

"It's a nice day to die." While you lie down staring at the sky, it appears that all eyes on the planet are just on you. I closed my eyes and awaited death... "Huh?" A new life has begun. The 42-year-long black society has come to an end. In this life, I shall undoubtedly live the most magnificent existence with the greatest power in the deepest depths of the night. this is a translation of a famous novel

Arnnok · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Mr. Giyeon Dolby (2)

"under! accountability? How will you accept responsibility? "Would you risk your life, Mr. X?"

"I'll bet my life."

Do Tong-resolute dal's response flinched Jo Pyeong-do.

"Have you seen this snout-only moron?" Are you truly putting your life in danger? On the books?"


"Would you stake your life on collecting debts, collecting taxes, and lugging baggage, Sir X?"

"Indeed, it will. Isn't it natural for a knave to put his life on the line for everything he does?"

Jo Pyong-do was mute, with a crucian carp's mouth. Wang Chil laughed heartily.

"Puhahaha! It's been a long time since my favourite newbie arrived! okay! Let's see what it's like to put your life in danger just to keep your books!"

Do Tong-dal opened his ledger while sitting on the chair Wang Chil had put out of the way. I groan as soon as I notice it due of the illegible handwriting.

It was difficult to read the crumpled and fractured lettering.

"There are a number of misspellings."

"T, what's the matter?"

"Here, instead of the huge letter, this letter should have the human factor on the side, and this letter should have the field electron instead of the entry letter." And, at first look, the computation appears to be incorrect. It's terrible."

"Dog, lass?" This youngster... It is true! "How did you find out what the name of the business on Gwanghwa-ro is?"

"It's integrated into that Gwanghwaro." Gwanghwa-ro is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one.

Seo Wang-soo made a clapping motion with his hands.

"ah! "Wasn't it you who stabbed him in the back of the skull two years ago?"

"I was so exhausted that day that I couldn't even get out of bed for 15 days."

Seo Wang-su addressed Wang Chil.

"Do you have this child, Brother?" I know how to write and am capable of doing so."

"Have a look at how the ledger is being structured. Don't forget that I put my life in danger."

"yes. Do you happen to have an abacus?"

There was no one who knew how to deal with it, thus there was no one. So Jo Pyeong-do borrowed it from the first-floor white rice restaurant.

I was fixing the incorrect portion when Wangchil inquired.

"When is it going to end?"

It is twice as tough to repair as it is to rewrite.

"I believe it will take some time."

only once? Even Jo Pyong-do, who had been moaning at the ledger for three days, thought two more checks were required.

"The branch workers will then have to leave tomorrow." Because company management comes before branch employees. "I'll go out for a little bit."

Wang Chil went out, as did West Wang Soo, with Jo Pyeong-do and Kang Pu-song. They all returned after the time Do Tong-dal had specified.

"Are you finished?"

Do Tong Da put up his ledger in response to Wang Chil's query.

"Rewriting was challenging, so I created a new one."

Wangchil flipped open the ledger. Because he was blind, he only recognised the white ones as paper and the black ones as letters.

In the interim, I've seen hundreds or thousands of volumes referred to as ledgers. But, it was the first time something like this had been so meticulously prepared.

"I have no idea who X is, but I think I wrote it extremely well." Isn't that right?"

Seo Wang-soo, who was standing to the side of the ledger, nodded.

"That's correct. something interesting. "How do you believe your viewpoint is?"

"What... He reminds me of myself."

"It's similar, baby. Man up and admit it. I'd been complaining about not wanting to organise the ledger, but due to the newbie, it's now easy. You should be happy."

Wangchil encircled Do Tongdal's shoulder.

"A fortune has arrived at our marine office." Remain as long as you can. "I'm not going anywhere."

"yes. I shall be there for you for the rest of my life."

"Heh heh..." Look at how friendly this person is. Should we go to Cheonsangru today? Who are you and Pyeongdo, Wangsu?... Take the newbie and head to Hongmun-ro."

