
Chapter 43

“Have you done a pregnancy test? We can have Sarah confirm your suspicion.”

“Actually, we already did the test.” Dawn said rising up and going to get her bag in the closet. Where she had placed the test result she had gotten from the hospital, she came back and handed it to Leonard. He adjusted on the bed and sat at the edge opening the envelope as he read the content of the paper inside. She sat at the edge of the bed next to him waiting for his reaction as he went through the details of the paper.

“When was this test conducted?”

“Earlier today when Ivy was rushed to the hospital, Sarah had suspected it and we did a test to be sure.”

“Was this what you were trying to tell me earlier in the office?”

“Yes, I was nervous.”

“What have you decided on as regards this?”

Dawn stared at Leonard who was still staring at the paper, she had expected him to flare up but he seemed calmer and they were even having a conversation. Was this normal? And the more she looked at him she couldn’t tell what was going on in his head. Now she wished she could read minds.

“I want to keep the baby but I am not trying to say I want to tie you down to the child, I am just saying that this is what I want.”

“Very well then,” she heard him mutter.

“Are you saying you want the baby as well?” Dawn asked just be sure what he meant by that.



“If you are planning to keep the baby, it only means that our contract will be nullified.”

Did he just say contract, the word brought back images of all that had happened in the past briefly to her mind. She remembered while she was at the hospital she had mentioned the contract but Stephan had told her not to bother about it and over the few days they had spent together she had totally forgotten about the whole contract thing.

At some point she felt he truly cared about her or maybe love her but it seemed all this while everything they had was tied to the contract, what was she even thinking? It seemed she had fallen for him and forgotten about her own self in the process.

About the life she had before she met him, she had forgotten about her house, the driver and even Blaire. Now that Olivia was locked up in Travis house, how were they fairing? With the situation on ground now, it meant that she had to go back to her house because she definitely couldn’t stay like this. It also meant that her job had to come to an end in Stephan’s company.

“You are breaking up with me?” why was she even putting it that way? It wasn’t like they were in a relationship or something. He was basically just in a contract relationship with her. “Do I need to sign a paper or something?” 

“Yes, I will have Eric get you the paperwork tomorrow morning,” Stephan replied. “Is there anything you need before you…”

“No, I have everything I need,” Dawn replied standing up and going back to bed with her back facing Leonard, was this it? Was this the end? Was he really going to put everything to an end because of a child. His fucking child, their baby. Whether he loved her or not this was his baby, couldn’t he like process the whole thing before finalizing on it like this.

Dawn didn’t know when a low sob escaped her lips as tears filled her eyes, she sniffed silently and cleaned her teary eyes as she heard the door of the room open and close. She hadn’t even noticed when Stephan had left the room, she had felt a dip in the bed but she thought he wanted to go back to sleep.


 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 


Olivia was slowly beginning to accept the fact that Travis was not going to let her out of his sight, for the first week she had been trying all her best to get out of the house but it was of no use eventually she decided not to struggle any more not like she was even getting the strength to every minute she felt weak and in the morning,  she always felt sick for no reason.

Yesterday, she had vomited and started crying for no reason. It was so embarrassing for her. Was this how being pregnant felt like? She didn’t have the energy for mixed emotions.

Travis was barely at home and even when he was he barely said anything to her, he only asked if she was okay and if she needed anything from him but today when she had come to eat breakfast she met him in the dinning eating.

He rose to his feet immediately, adjusting the seat for her to sit down. She took the seat.

“How was your night?” Travis asked her, taking his seat next to her. Travis had been so occupied with work lately he barely had anytime for Olivia but he always checked in on his guards to be sure everything was going on well at home as she had been a handful over the past week

“It was alright,” Olivia replied dragging the chicken pepper soup to her. Spicy food had suddenly become a thing she enjoyed eating in the money, it’s kind of helped with the vomiting. Plus, it tasted so good, she noticed Travis was also served the pepper soup as well.

“A nurse will be here to check on you, I heard you have been having difficult sleeping,” Travis said and Olivia could only wonder who had told him that because she had not mentioned it to anyone of late. The truth was she was starting to feel lonely and the loneliness was turning into depression and insomnia. 

She didn’t have anyone to talk to and being locked up didn’t give her access to the kind of life style she was used to, partying, drinking and shopping.

