
all things began here

clown_of_madness · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Queen of the beautiful flower forest

as the gateway opened all the kids walked in but Alex noticed that the name was different

[gateway to the Queen of flowers domain]

"well I found out why the blessing of the forest is back it looks like the Queen of flowers is woken from her sleep"Alex said to the others "what if she mad at us for opening the domain" said one of the kids noticed the scardnes on his face Alex confred him "no if the Queen of flowers was angered we wouldn't be alive right now"

as they walked to the end of the tunnel of vines they saw a beautiful forest that was filled with beautiful colors and the animals were beautiful and the trees had red leaves and the plants were pink and there were flowers in the air it was all beautiful "now I know why this was the Queen of flowers domain it is beautiful" said Tim "yay this place is beautiful i wounder what the Queen of flowers looks like if this is just the area" said Alex

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aahh I see so the people that had opened a gateway to my domain were a group of 17 kids" Pinku said to herself "Galise got to the group and sand them to me I want to talk to them" Galise floated and started going to the group "yes ma lady"

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as Alex group was sitting on the ground talking and small pink thing floated to them as the thing got nearer to them they heard a voice say "hay small humans come with me my Queen whats to talk with you" said the thing "what and how are you and way should we listen to you" said Alex to the thing in front of them "I am a Grassleys a fairy made of grass and I'm the royal servant of the queen of the forest my name is Galise so come with me ok" said Galise to the group" ok we will come to see your Queen" said Alex to Galise

"ok small humans come with me it is a short walk to ma lady" said Galise to the kids and they walked to an opening were the trees were gone and the grass was short in the middle there was a large Japanese cherry tree that its flowers were pinkish red and dark brown bark that had cracks on it and in the cracks was a pink glow coming from them "ahh thank you Galise for guiding them to me and hello human children" as a beautiful woman's voice came from the tree all the kids were in awe to the trees beauty " so beautiful" one of the kids noticing that Pinkuhana was in a good mood because a person saw the beauty of a Japanese cherry tree after all she was the Queen of flowers and the forest so beauty in here title

"ma lady I shall go" Galise said to Pinku "small humans if you try anything i will kill you with my baer hands ok" as Galise said that all the kids look at him and shock there heads "what could we do we are all weak the only one that could do something is Alex but he's to kind to do anything" said Tom

"ok back to the point of me talking to your group what do you want and what how did you get in to my domain " Pinku said to the group of kids that were in front of her "let's talk In private" as she said that all the cracks on her glowed briter then before as flowers flow from them and stopped all the sounds from the outside coming in "so what are your name first then let's talk ok"

said Pinku "hello my name is Alex I'm the leader of the group what is your name" said Alex to Pinku "ahh yes sorry for not telling my name my name is Pinkuhana the Queen of flowers and the forest" said Pinku to Alex but when all the kids heard her name they all thought the same thing " she a player too and she knows Japanese "

tom then walked up and said "hello my name is Tom I'm the shape eyes of the group I'm the one that fond this place but I don't open it up that was Alex" then the boy next to him said "hi my name is Tim" and then all the other toddlers started to saying their names

" so Alex you are the one that opened up the gateway to my domain and how did you do that"

Pinku said to Alex "use [control plants] to open it up so we can see what was in here" Alex said to Pinku " oh so you used a skill so you aren't normal kids are you by what I see that is a yes by now you have heard my name so you know that I'm not a normal tree" said Pinku to the group that knew what she was talking about "yes we aren't normal as well as you if I'm right you are a player too if so why are you a tree why not a humanoid or deme human races" said Alex to Pinku "there are two reasons the first is none humanoid races have special skills and second is it was a dream of mine to be a Japanese cherry tree and I'm living a dream now" said Pinku to Alex at this point it was just these two talking to each other as the other toddlers want out the barriers to play "what are you Redblosm12421 it's me maximumwtf12 I've been trying to find you for so long" said Alex to Pinku "ahh a old friend it's been some time since we talked what have you been doing for the past 5 years now" said Pinku to Alex " well I am a human so I didn't get to do much and I didn't know that you are a girl" said Alex to Pinku "ya I'm a gril but I don't know that you are a boy" said Pinku to Alex "well it a long story and I don't want to talk about it" Alex said to Pinku "oh so that's it ok well I won't to test something out ok" said Pinku to Alex "ok do it if it doesn't hurt" Alex said to Pinku "ya it might hurt but not to bad so let's start I call my my heart fower to mark this boy with my power [ soul fower]" just as Pinku said that a fower made of the light of the tree and it flown to the boys chest and hit where the heart is and the fower became a small fower on Alex's chest as vines and flowers grow on his chest" what is this crazy fower it hurt like hell and what does it do to make me feel better because I was just stated in the heart by my best friend" Alex said to Pinku "oh sorry for not telling you what it does [soul fower] is a fower that i have four of and it should have upgraded the [control plants] skill and it will send me a message when you are dieing so I can help you out properly after you leave I think of giving one to my Galise so he can get stronger" said Pinku to Alex but Alex was looking at the plant growing on his chest as the plant grew he felt more attached to the forest then before "ok my group are going to grind out are skills in the forest so see ya later Pinku" said Alex to Pinku as he was walking out of the domain with his group of kids "well there gone so Galise come here I'm going to give you a [soul fower] from me so you can get stronger" Galise floated near his Queen "yes my Queen if it helps me defend you I've do anything to help you ma lady " a fower made of the light of Pinku cracks "yes let's begin the process it will hurt a lot so get ready for it" the fower aimed at Galise heart a flow to it at fast speeds and persed his grassy skin it then started to grow and Galise started to grow to he grow to the sizes of a adult man he had blood red grass for hair and a skin colored grass for his body he looked like a man and at that point in time he fall unconscious "oh that's not good plants drag him to me he is unconscious right now "Pinku said to her plants and they dragged Galise to the bottom of her body and raised his head on her roots and then she activated [pink cherry soul grow] to heal him as his body was weak at the moment

4 hours past and Galise started to wake up "what were am I what happened to my body" Galise said to himself as he saw body had changed and then he saw that he was resting of the roots of his Queen "ahh my Queen sorry resting on you I didn't notice sorry ma lady" he said to Pinku trying to get off her but failed to get off like his body was stock to her roots "its ok Galise I was the one that put you on my lap your body was stressed by your making your new body so it needed healing so I put you on my roots so you can heal" said Pinku to Galise "ok I see so you put me on your roots to heal me your so kind my Queen to kind" "yes I'm kind but you're now have a part of me in you so you are more important than you think you are" said Pinku to Galise that was in shock that his Queen gave him some of her power in to his body "my Queen you didn't need to give me some of your power I'm just a Grassleys" said Galise to Pinku "not any more you are a [pink soul flower Grassleys] so you aren't normal anymore" said Pinku to Galise "what I'm an evolved Grassleys how did that happen " "when you were asleep I leaked power into you so you didn't die from your heart fower being upgraded but it also evolved you" said Pinku to Galise that was filled with confidence "well you will heal back to full health in a day so go back to sleep Galise I will wake you up when you are healed ok" said Pinku to Galise "yes my Queen if it what you say I will sleep" said Galise to Pinku