The expression on Jo Pyong-face do's was altered. Instead of going to Hongmun-ro, which is densely populated with prostitutes, it was preferable to go to Cheon-sang-ru, a high-class giru, to cure the eyes and hearing.

In his bag, Do Tong-dal had bamboo sticks and charcoal. Several people were arriving and departing as I got at Cheonsangru after strolling around a corner.

A happy emotion poured over in my heart when I saw the roof of a three-story building with blue roof tiles.

I used to fantasise about drinking all night with a courtesan in my prior life. When I joined Jeokhohoe, I thought my dream will come true soon.

Yet, in the end, he couldn't even fulfil that simple(?) wish.

'That was a meaningless existence.'

After 42 years of life in the black society, all that remained was a wooden sculpture and 15 cents.

Yet things will be different in this life. This time, in the deepest regions of the darkness, I shall live the most magnificent life with the most power.

"What are you gazing at that has you so transfixed?"

Do Tong Dal regained consciousness when Wang Chil struck him on the shoulder.

"It's fine."

"yes? The finest Giruda in our neighbourhood. But, if you go to the city centre, there are many excellent Giru."

As we arrived to Cheonsangru, the waiters claimed to recognise us.

"Has the warden arrived?"


"How long have you been here? Come by frequently."

Wangchil was warmly received wherever he went. Wangchil's philosophy was that because people survive on money from their pockets, he should try his best to aid even if he couldn't serve as his master.

"Oops! Today, the warden made his own way!"

Go Chan-young, the general manager of Cheon Sang-roo, was the middle-aged man who arrived with a smile on his face.

"I apologise for the delay."

"Sorry. I should have came over and introduced myself..."

The presence of black society was a necessary evil because it was a place where all kinds of mishaps occurred all the time.

"I stopped by for other reasons and to welcome fresh recruits."

"Didn't you say the director had come to direct the new recruits?"

Ko Chan-young viewed the full moon for the first time. Wang Chil spoke quietly to Ko Chan-yeong.

"Not only is he intelligent, but he also writes a thousand characters..." They claim to have discovered what it is by purchasing it."

"yes? "The three librarians' books?"

"That's correct. There are three librarians. The bookkeeping was simple as well. Therefore I'm attempting to elevate it properly, so please assist me."

"Ha ha ha!" You've got some terrific folks on your team."

Do Tong-dal was told by Go Chan-young.

"My name is Go Chan-young, and I am the captain of Cheon Sang-ru." I shall see you frequently in the future, so please look after me."

If you were the general manager of a high-class base, like Cheon Sang-ru, you would find it impossible to even speak with a low-level member.

Do Tong-dal was courteous but not servile in his greeting. Wang Chil was told by Go Chan-yeong.

"A new Hwaseolju has arrived this time, so please come in and taste it."

Wangchil's mouth was filling with saliva.

"My need for alcohol is like a chimney, but I have to educate this guy what to do..."...

"Come on, big brother, eat." I'll check around on my own."

"How much do you know?"

"If you make a mistake, repair it afterwards, and it's critical that you speak with the general right now." "Come on, come on."

Ko Chan-young smiled broadly.

"You're a really wise buddy."

"Yes? I apologise for arriving late. then go and see If you don't know something, go to Mr. Tak and ask him."

Wang Chil moved away from Ko Chan-young, saying, 'I hope he remains around for a while.'

"This time, Brother, I'll stay with you for a long time, until you paint faeces on the wall."

Do Tong Dal grumbled behind Wang Chil and made his way to the rear door, where Jim arrived.

Do Tong-dal shook his head as he walked by the rear yard with its tiny pond.

"But, I believe something occurred today..."

Something obviously occurred. Do Tong-dal, who recalls every name, is unable to recollect it because he was distracted.

I didn't know what Cheonsangnu was when I first arrived, so I roamed about and accidentally broke a jar full of water.

"Since my recollection is hazy, it has nothing to do with me."

As a result, I wasn't concerned about the recollections I couldn't recall.

sweetly! sweetly!

An elderly guy went past, dragging a cart full with liquor containers. The ancient man, who was far over his 60th birthday, reminded him of himself from a prior life.

