

"It's a nice day to die." While you lie down staring at the sky, it appears that all eyes on the planet are just on you. I closed my eyes and awaited death... "Huh?" A new life has begun. The 42-year-long black society has come to an end. In this life, I shall undoubtedly live the most magnificent existence with the greatest power in the deepest depths of the night. this is a translation of a famous novel

Arnnok · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Giyeon is unbeatable (3)

"Did Warden Wang Chil say that?"


"That's accurate; Director Wang, who was always frugal with his praise, applauded him so highly that his tongue dried up."

"How did General Koh see it?"

Ko Chan-young paused for a time before responding to Yeon Ja-inquiry. yeon's

"At first look, it may appear ordinary, but there must be a tale behind it; if a man known as Gwanghwa-fool ro's has even removed the four saseo 3, that alone is far from ordinary..."

"It's unusual for a high commander to reveal the horse's tail."

"Is the interest in Do Tong Dal only because it is sought after, or..."

I was able to figure out what Ko Chan-young didn't say this time.

"Are you interested in the man? I'll have to see more of that."

Ko Chan-expression young's was filled with astonishment.

"The sun will rise westward." Ruju-sama is taken with his man."

"It's nothing more than a passing fancy."

"What made Do Tong Dal so unique?"


It's sufficient if you owe money or anything else. Yeon-jayeon was a person who had only a casual connection.

"only... eyes... I'm not sure."

Do Tong-eyes dal's never left his thoughts as he defended her by shielding the flowing bottle with his entire body.

A look in his eyes appeared to tell him not to fear, that he would never be injured, which was soothing in and of itself.

I longed to look into those eyes again. She wanted to be certain that what she was experiencing was genuine.

"I have to go pay my bills."

After having a bath, Do Tong Dal drank tea.

"Do you like the outfits I made for the visitor?"


Do Tong-dal appeared like a youthful master of a specific house when he put on the blue attire.

"I'll clean it up and return it."

"Just put it on. Is the tea to your liking? "

"The best Seolhyang tea is a waste for a rogue like me."

Yeon-jayeon was a little taken aback. Few people know about Seolhyang tea, a Yunnan Province delicacy, and even fewer know how to enjoy its bitter taste.

'He's nothing like a black society.'

Do Tong-dal poured tea into Yeon Ja-cup yeon's as she was contemplating. Offering the third tea after twice washing it indicates that you understand how to consume Seolhyang tea.

"When you go, I'll offer you some seolhyang tea."

"Give me food instead of pricey seolhyang tea." It is preferable to be full than to be tongue-tied."

"Would you then prefer some money?" ah! I had no intention of creating an error. Quit believing that since you have received grace, you must repay it."

I considered it my iron rule not to make mistakes with my mouth, and I've followed it to this day. Unfortunately, something was not steady in front of Dotongdal.

I attempted to make up my mind by saying again and over, 'It's not like me at all.'

"If you believe it is my job, please do me a favour."

"If only I could hear."

That will be the simplest if all you desire is money.

'But what about me?


Her inconspicuous nape of the neck got slightly crimson.

"The elderly man driving the cart."

I barely caught a glimpse of her, but I couldn't place her face.

"Who is that elderly gentleman?"


"Have a look at the old man. You must have already been startled, but losing your job is too pathetic."

"Is that all you desire?"


"I've had therapy, good clothing like these, and even a wonderful bath, so I don't want anything else." You also consumed the best seolhyang tea."

Yeon Ja-yeon, while being just thirty years old, has been through the entire process of delivery.

The fact that she acquired this type of juru at the age of 30 indicates that she is unique.

Do Tong-dal eluded Yeon Ja-yeon, who prides herself on having a more accurate eye for people than anybody else.

An eighteen-year-old Black Society member. Yeon Ja-yeon, on the other hand, appeared to be dealing with someone much older than herself.

'I'm not sure if this individual was rushed because he came from a black society.'

The genuineness emerged from the concept.

"You're a kind guy."

Dotongdal motioned with his hand.

