

"Do you think you can escape?" She stared at the person with horror.She was feeling very miserable that the person she was hiding from,she would find out about him like this.Every nerve on her body was warning her to run away from there. The person chuckled. "I know what's in your mind.Don't even try to do this!!!" Her eyes lit up in anger. "Do you think I will give up, if a devil like you threat me?" Her words left a devilish grin on his perfectly symmetrical handsome face whose one glimpse was enough to capture any woman's mind and body. She suddenly lifted a vase that was in her range and was about to smash on his head,but before she could do that he caught her hands and pulled her to himself, capturing her through his body which was huge and very masculine compared to her tiny frame. "Devil or God whoever decides to save you,unfortunately it is impossible.Because I am your fate and no one can save you from me…." He mumbled in her ear. ************************************************ Have you ever thought that what would you do if you were trapped in the world of amnesia? What would you do if life has cheated on you in every aspect and came to end because of this? If life would give you another chance in exchange for something very important, would you dare to take it? Wang Wei a well known businesses man once saved a young woman's life while someone threw her unconscious body on the road.After regaining her consciousness,she failed to remember anything about her life, not even her name.After some days she discovered that there is a big mystery related to her life.She no longer lives in a single world.She has another life which one she assumed as amnesic life…. Will she be ever able to solve the mystery of her amnesic life? Will she be able to find the culprit who is responsible for her present condition? Will she be able to take revenge? Will she be able to find her saviour or she will mistake him as someone else…….. Read the novel to find out......

AnonnaRahman13 · ファンタジー
144 Chs

Leopard doesn’t have the gut to mess with me!!!

"No...I will move out from her place very soon…"Kaili said, staring outside the car window.

" Where will you move?"Wang Wei said with a grin on his face as if he felt very funny hearing her.He very well knew Kaili didn't have any place where she could move.So this was kind of unbelievable to him.Since he already made up his mind about her.

"I don't know.But i will find out very soon." Kaili felt irritated.Why was he so concerned as if he couldn't wait to kick her out of the house so soon.

"I am taking this route now.The shortcut road you requested me to take,I don't want to go that way." Wang Wei said, as during coming,Kaili asked him to take another route.

"It will take less time…"Kaili tried to explain.She was still not convinced to go that way due to some unknown cause.Her expression suddenly changed into scared one.

" Come on.Kaili..Dont be stubborn...What's wrong with you?It will just take a few minutes there.You are acting as if you go that way,you will get a curse!!"Wang Wei said with sarcasm.

"No...I just…"

"This road is not safe at night.There is no way I can drive with you...After all if something happens it's you who will be in trouble!!After all you are a woman..." Wang Wei said.His eyes were fixed on her.

Kaili felt embarrassed.She understood what Wang Wei was pointing towards!That road was full of goon and drunk guys.Previously she got into trouble here. She very well knew she was a woman.But still there was no need to remind her that...Though what he said was right,still Kaili was feeling annoyed to see his so-called concern for her.

Wang Wei was driving.Kaili was just randomly staring outside from the car window.There happened an awkward silence between them and no one of them seemed to be willing to break the silence..

But after driving sometimes,the car stopped suddenly.Kaili stared at Wang Wei with surprise as she couldn't understand suddenly what happened that Wang Wei needed to stop the car.

Wang Wei seemed to understand what she was thinking.

"I didn't stop the car.I think there is some problems with car engines." He said.

Kaili felt slightly weird.As it was quite late at night.And the car also stopped at the place that was quite away from the main highway and that meant they didn't even reach the highway.And their surroundings were totally lone and there was no sign of other cars and vehicles.

Wang Wei was about to get out of the car but Kaili grabbed his arm.

Wang Wei stared at her with a frown over his forehead.


Kaili immediately understood what she had just done.She immediately released his arm.

"I am sorry young master.I think it's quite late at night.You shouldn't get off the car.Mrs Ning said there is a leopard who is killing people." Kaili said nervously.

Wang Wei stared at her for a few seconds and then his lips curled upward to form a smirk.

"I think the leopard dont have the guts to mess with me!!"He said with sarcasm.

Kaili didn't say anything further.She was feeling really scared.She was having the gut feelings that something bad was going to happen.In face during coming here,she again saw a dream.That was related to the road and that's why she asked Wang Wei to change the route.Though the whole thing sounded very ridiculous.

Wang Wei already was outside of the car and he was busy checking the car engines.Kaili also was standing beside him with turning on his phone torch.Kaili didn't own a phone yet.The road was quite dark.

"What happened?When will it be fixed?" Kaili asked.

Wang Wei made a frustrated sound.

"It's not going to be fixed now.Give me the phone.I need to make a call at my mansion so that they can send me a car now." Wang Wei said scratching his forehead.

Suddenly it started raining at full speed.

"Shit!!!" Wang Wei cursed.

Both of them hurried inside the car.But already they got drenched.

"This damn rain!!" Wang Wei said in a frustrated voice.

He tried to make a call.But their luck seemed to be pretty bad.Because due to the rain,there was no signal on the phone.So Everytime he was trying to make a call,turned out to be a failure.

"What happened?Aren't they picking up the call?" Kaili asked while watching him.As he seemed to be very annoyed and his expression was kind of like that he was going to throw away the phone at any moment.

"There is no signal on the phone." Wang Wei said running his fingers through his wet hair.