
Chapter 44

Music recommendation : Billie Eilish - No time to die....


"You look beautiful," Travis praised her as they got into the car. 

"You, too," she replied and she wasn't bluffing. He really looked good in his navy blue well tailored suit and white inner shirt. She noticed their outfit complimented each other and she could only wonder if Travis didn't feel awkward by it as he was the one that selected their clothes.

The ride to the event was silent as Travis was on his phone, one minute he was typing, the next minute he was calling someone as regards the event. Olivia wondered what kind of event it was as he didn't mention anything to her about it, all she knew was that there was an event. 

She didn't even know if they were over dressed or under dressed for the event but she could trust Travis sense of fashion because he always knew what was trending and invoke.

When the car turned into an estate, Olivia found herself looking outside. It was a bit dark but the estate lighting was top notch and Olivia could tell this wasn't an ordinary estate plus the decor felt quite familiar to her.

 Why did it feel familiar to her? Had she been here before? Well she had visited a lot of estates in the area so maybe this was one of those estates she nearly concluded until they passed through a gate with Klar written boldly on the top.

The Klar's mansion, she had been here once with Sarah when she was still head over heels in love with Stephan or was it her obsession that drove her that day to beg Sarah to please let her see Stephan by all means. 

When they had gotten to the gate, the guards had not wanted to let her in but Sarah had reassured her that she was a friend. Even now they stopped the car to demand for the tickets. 

So it was Stephan's event, was it his company's event? And when did he move back in? Wasn't he staying at his pent house? She wish she could ask Travis about it but with the questions piling up she was sure Travis was going to get the wrong impression of the situation.

She decided to shut her mouth and just observe plus she was sure she would see Dawn, she might ask Dawn instead that's if they even get to talk and to think of it she didn't feel comfortable in Stephan's presence especially when Dawn was next to him.

Truly she was over him but she wasn't over the fact that Dawn took him away from her without even lifting a muscle, all she had to do was show her pretty face and Stephan was hooked like a lost puppy.

She wished Dawn had never come back when she did and even if she had, she should have never taken her to that party. The whole thing annoyed her so much.

"Shall we?" She heard Travis voice finally in a long time as he offered her a hand after he stepped outside, she took the hand slowly coming out of the car as flashes of lights beamed from different directions.

She tried to use her hands to cover a face but the bodyguards covered her and Travis instead.

"Mr Travis, is this your girlfriend?" Olivia heard one of the camera man asking as he kept snapping them non stop as they walked into the building.

"Is she your wife? She looks pregnant." Another yelled.

"Pregnant whore," his colleague chuckled and this time Travis signaled one of his bodyguards whispering something into his ear. It didn't take long for the bodyguard to fish out the camera man who said that and chase him out of the event. 

The others getting the whole scenario decided to keep their mouth shut especially when it came to the word pregnant and any abusive word.

They wondered who the hell was this woman that Mr Travis had brought to the event , that he was protecting so much. They couldn't really capture her face fully as the bodyguards seemed to be protecting her but one of them could tell that she looked familiar.

"Isn't this Stephan's woman?" The lady mumbled to herself instructing her camera man to snap any angle he can get of her. If she was truly Stephan's woman this was going to be hot gist for their newspaper next week and she was at the verge of getting fired so this was definitely a good back up plan to secure her job.

"You made it," Sarah smiled sighting them as they stepped into the hall. A lot of people were everywhere and they were dressed to kill for sure, from their head to their heels were expensive materials and accessories.

"Yeah," Travis smiled hugging Sarah. "I thought you won't come after the Dawn incident," Travis added.

"I actually went to see her eventually," Sarah smiled. She had gone straight to Dawn's house and met Dawn dressed in some baggy looking clothes and making lunch in the kitchen. Dawn was shocked to see her and offered her a hug.

"Hey, you didn't have to come here." Dawn told her shaking her head still in disbelief that she actually drove all the way to her.

"What do you mean by that? I am really angry at you," Sarah confessed to her.


"You just left without even talking to me about it, when clearly we had concluded that whatever happens you will inform me."

"I am sorry, I was really not myself when I left," truly Dawn wasn't herself when she left. She had cried her eyes over the night thinking about what she was going to do now, the more she cried the more she realized that she loved Stephan and that was why this was affecting her so much.

How and when did she fall for him? Her heart was tore between her baby and this heartless man.

"So what? You are just going to stay here away from us."

