
all things began here

clown_of_madness · ファンタジー
5 Chs

the children of Paulo town

in a small town near by a forest there was a day wear 20 baby's were born on the same hour and well all those kids were players and one of them was a boy that boy was a famous gamer and Jackson best friend in the gaming world but they never meat or heard either of there voice so they don't now each other gender are but this boy was a girl in her past life her name was Alexis and the name of the boy now was Alexs she was asleep at that point in time because it was very early in the day and he was just born

[calculating user Alexis choose human race]

5 hours past and she was finally able to hear the words that the game said Alexis thought ok so what am I going to do with this baby body o yay I have a states

[opening states]

name: Alex

gender: male

race: human[infant]

level 1/200


HP 100/100

MP 50/50

ST 50/50









skills:[crall lv.1/5 xp0/2],[control plants lv.1/5 xp0/10],[irritating scream lv.1/5 ex0/10]

"what the heck is this why am I a boy and how can I control plants it sounds cool but why" Alexis accidentally activated irritating scream as he cry for a minute before a lady walked up to her and picked her up and then started to breast-feed her time past as the sunset was down Alexis want to sleep

3 year had passed Alexis was in her house crawling on the ground she thought yay i'm faking the things a toddler can do to make the people of the town so the were not suspicious of her life but I still cast [control plants] ones or more all day so it can level up in my hole life it has level up 4 times so it is slowly leveling I found that all the other toddler were players to but she can't find her friend which she only knows by here friend nickname that is Redblosm12421 so she can't find Jackson which she does not know his name or that he was a he or the he was turned to a she and that Jackson is a tree that is unconscious right now "well it looks like the only thing that I can do is just wait for the time to be old enough to go into the forest and grind her skills

1 day before Jackson wakes up from his sleep

"Alex wake up wake up we are old enough to go to the forest" said one of the girls that was a player "ok ok I'm up i'm up least get ready to go to the forest get the others so we can train and grind are skills ok Lily" said Alexis to the girl as he got up the girl ran off to get the other toddler to go to the forest

Alexis was waiting for the others at the front of the forest a group of 17 kids want to the forest that morning

as they walk and talk to each other one of the kids noticed a big saet of trees that were covered with vines with small pink flowers on the tree the vines were so thickly over each other that they had to be put their to stop people from going in "ok that is not normal and they are very numbering so Alexis come look at this" Alexis walked over to the boy and said "what is it Tim is it a rabbit or something" as she said that all the other people started to laugh but the boy named Tim wasn't "no this is a thing that I don't know about it like the forest is stopping us from going there look at it there's no end to the vines" as Tim said that all the kids look at the wall of vines that blocked them from going into the area "ok that is not normal and I can get us in there but it will take some time so let's sit here a I will use [control plants] to move the vines ok" Alexis said to the others "ok" said all the kids at one

Alexis looked at the wall of vines and started to use [control plants] on the wall and it started to move

[warning user is opening a gateway to the[sleeping Queen of flowers domain] you might make the Queen mad]

Alexis read the warning and tolled the other of what it said but they agreed that the best thing to do is to make the gateway to the domain it took the hole day to open it up so they closed it and went home

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Jackson woke up from the 5 year sleep and found that nothing had happened but that time passed "okey I still alive and all my plants are fine so let's get back to work and activate [pink cherry soul grow] it's been some time since I've used it but thats nice" Jackson said to himself but as he was looking at the forest a voice said " ma lady your finely wake ma lady how may I help you" a clacky voice said Jackson was surprised by the voice "hom may this be" Jackson said to the voice "i'm one of the Grassleys that was made by your power" as the voice said Jackson saw a fairy like thing made of grass floated near his body " ay I see so you can tell me what has happened when I was asleep and my I now your name" Jackson said "yes nothing has changed but yesterday a gateway was opened and closed to your domain but it was late so they don't come in and my name is Galise and my I now ma ladys name is" Galise said to Jackson "ok my name is Pinkuhana is my name" Jackson said to Galise "lady Pinku should we build up defends around the gateway" Galise said to Pinku " no I want to see the people that have made a gateway to my domain so if they are aggressive to me and my plants I will kill them myself" said Pinku to Galise "ok ma lady" Galise said to Pinku and bowd to her and lift her alone

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

after Alex waking up and went to go get the others so they can go to the domain as all 17 of the kids got ready the lumberjack was running in the town saying "the blessing of the forest is back its back" all the towns people were now in a good mood but all the kids were confused so Tim walked up to the lumberjack and asked "what is the blessing of the forest and why is everyone happy that it's here" lumberjack stopped and started telling the kids "well when all you guy andgirls were born a wave of pink flowers pass me when I was in the forest and when it hit me I felt healthier than what I had been in my life so but it stop a couple of days after so when it happen now everyone can get hit by the waves too" the kids were still confused but they knew that they now where the wave came from as they went into the forest and walked to the domain

"I wonder what is making these waves and why it started to happen now" said Alex to the other kids "well we know that we are going to see what is making the waves" said Tim to Alex "ya ya I know let's go" Alex said as they opened the gateway to the domain