“I don’t need a nurse, I am fine.”

“It is not a question.”

“I really just need to get the fuck out of this house.”

“Fine, then I will have a dress sent to your room. We will be attending an event tonight.”

Olivia opened her mouth to say something but she closed it back instead, she didn’t want to go to any event with Travis but on second thought it meant she would get to dress up and maybe drink alcohol if Travis isn’t watching.

“And no alcohol,” Travis blurted out as she nearly choked on her pepper soup. She took the serviette close by and cleaned her mouth with it, she felt Travis hand on the side of her lips as he cleaned some crumbs of the chicken off.

“How is your girlfriend?” Olivia asked.

“I don’t have one at the moment,” Travis replied.


X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x  x x x x x x x 


“Is Dawn still in bed?” Sarah asked when they all started packing their things into the car, earlier when they were eating breakfast she had noticed Dawn didn’t come to eat she figured she was still sleeping but even now that they were packing their things did she sleep for that long. It didn’t make sense to her.

“She had a change of mind,” Stephan bluntly replied as he signaled his men to pack the boxes into the boot of the car. They didn’t need to pack much, all they needed was already in their house.

“Change of mind?” Sarah asked staring at Matteo. “Did she tell you about the baby? You sent her away?”

“I didn’t send her away.”

“I can’t believe this nonsense,” Sarah snapped. “So, you are just going to abandon her because she is carrying your child, where is she right now?”

She waited for an answer from Stephan or Matteo but either of them was willing to say anything and she knew for a fact that Matteo was aware of the current situation because when she had left them alone they were discussing about something and she was sure it was about Dawn.

How didn’t she notice that Dawn was packing out of the house? She wasn’t much of a sleeper so how come she didn’t hear the noise in the house.

“Where is she?” Sarah asked again already getting angry with the silence.

“She went back to her house” Matteo replied her reaching for her hand as Sarah snapped his hand off. 

“I am not following you two dick heads so you better return my things back into the pent house,” Sarah informed them walking back into the pent house, she reached for her phone in her small purse to dial Dawn’s number immediately. Did she really go to her house? With the state that she was in right now, it was very dangerous for her to be alone.

She thought Stephan loved her and cared for her but it seemed she was mistaken, she had mistaken his care and affection for love. What was she thinking?

When she got back inside she went straight to Stephan’s room to be sure Dawn had really left the house because she couldn’t still believe it, when she got in she noticed her things were still in place but her favorite handbag wasn’t there. Sarah dialed her number but it kept saying switched off. Why was her phone switched off?

She rushed out and signaled her driver to take her straight to Dawn’s house as she kept calling Dawn’s number but it still wasn’t going.


X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


“Madam,” Blaire shouted at the sight of Dawn coming down from the car since the little misunderstanding between the two sisters the house was left vacant, Blaire wasn’t bothered as she was still getting her monthly pay but at some point, she started to miss them.

She hugged Dawn happily as Dawn hugged her back.

“How have you been?” Dawn asked as Blaire collected her handbag from her.

“Fine, I have missed you,” Blaire confessed staring at Dawn who looked really different. It was definitely are dressing because she wasn’t wearing her usual baggy clothes but a well tailor suit and heels. She looked around but she noticed Dawn didn’t come with any luggage’s, did that mean that she wasn’t planning to stay a while but only came to visit.

“I have missed you too.”

“You say that but you never for once called me”

“I apologize for that, when last did Olivia come here?”

“I haven’t seen Miss Olivia in a while, she actually calls once in a while to check in on me and the last time she came here. She came with some Mister Travis to pack her things,” Blaire explained. “I think he is her boyfriend.”

Blaire had not been surprised to see Miss Olivia with a man, it wasn’t a new thing but when they started packing her things she concluded that she finally had a boyfriend.


“let’s go inside,” Dawn said as they went inside holding each other and discussing about the things that had been on going when Dawn was away.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


When it was noon, Olivia barely did anything as she had someone do her make up and as well get her dressed for the event. Travis had gotten her a navy-blue gown with a white fur jacket, at first Olivia was debating whether to wear the gown or not the gown was fitted and revealing her stomach but when she was handed the fur jacket she decided she could rock the outfit.

“You look beautiful.”