"He clearly doesn't want the baby and I don't want to get rid of the baby, I don't think I can just get rid of it, I have always wanted to have a child and I know it's too soon but all the same I want the child."

 Sarah didn't know what to say but in all she wanted to be here for Dawn but no matter how angry she was she knew it wasn't Matteo's fault. This was all Stephan's decision and no matter how Matteo try to talk to him, she doubted he will listen to any of it as he was a very stubborn man.

She decided not to prolong the talk or make Dawn start thinking of things but she had to commend Dawn for talking the matter with caution. She seemed gentle and relax or was it just Sarah's view apart from her puffy eyes which Sarah was sure she had cried out she seemed relax.

They talked about the way forward and Dawn wanted to just relax a bit before figuring it all out.

"What is wrong with Dawn?" Olivia asked Sarah who had not looked at her once.

"She is going well," Sarah replied. "I will go to Matteo, feel at home." Sarah said leaving them alone.

"Is Dawn okay?"

"She is fine, just pregnant," Travis said holding her hands as they walked slowly into the hall. 

"Pregnant?" Olivia questioned not understanding the statement, was Dawn cheating on Stephan then got herself pregnant? She wanted to laugh but she stared at Travis instead.

"She is pregnant Olivia," Travis repeated as he smiled at some guest who were nodding to greet him.

"For who?" Olivia asked.

"What do you mean for who?"

It was exactly what it meant because when she was with Stephan he was always cautious when it came to sex, it was so safe that he had gotten a nurse to give her some shots every month. The only thing was he always use protection even when she had asked him to do it bare, he always refused.


"It is for Stephan ofcourse," Travis replied shaking his head. He wasn't planning on getting involved in all of these but this was Olivia. It was best to tell her now than wait for her to torment him with questions.

Olivia was about to ask something when a young man joined them smiling at both of them as he offered a handshake to Travis.

"Your face is getting scarce," the man said as Travis took his hand.

"You can't blame me, I have been occupied with work," Travis smiled at the man.

"And who is this lovely damsel?" The man asked staring at Olivia.

"This is Olivia, Olivia Hemlocks," Travis introduced her as the man offered his hand. When Olivia took it she thought it was a handshake but instead he brought it to his lips slowly and when his lips touched it he stared at her with a grin dropping her hand down slowly.

"Such a beautiful name, my name is..."

"I don't think she will be needing your name," Travis cut in and got a chuckle from the man.

"Is she the one? Is that why you are protecting her?" The man asked but got no reply from Travis, he smiled at both of them again nodded and walked away winking at Olivia.

If Olivia didn't know how things worked in events like this, she would think Travis was protecting her but truly it wasn't her he was protecting but his ego. It wouldn't be nice if a man just came and took away the woman in his hand and now not just any woman but the one carrying his child.

She stood next to Travis as another man came and this one seemed less concerned about her presence and from the little she could pick up from there talks. They were talking about business.

Was this what she was here for to just stand beside him while he bickered about business and boring marketing stuffs, she signalled a waiter passing by with wine glasses 🍷, she took one and was about to place it to her lips when Travis jacked it from her placing it back into the tray.

"Get her water," Travis said as the waiter looked at him confused. "she has had too much to drink already."

"Okay Sir," the waiter nodded walking towards the bar to get the water.

Seriously, Olivia felt like crying her eyes out. 

"Can I at least go and pee?" She whispered into Travis ear as he nodded at her. She happily left his sight asking one of the waiters on her to direct her to the nearest rest room.

When she got to the rest room, she decided to check her make-up. Was Dawn really pregnant for Stephan? So he wasn't ready to have a child with her but he was ready to have one with her sister. She still couldn't believe it. She had to see Dawn to be sure about it.

When she was sure her makeup was okay, she entered the toilet to pee. As she was peeing, she heard the door open as light giggles were heard.

"I heard she was also fucking Stephan."

"She is just a cheap slut, she looks pregnant."

"Maybe she is, I doubt she even knows the real father of her child."

"Same thing I was thinking of, when all she has been doing is fucking left and right."

The ladies chuckled loudly this time, Olivia could hear them opening and closing their purse  and she guessed they were touching their make-up.

She flushed the toilet and came out shocking them as they stared blankly at the mirror.

"Two lunatics, at least check to be sure you are not alone next time," 

"We are only..." the lady barely spoke as Olivia slapped her, as a fight erupted immediately between them as they screamed at each other dragging each other by the hair.