

In a world where power decides one's worth. In a world where the fittest survive. An anomaly is born.

Zennin · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs


Author Note: Well... Life doesn't go well I guess. How should I say this... One of my relatives died.... So... Yeah, He was umm, really close to me. I got depression and all that stuff. Sigh, to be honest, I'm in no high spirits. I needed a break, from everything.

I don't think I can continue my other works to be fair with you... I keep losing motivation with every chapter I write... Each day is getting more rough and I hardly find time to write. Well, I'm not saying this for pity or anything, just wanted to share some things I can't share with anyone else, not that I have somone to share anyways.

Welp, I wanted a fresh start... I guess this is it, maybe I'll continue requiem... I don't really know. But atleast I hope I can continue this one. I really want to, but everything around me prevents me from writing like it's forbidden for me or something.

Btw, some of you may have noticed this was published a bit before yesterday. Well, it was me... At first I wanted to run away, even this acc of mine, from you guys... But then I asked myself what was even the point of that.


I've been feared.

My name Noah.

Despite having no mobility, no sight, no sense of taste. I was feared by countless. Whether it was children, adults, assassins, or kings, none were an exception.

Why? You may ask.

Because I was an ʼabominationʼ, a catastrophe. I was a lying nuke.

When I was born, somehow, a nuclear bomb was inside my stomach. Nobody knew how, why, or when it had happened.

Any movement of my body would have instantly made me explode, thus, I have never even moved from the hospital.

I didn't need food to survive, nor anything a human would usually need. I didn't excrete, didn't touch, or even taste anything.

Though, I was given education out of pity, to learn different languages. My only partner was a radio that informed me of the daily news.

Soon, some invention named ʼAlexaʼ was given to me. It was the best thing I've received, it would read me stories, poets, quotes, or anything I commanded.

The more time I spent listening to great books, the more I realized how naïve I was. I've always wondered about the 'heart', now that I know of it, knowing how corrupt it is, I've silently regretted even pondering of it.

Closing my eyes, I took my final breath as I saw a water droplet closing toward me. I knew it was the end, any sort of contact was sure to explode my being, it wasn't anything that anyone told me, but I knew it by instinct.


It filled my vision... that I didn't have to begin with.

Chuckling at my own joke, I was suddenly forced to notice that I could still think. Huh?

How? I'm supposed to be dead as corona, but... I am still able to think? My thoughts were interrupted by a binding... Whatever it was... Wait a minute, did I just ʼseeʼ?!.

Before I could complete my thoughts, I felt like I was pushed inside something. For the first time in my life, I saw what Alexa described as light.

Though, the reality was that, it was tenfold better than what she had explained, the rays, the burning...

Wait, wait, wait... We should focus on what's happening. 'Looking' around what I think is supposed to be a 'room', I saw wooden furniture, not that I knew if it really was.

How am I even alive? And for god's sake, how did I gain all the human senses?! Most importantly, why the fuck am I a baby!?

Suddenly, something blossomed inside my mind.

Is this the so-called transmigration I've read about? Did my soul enter this baby's body and... Killed it?

Oops, sorry dude, didn't mean to do that.


While Noah's soul entered the dead newborn's body, two adults were crying outside the room he was lying in.

"Matias! I just want to see my baby one last time! Please, please let me!"

The woman spoke, her voice cracked as she tried to squeeze out the words between her sobs. She had wavy brown hair till her shoulders, 5'3, pitch-black eyes, and wore a simple green robe.

"Ana... "

Matias whispered, it was her husband. He had a muscular build, 6'2 height, with deep blue eyes, and raven-colored hair.


He could barely contain his tears before putting on a tough act, supporting her toward the room. He stood outside as she went in with heavy breaths.

'I didn't want her to break down again after seeing our... Boy'

Tears crossed his cheeks, and Matias's emotions were bursting out uncontrollably.

"My baby!! My baby's still alive!!"

Ana screamed out of her lungs.

'She's losing what sanity she has left! I can not let her stay there any longer!'

Matias thought she was imagining things and was having a mental breakdown, he quickly rushed in to see what he least expected.

His baby was breathing, in his wife's arms... His skin pink and healthy.

"My... My boy! Doctors, hurry!!"

Matias screamed, both out of joy and disbelief, and most importantly, relief.