) "I know. I know them as well. Sigh. Ok now. Fist thing. Can we sit with you in your cave?" "Yeah sure. Come on in." We all went in. "Much better. Now mind if I sit on your shoulder or something? It would be easier to look you in the eyes." Here sit on this." "Ok much better. Now As you told me you blame yourself for killing your husband although you didn't do it yourself is that correct? And you can't accept the fact. That is why you are like this?" "Correct. OK well first thing we need to do is find out what exactly happened that day then talk about it." "Ok then. I hope you don't think of me such a bad person after hearing this." Then she started.


"This happened 16 years ago." She said. I nodded. "I had just had a baby or 2 6 months at the time. We have been on the run since I was 18 so about a year now. People didn't like what we said. We were leaders." "I got that much that you were leaders when you said people didn't like what you said. Continue." "Yes of course. When I knew I was in danger, I hid my babies and prayed they would be ok. I didn't want them to get hurt." I grabbed my chest when she said that. She noticed. "Are you ok?" "I will be continue." "OK So my husband warned me not to run anymore but I didn't listen. He protected me. The attack was meant for me not him. They did not mean to kill him. They were going to keep him in the dungeons to find out what was going on. I didn't want that fate. I didn't want him to die. I was young and stupid. I was only a teenager then. So when I was done running and couldn't do it again, I ended up back where my kids were. They weren't there. "I hope and prayed they were ok. Then I collapsed. When I woke up, I was like this." "Sigh. I see now. I know who you are. My suspicions were correct. I won't say it because I don't know if it would cause you trouble or not. So You think it is your fault that your husband died protecting you right?" "Yes. I do." "If he saw you now what would he say?" "It wasn't my fault. He did it because he loved me." "Right. Now if your kids were here what do you think they would say?" "Well they would be 16 now so they wouldn't remember but I would think they wouldn't want me blaming myself either." "That is true. If you were my mother I wouldn't want you blaming yourself either. As you said you were still young back then. No one would want you to blame yourself. I don't even think his family would either. Although you shouldn't have ran, it still wasn't your fault either. Do you at least know who killed him?" "Yes I saw his face. He isn't from this kingdom. He is from the Kingdom of stars. His name is Krioff." "I see. I'll tell you what. If you can accept what happened, we as in my uncle Leo who is King can help you. Then we can avenge him ok?" She nodded. I jumped on her and hugged her neck. Her body was starting to shrink. Then I held her normally. "Mom! I've missed you so much." "You knew it was me didn't you? Cace." "The first time you told me you knew me I had an idea. Oh your brothers are here too." "Cole. Zane. Come see your sister." They both ran and we all gave each other a group hug. Luckily she was wearing clothes. "Wow mom. You look just like Aunt Talia." "Oh is she doing well?" "Yeah and she adopted some kids from the orphanage she brought me too. Zayan and these two as well adopted a couple. Mom I don't blame you. I don't think sister will either. As you said we were little and didn't know anything." "Thank you sweetheart. That means a lot. So do you think Leo and the others will blame me?" "That I'm not sure of. Lets go talk to Leo first." We wrapped her in a coat because it was cold.


We got to the castle. Then headed inside. Uncle was waiting for us in his office. We were announced and mom was announced as a guest. Then we went in.