

"Do you think you can escape?" She stared at the person with horror.She was feeling very miserable that the person she was hiding from,she would find out about him like this.Every nerve on her body was warning her to run away from there. The person chuckled. "I know what's in your mind.Don't even try to do this!!!" Her eyes lit up in anger. "Do you think I will give up, if a devil like you threat me?" Her words left a devilish grin on his perfectly symmetrical handsome face whose one glimpse was enough to capture any woman's mind and body. She suddenly lifted a vase that was in her range and was about to smash on his head,but before she could do that he caught her hands and pulled her to himself, capturing her through his body which was huge and very masculine compared to her tiny frame. "Devil or God whoever decides to save you,unfortunately it is impossible.Because I am your fate and no one can save you from me…." He mumbled in her ear. ************************************************ Have you ever thought that what would you do if you were trapped in the world of amnesia? What would you do if life has cheated on you in every aspect and came to end because of this? If life would give you another chance in exchange for something very important, would you dare to take it? Wang Wei a well known businesses man once saved a young woman's life while someone threw her unconscious body on the road.After regaining her consciousness,she failed to remember anything about her life, not even her name.After some days she discovered that there is a big mystery related to her life.She no longer lives in a single world.She has another life which one she assumed as amnesic life…. Will she be ever able to solve the mystery of her amnesic life? Will she be able to find the culprit who is responsible for her present condition? Will she be able to take revenge? Will she be able to find her saviour or she will mistake him as someone else…….. Read the novel to find out......

AnonnaRahman13 · Fantasy
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144 Chs

The ugly duckling turned into a swan!!!

"Why?This is one of the best clothing store.I don't think you will find something better in other stores." Wang Wei said with annoyance.He didn't think that Kaili would be this picky.

Kaili hesitated for a moment.

"It's not that…Actually…"She stopped.

" Actually what?"Wang Wei stared at her face.

"These clothes are too expensive.I don't think so you should buy this for me.Since I have no money to pay you." Kaili sighed.

Wang Wei stared at her face for a few seconds.He was very amused that she thinks this way.If it would be some other girl probably she wanted to buy these dresses as this kind of expense was very little to Wang Wei.

"Pack every type of dress according to her size." Wang Wei blurted out pointing toward the staff.

"Yes,young master.Sure."The staff stared at Kaili.Her gaze was filled with jealousy.Though she was trying to understand what was the relationship between the young hot bachelor Wang Wei and this girl who was not even wearing a suitable clothes to visit a place like this.There was no way she could be his sister or girlfriend.May be Wang Wei just picked up a random beggar out of pity.

On the contrary,Kaili was slightly surprised and clearly she was not happy that Wang Wei was buying these dresses for her.

" You shouldn't buy these dresses from here for me!"She said in a faint voice.

"Don't take it otherwise.Since you stay in my mom's house.I don't want people to say that we are treating you bad." Wang Wei said without any expression on his face.

Kaili let out a sigh.It was as expected.She was not surprised.May be people in his position very much concerned about their reputation rather than anything.The staff packed all the dresses.Kaili almost freaked out the see the tons of packed dresses.It was a lot!What she was going to do with all of these dresses.

"Now Please throw the trash you are wearing right now and pick something suitable from them and change in the trial room.We need to go back.I dont have the rest of the day to spend here." Wang Wei said without any reaction on his face.

 Kaili sighed a long breath.What's wrong with him!!Can he be nice for a single time?Why should he act so rough all the time as if Everytime he just wanted to show that he was superior from all other person present around him!!!He and his twin brother share the same gene still Wang Lei was an angel comparing to his disgusting rude behaviour!!

She picked a jeans and a tops from there and went to change on the trial room.She put on the dress.It was the first time she saw herself without a hospital gown or her usual baggy dresses that Mrs Ning ordered for her in a hurry.The crop tops nicely fitted on her body.She discovered she had a beautiful curve instead of being skinny and a long well toned leg that was now accentuated as she wore a fitting jeans.And the color of the dress also very beautifully complemented her skin tone.She came out from the trial room and stood in front of Wang Wei.

Wang Wei was busy over his phone as he was checking something there.When Kaili stood in front of him,he was startled for a moment.

"Lets go!" Kaili said.

Wang Wei furrowed his eyebrows.Kaili was almost unrecognizable as she wore the dresses.As if the person standing in front of him was some other person after coming out from the trial room.

"I must say these stores have such great collections.Even the ugly duckling can turn into a swan after trying these…"Wang Wei said with a disdained smile over his face.

Kaili didn't say anything.She felt humiliated.She didn't ask him to buy these dresses for her.But also it was as expected.

" Young master,let's go.Lets not waste your valuable time."She said.

Wang Wei shook his head.He walked away toward his car and Kaili followed her.He already instructed the staff to send those dresses to Mrs Ning's place.Since there were a lot of dresses to carry by his car.

They got into the car.

"So what did you think?" Wang Wei blurted out pressing the car key.

"About what?" Kaili said with confusion.

"Are you going to stay in mom's place forever?Or you decided to do something?" Wang Wei said.

Kaili let out a sigh.She didn't have any wish to stay in Mrs Ning's place forever.But the problem was she still couldn't remember anything.Even she didn't have the idea what she was going to do next.