"Well, thank you very much. I just showed the excellent ones out of all my many faces. I'm not a decent person, and I don't intend to become one. It's a racial society."

"So I'm looking forward to witnessing the negative side at some point." If I drink, will I be able to see you? "


"Let us set the table for drinking. Today, a potter deserves to be treated properly."

"It appears that not today."


"I'll cover the cost of my first drink at Cheonsangru." It is a success."

I preferred the man with pride.

"May I serve you first if you come as a guest?"


When I stated that, I was astonished. Since opening Cheonsangru, he has never had to wait on clients.

Even when a rich guy came with money because he fell in love with her attractiveness, he did not violate that precept.

"It's a great honour for me."

Do Tong-dal departed after uttering a few more things, stating he had stuff to do. For the first time, he realised that someone's vacant seat could be that empty.

"It appears like the biggest crisis of my life has arrived."

Do Tong-dal, who had broken up with Yeon Ja-yeon, accomplished the job that needed to be done at Cheonsangru that day.

After completing the computation, he placed the bamboo strip in the bag, and Wang Chil emerged, his complexion brightening.

"My eldest has already emerged and is waiting for you." "I have to go to work immediately."

"That is completed."


"Can't you just figure out how many goods there are and match the price?"


"OK, but how do you know?"

"You have to be that mindful because I'm serving my brother."

"Heh heh... Why do you like me more and more?"

"Isn't the Seoil-ro gaming house up next?"

"okay. I believe I'll be able to live my final years as a rogue thanks to you."

* * *

"Mr. X! What sort of canine is this? "

Wang Chil stormed into the office, yelling.

Seo Wang-soo, who was cutting his nails, sprung to his feet and inquired.

"What exactly is it, Brother?"


"That scumbag, Gwanghaebong, is going to consume the entire Cheonsangru!"


"Are you in charge of the Baekdong branch?" Don't you already have money? "

"They claim they're going to devour us all!"

"Isn't it too severe, no matter how much Gwang Hae-bong is the chairman's brother-in-law?" It can't possibly happen, can it? "

Wang Chil sighed and took a seat in his chair.

"I'm sorry the warden is so frail. Mr. X."

"At least they're putting adhesive on their mouths," says Cheon Sang-ru.

Wangchil's cigarette smoke spread thickly and then scattered.

"Cheonsangru's position oddly crosses the border between Haeranghoe and our Jeokhohoe." The branch must do all possible to safeguard itself, but this is tough in a circumstance when we are spreading out. It's not completely irrational, but... … Eh-! "

It was a ruse to summon Gwanghaebong's ship by claiming that it was Haeranghoe, with whom he was at odds.

Do Tongdal, who was hearing on the other side, said.

"Even though it's a branch, you can't take the marine office's shares, can you?" There are also a lot of sham marine offices."

"Whoever comes in now knows everything." Anybody who hears that will think I've been rolling about on this floor for ten years."

'I've been rolling for 42 years.'

"So he gave us a shot. Protect the Holy Tower if you have the capacity."

"How did your luck turn out?"


"There's a golden old man..."

Seo Wang-soo was taken aback when he heard the title.

"Are you the elderly guy who borrowed 15 hermits from Baekdong Branch and never returned them?"


Originally, interest was connected to interest, so it climbed to fifty nyang, but due to the awful gold old man experienced, he was reduced to receive just fifteen nyang.

"Well, he stated he didn't have any money and was going to tear it off, but he threatened, coerced, and beat him so hard that he didn't die, but he didn't come out with a single copper penny."

"But what about the old guy in gold?"

"If we acquire 15 hermits from that old guy, he'll acknowledge our skill and commit Cheonsangru to us." "Mr. X! How can we get what they couldn't? They're attempting to cover up our marine office as inept."

"If you think about it, isn't the Baekdong branch likewise inept?"

"What am I supposed to do? This floor is a fucking realm where power is the fundamental rule."

"Isn't it ridiculous to claim that if you collect 15 hermits, we'll give you ours? I wonder if I can give you anything fresh as a prize."

