
Alpha's Daughter's Hybrid Mate

Nicole Nelson is sheltered and lonely. Always heavily guarded and unable to find a man brave enough to date the daughter of the Alpha. Her twin brother, Nikolai, was killed a year ago by bears who attacked her pack. Nicole's wolf, Isabel, is restless and tired of being under her father's overprotective rule. On the morning before an approaching snow storm, Isabel's restlessness can no longer be contained. She escapes her guards and takes off into the woods, faster than her guards and her father can catch her. While playing in the woods, she meets a man who is so strong and powerful that her father would not be able to chase away. She is blown away by his revelation of what he really is... and that he is her Mate.

Trish_Ann_Ricer · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 11: Mating Ceremony

Nicole's POV:

I woke up this morning feeling both excited and nervous. Today is the day I have been dreaming about my whole life. Today I would mark, be marked by, and finally mate with my mate. I was in love.

I had no doubts about us. We were destined and fated for each other. I also knew that Gabriel loved me too. I wasn't worried about that. I was worried about another attack on my special day. I was also nervous about mating.

I have never been with a man before. I had never even had a steady boyfriend before. I have been missed a few times but never had a chance to go further because of my father keeping me under such heavy guard.

I had no experience, no clue how to please a man. All I had to go on was my romance novels and I had to keep them hidden from father and my guards. I was raised like a nun.

I wasn't sure if Gabriel had ever been with a woman or not. We never discussed it. I was afraid to ask. I assumed that he probably has not. He lives in a cave and his human form is intimidating, but I wasn't sure. I don't know the full extent of his magic. Either way, we will figure it out together.

Everything was just about finished being set up downstairs. I was in my parents room getting ready. I didn't want Gabriel to see me before the ceremony. I wanted to surprise him with how I look.

My Mom and I picked out a beautiful white lace classic, traditional, human wedding dress for me to wear. It has long sleeves, a long train, and basically covered me from head to toe.

There was nothing sexy or modern about my dress. My Father insisted on it. He told my Mom that he refused to pay for anything that would reflect me as anything other than a perfect lady. He wanted to see the picture of purity and chastity.

Well the joke is on him because I would have been that no matter what I wore. This was about perceptions. There weren't very many packs in Alaska or the Artic but Alpha's from those packs would be at the ceremony. There may even be some from Northern Canada. My father is well respected among many packs and maintains alliances with them. Alliances are important to keep the peace.

Word has spread about Gabriel and the fact that I am mated to a wolf who is half Yeti. I'm sure that many of the Alpha's will be in attendance to meet him. They will undoubtedly want to know what kind of man will take my father's place in the future. Who is it that they will have an alliance with a what does he bring to the table. Can he be trusted?

My parents left the room to go downstairs. My father's Beta and best friend, Elijah, mind linked my father to let him know that Alpha's we're arriving and they were needed to greet them. It is tradition for the Alpha and Luna to greet important guests at the door and welcome them.

A few minutes later, my mom mind linked me to let me know that four Luna's were on their way upstairs to see me. I waited until I heard footsteps getting closer to the bedroom door before opening it halfway and hurried them in. I didn't want to risk having Gabriel see me in my dress.

The Luna's took turns hugging me and congratulating me on becoming one with my mate. They looked me over and made their comments on my dress and everything I was wearing. One of my mother's omega she-wolf hand maids came in with 5 champagne flutes and a bottle of wine champagne. She filled out glasses and then sat the almost empty bottle on the dresser. "Courtesy of Luna Nancy," she said while smiling. She then excused herself and left the room.

After nearly an hour of exchanging pleasantries and hearing their stories of their Mating Ceremony's, my mother came walking through the door and told us all that it was time to get started. The four Luna's excused themselves to go and take their seats next to their Alpha husbands.

My Mom freshened me up and helped me with my dress as I used the restroom. Once I was ready, she mind -linked my father to begin.

I heard Gabriel's heavy footsteps walking down the hallway from our room and downstairs. Hearing his footsteps made my stomach erupt with butterflies. This was it. It was time to marry my mate.

Wolves didn't really care about marriage so much because once you were marked by your mate, you were considered married.

For wolves of high rank; however, it was done because businesses and property were usually involved and they required us to work with the laws of the human world, less our identities be discovered and alert human "monster" hunters. We were already being attacked by bears, we didn't need to add hunters into the mix.

My Mom and I began walking down the stairs, myself first and her following behind me. Once we got to the bottom of the stairs, my father took my arm in his as my mother moved in behind us.

I looked down the aisle that had been created in the middle of all of the chairs that guests were sitting in and I smiled when my eyes found Gabriel's. He looked so handsome standing there waiting on me.

I looked to the huge man standing next to him and paused for a moment as I took him in. "That is Gabriel's father," my dad whispers in my ear. "He is a full blooded Yeti," he continues to say. "He scared the crap out of everyone when he showed up. Gabriel didn't tell us his parents were coming. I didn't even know that he had parents," my father said.

We finally made it to the front and my father handed me over to Gabriel and took his place in front of us to begin giving his speech.

My father began addressing the pack and our guests by talking about myself and Gabriel. He told everyone the story of how we met. How we spent those days in the cavern together and how lucky we are as a pack to have Gabriel. His words really warmed my heart.

After all of the vows were exchanged and he kissed me, we took turns marking each other's necks and then went upstairs to complete the mating ritual. Our guests waited for us at the venue where our celebration would begin after we mated. It was tradition for the newly mated couple to return and begin the celebration.