

In a world where power decides one's worth. In a world where the fittest survive. An anomaly is born.

Zennin · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Ana and Matias could barely afford daily life, yet they bore a child. Falling in love with each other from their teenage days, their dream was to spend the rest of their life with a child.

Matias had worked day and night restlessly when Ana had gotten pregnant, saving up money for the delivery.

It required a fine charge of 42 copper coins, he could have brought a year worth of bread with it, but the child outweighed all their rationality.

When the news arrived that their baby had died within the belly itself, both Ana and Matias saw the world crumble in front of their eyes.

Matias especially, not because of the money or the sweat he had spent, but because he was the one who couldn't even sleep for a night worrying about the child.

When the last of their sanity was left, his son had magically come back to life. Matias and Ana couldn't even describe the joy they felt, they thanked whatever God that popped into their minds.

After getting a full check-up on the baby, confirming he was good to go, they departed from the Hospital toward their small hut.

Under the moonlight, Ana caressed her child's cheek as she pointed at one of the moons.

"See that, Ivy. That's grandpa moon, he is our torch in the night"

Ana looked into her child's eyes, which... Held awareness?

"Ha~... I must be still recovering, you did give me a heart attack my silly little goose"

She 'pinched' his small nose before getting inside the hut, placing Ivy in his crib, she laid down beside Matias, who was still recovering from the shock.

Ana hugged him, breaking him from his stupor.

"Don't worry too much, our little boy's back, that is all we need to know.... Right?"

He warmly smiled back, closing his eyes.

While the parents sleep, the boy's eyes open, they radiated knowledge.

'Should've atleast given me a proper guy's name.... Whatever, it matters little.... I still can't believe I can see. Whether this world has two moons, humans with swords strapped on their back, or healing with their hands... I've been given a second chance, I'm not going to be shackled to this hut, or anyone'

Ivy steeled his resolve, not willing fate to decide his life. From the books he'd 'read', there was a concept called Mana Core.

He needed to form it, the mana core would be the first step for him. Ivy tried to sense the magical substance, only to utterly fail.

'Hmm... Maybe it's this pipsqueak body of mine tha-'

He was cut off short as he felt something enter his being, his mind felt rejuvenating, shades of grey filled the room with several colored particles in the air.


He was beyond shocked, the scene was beautiful, so much that words couldn't describe it.

'Is this... Mana?'

Ivy asked to no one in particular, every cell of his body, he could feel it. The blood pumping, the heart beating, the pulses, the... Pee?

'Shit, Is this what excretion feels like? How do people even bare it?'

Ivy sure didn't like it, but he put that in the back of his mind. Suddenly, he saw Ana's body twitching, without hesitation he cut the mana flow to his body using his will.

"I'll clean you"

Ana rubbed her eyes which were sleepy, she got off the bed.

His mother took him outside, near a water bucket filled with water to clean him.