Wang Chil's attention was drawn to Do Tong Dal, who had spoken.

"Are you going to inform the president?"


Do Tong-dal rose from his seat, as if he genuinely wanted to depart; if it was all finished, he had a sudden notion that he may go to headquarters.

"Where are you going, madman?"

"That jerk is attempting to swallow what's in his mouth, but he can't."

"What's the point?"

"If you obtain 15 nyang from old man Geum, you're asking us to entirely give over Cheonsangnu to our Gwanghwa-ro Maritime Office, right?"

"Would you take the bet, Chairman? There's no way."

"I'm not sure, Chairman, but will Gwanghaebong come over? It's just a hungry pig."

"How do you know Gwanghaebong so well?"


"neath... As a Hangzhou local, I heard it via gossip."

Wang Chil's countenance became solemn.

"hmm. Gwanghaebong might be the answer. It will come over if you gently scratch it with a tiny firm clam."

It was a joke, but I didn't bother fixing it. Wang Chil did well by knowing simply the two characters.

"Well, give it a shot."

According to Seo Wang-soo.

"Everything is wonderful, Hyung-nim, but isn't there the largest problem?"



"What if I can't get the elderly man to give me 15 hermits?"

According to Do Tong Moon.

"I accept responsibility for that."

"you? how? "

"Everything has a way, so obtain a promise from Gwang Hae-bong, and it should be written, not just a verbal commitment, since Gwanghaebong is a person who says two or three things with one mouth."

"Are you sure you've never heard of Gwanghaebong?"

"I heard rumours. I heard rumours."

Wangchil inquired once again.

"Tong-dal, you know you can obtain money from the gold old guy, right?"



"Well, then I'll strike a deal with Gwanghaebong and return!"

* * *

Seo Wang-soo wore a scowl on his face.

"What... Excuse me?"

"I made a commitment to Gwang Hae-bong. "I even put my handprint on the paper," Tongdal claimed.

"Not at all! What if I'm unable to obtain the funds from the old man? "

"I stated that I hanged my wrist."

Seo Wang-soo yelled.

"What if I put my money on a wager that has a remote probability of winning?" Do you believe Gwanghaebong's bastard will handle it? He grinned and said he was going to use an axe to cut off his toes! "

"I suppose so."

"That's correct, isn't it?


Wangchil leaned his chin against the desk, looking at Dotongdal.

"He's going to get it."

"No, does it make sense to wager your brother's hand on a fresh horse that has only been in the stable for a few days?"

Wang Chil burst out laughing.

"Tongdal risks his life for everything, therefore I have to walk by the wrist at the very least."

Wang Chil inquired of Do Tong Dal.

"Can you guard my wrist?"

"Maybe... Would you?"

Seo Wang-soo let out a sigh.

"It flew off, brother's wrist flew off."

* * *

Do Tong-dal was aware of this episode since it was known as the most embarrassing event since the establishment of the Baekdong Branch.

In the end, the old guy did not repay the money and even hurried away at night, skirting the Baekdong branch.

If a usurer who has lost 15 nyang loses even the debtor, doing business will be extremely difficult.

As the complete circumstances of the Gold Elder Fraud Case were exposed, the Baekdong branch was further tarnished.

They talked about Old Man Gold's endurance and the folly of Baekdong Branch at the time, but this time will be different since Do Tong-dal knows the entire tale.

Do Tong Dal, Wang Chil, and Kang Busong went to the old man's house, while Seo Wang-soo dropped out because he couldn't witness Wang-chil chopping his wrist and Jo Pyong-do stayed at the office because he felt Do Tong-dal would make him sick.

Wangchil kept glancing towards Dotongdal, who appeared unconcerned from his expression.

'Because it's not because his wrist became entangled.'

I came saw an unwanted face at the elderly man's residence after stepping around a corner.

"Brother, you're running late."

Gwanghaebong was the laughing pig at Heoyeon's table.

"You're not required to come all the way here."