
Paper Planes

Another Monday morning, sun shining brightly on her face as her alarm kept on ringing. "Alright, I am up!" She yelled at her clock.

Upon leaving her bed, she was greeted by her pomeranian, Katsuri. The little dog was energetic in the day and exhausted by night. It jumped around and the young woman yawned before taking a seat by the counter.

"Hey, sleepyhead." Her roommate called. "Choco or Coffee?"

"Mi-lk" She yawned.

"I swear, next time, you prepare yourself your glass of milk." Her roommate rolled his eyes.

"You love me too much." She teased.

"What would you do without me?" Her roommate chuckled while he fed Katsuri.

"Do you have classes today?" She asked.

"Nope, but I have internships." He answered. "Look at the clock, you'll be late."

"My boss won't kill me for it..." She smiled.

"You have a meeting today." He hit the back of her head.

Her eyes widen, realizing that she had a lot on her plate. She drank her milk then jumped into the bathroom to take a bath. After some minutes, she quickly wore her creme bishop sleeved blouse with her black pencil skirt and black stilettos.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Her roommate asked handing over her cravat and her hair pin sticks. "I'll drive."

"Omg, thank you!!" She let out a sigh of relief as she took her hair dryer and curlers along with her cosmetics.

"I swear, I cannot understand women." He carried Katsuri to the car.

The dog sat on the front passenger's seat while she scrambled at the back trying to fix herself.

"Turn off your curling iron, we're approaching a hump." He warned.

"I really am a goner without you." She chuckled while she put on her mascara.

When they arrived at her office, she was ready and she was blooming. She stepped off the car but before she could even take a step further, her roommate honked the horn. "Hey, Ms. Forgetful! Where's your proposal?"

She took her briefcase from the car then she bid Katsuri goodbye. "Bye bye, cutie. Be good, alright?"

"How about me? Your roomie doesn't get a goodbye?" He whined.

"Fine, goodbye doc!" She closed the door and her roommate drove away. She entered the huge building and she was greeted by the staff she passes by.

"Good morning." She greeted back while she walked. She entered the elevator then pressed 15th floor. When the doors opened, she could see her team working and the light atmosphere was still there. "Good morning! How's the proposal?"

"Morning, miss! It's on your table, also, sir was looking for you." One of her subordinates told her.

"Wait, which sir?" She stopped.

"Sir Kingsley, miss." He responded.

"I'll drop by the 30th floor later." She rubbed her temples before going to her own office. She put her briefcase on the table beside a pink paper plane. It was scented paper and when she unfolded it, there was a message written on it.

[I see you found my plane. Stick a note if you wanna talk. If you dont, you are welcome to throw


"How weird... One could always send me letters to my apartment." She furrowed her eyebrows. She looked at her watch to see that her meeting starts in 10 minutes. I'll answer you later. She pinned it to her bulletin board before getting her papers to bring to the meeting.

When she left, she saw Mr. Kingsley in the elevator. Once she entered, the elevator doors closed and Mr. Kingsley asked, "You were almost late." "I am very lucky to have my roommate." She chuckled.

"The doctor?" He asked.

"Well, soon to be." She rubbed her nape nervously. "Once he graduates, I bet he'll move out though."

"Hmm... Yo-" Mr. Kingsley's thought was cut by the elevator's bell signalling their arrival to the 5th floor.

"What were you saying?" She asked.

"Forget about it, Miss." Mr. Kingsley waved his hand which prompted her to forget about it though she was curious. "We mustn't make them wait."

They walk to the meeting hall wherein they found representatives of different departments. People from the design department, promotional services, executive office, franchising committee and others. They seated on the sides of the table and the seat opposite the board was where Mr. Kingsley sat.

The monthly meeting started and the outputs for the month looked positive. Once they got her report for the proposed budget, Mr. Kingsley was not impressed. He thought that the budget was choking but she thought it was the most optimized plan, considering that by the next month, they won't be rolling in too much profit due to a drop of demand in accordance to trend.

"Miss, please work on your budget proposal again and when you finish, please present it in my office. I'll be waiting for it after two weeks, before the next meeting." Mr. Kingsley sighed.

With that, the meeting ended and she took the stairs to her office, ten floors up. She was exhausted when she finally reached her office but for her, it was one way to blow off steam.

"Miss, you look exhausted." Her subordinates told her.

"Wow, I am so happy you noticed." She smiled passive-aggressively.

"You owe me a bowl of ramen." One of her subordinates whispered to another.

"Anyway, I want another proposal by next week and we'll have a meeting right after that." She announced before heading to her office. She wrote a response to the paper plane in a blue sticky note.

[Hi, well, does it not occur to you that I can receive mail in my address? Unless you don't know my address. Anyway, mind telling me who you are?]

Who do you think sent the paper plane?

More importantly, who is this woman called by the narrator as "she"?

Don't forget to vote for me! See you in the next.

Rhyunjacreators' thoughts