That old man, having dragged the booze cart by that age, would not have had an easy life either.

'Hardship is the lowest kind of existence, and the wrong man makes the money.'

The most profitable business with Giru is booze and women.

As a result, the headquarters or branch office was in charge of Giru's booze and women on a big scale. The marine office at the bottom has a lot of work and only distributes non-paying items.

The Baekdong branch likewise supplied the booze that passed by presently.

'Our marine office should handle the net business...'

Do Tong-steps dal's came to a halt as he considered this.


Now, I finally recalled what happened that day. That had nothing to do with the end of the month, but it was significant nonetheless.

Do Tong-dal turned around quickly. The cart with the box of wine went away slowly, like a turtle, and one person approached.

Yeon Ja-yeon, the owner of Cheonsangru, was the woman, who appeared to be in her 30s.

When the waggon and she passed, the rope that held the booze box together snapped! It was severed.


Dotongdal dashed in the direction of Yeonjayeon. The box detonated as soon as the rope was cut, and the bottle inside flowed towards Yeonjayeon.

Yeon Ja-yeon, who had only just realised what was going on, couldn't move and could only stare at the bottle of wine plummeting towards her.

Dotongdal collided with Yeonjayeon just as the booze bottle spilled off the cart. She grabbed her by the shoulders and swung her around, her back to the pouring bottle.

Changchang, you are amazing!

Bottles of alcohol were spilled and broke with a loud bang. The moon collapsed to his knees, feeling a severe ache in his head and back.

Yeon-yeon, who was standing in front of Dotong-dal, also collapsed. Dotong Dal defended the kite nature by keeping his arms and legs straight.

The bottle cracked into little pieces, and the whisky spilled out like foam. The two saturated in alcohol eyes were entangled in the air, with just a space separating them.

All of the bottles that may fall off the cart did so. and direct! Knock! Do Tong-blood dal's streamed down Yeon Ja-cheek. yeon's

"Are you all right?"

Do Tongdal was the first to inquire.

"Do you believe you were hurt?"

"Everything is fine."

"I'm OK as well."

"Should we then proceed?"

Do Tong-dal, who stood up, extended his hand. The hand she was holding was icy.

Do Tong-dal, who had caused Yeon-ja-disorientation, yeon's staggered. This time, Yeon Ja-yeon rushed to Do Tong-aid. dal's

With a grin, Do Tong Moon remarked.

"If you become intoxicated merely by smelling it, it must be a wonderful drink."

Employees arrived late.

"Louju! "Are you all right?"

"You moron! You should have been more cautious! Contact your senator! hurry!"

Yeon Ja-yeon explained to the perplexed staff.

"There's no fuss. Nonetheless, I'll need to contact the legislator."

Her eyes was drawn to Dotongdal.

"I'm not sure who you are, but I owe you a lot when we first met."

"Hello, my name is Do Tong-dal, and I'm a novice to the Gwanghwa-ro Maritime Office this time."

"Yes, I see."

Yeon Jayeon had a room ready for Dotongdal and the bath water heated.

The apartment with the king-sized bed was lovely and aromatic. Do Tong-dal has never slept in a more luxurious room before.

"The bath water is ready, Confucius."

It was also the first time he was referred to as Confucius.

'I'm having a lot of new experiences today.'

While I took a bath while being catered to, I felt like I had already become the monarch of the night.

"In my past life, I tried this type of luxury in Cheonsangru." "Keep going... "

Dotongdal elevated his upper body, which was buried in water, while murmuring.

"Come to think of it, this Cheonsangru will no longer be an officer of our marine office in three days!"

The greedy Baekdong branch's leader intercepts it and tosses it away. I had a match with Baekdong Branch at the time for one thing, but it was an absurd bet in the first place.

'How much was the wager?'

Everything that transpired around this period was foggy in my memory. It had to be because I had such a difficult time when I initially joined the Jeokhohoe.

Do Tongdal put his fingers against both temples.

"I have to think of something..."