
All Heavens Unlimited Base

Unlimited Base? What is this? 【You can get Technology Trees from Various Worlds, and produce and upgrade your own Weapons. 】 Snapped! (Snaps fingers) Understood! The World of Resident Evil? Scanning! 【Congratulations, you have obtained the Technology Tree of Umbrella Corporation, which can make Biochemical Weapons. 】 The World of Fallout? Scanning! 【Congratulations, you have obtained the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel Technology Trees, which can make Power Armor and Synths. 】 The World of Command & Conquer? Scanning! 【Congratulations on getting the Scrin Alien Technology Tree, this Planet can no longer accommodate you, so get out to Outer Space...】 The World of Mad Max? Scan... Uh, there seems to be nothing to scan, so let's kill! Get rid of those savage and bloodthirsty beasts!! This is my Base, my Legion! Using the Command Points, to Conquer the Heavens!! **DISCLAIMER** This is not my novel credits go to Author 镜大人 (Kagami). I am uploading my own translated version since this book is yet to be on this website. If the original author has an issue with this I can take it down. Upscayl was used on the original cover. [NOTE:] The Author never finished this book, so it's incomplete. His current active work is The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars and this book came before it. Expect it to be not as polished as that one. I will not translate this as much compared to the other book for these reasons, so expect slow updates. Link to Original Book: qidian.com/book/1016836046/

Sean_Morabito · 映画
19 Chs

Speed ​​of Life and Death

The thick clouds that cannot be seen at a glance in the sky are changing! An extremely huge vortex-shaped storm is forming at a speed visible to the naked eye. The diameter of this vortex may be tens or even hundreds of kilometers, and from this angle, one can almost only see a giant wall of countless yellow dark clouds!!

In this vortex, countless lightnings are constantly flashing. The frequency of the lightning is getting higher and higher, and the intensity is getting stronger and stronger. Even through the clouds, it is extremely dazzling!

What's even weirder is that in the center of this terrible storm, a green light began to shine! Even Chunyu Yan's face reflected a green color.

In front of this destructive scene, Chunyu Yan was completely stunned. Immediately afterwards, a huge meteorite fell from the sky pulling green clouds, and as he watched helplessly, it knocked down a high-rise building a few kilometers away. Completely blown into ruins!!

After the building began to disintegrate and countless flames began to rise, boom!! Only then did a deafening explosion reach my ears! Accompanied by a very obvious earthquake!

Fear seemed to grab Chunyu Yan's heart directly with a big hand. After witnessing this scene, he turned around and ran away without hesitation! Although he didn't know where he was going, he just knew that he must not stay here any longer, staying in this high-rise building, he could only wait for death!!

He kicked open the door and rushed out, only to see that the corridor was already in a mess, with countless men and women rushing towards the elevator, crying and shouting. Obviously, he was not the only one in the audience for the horrible scene just now! Chunyu Yan tried his best to push through the crowd and ran towards the stairs. The elevator was hopeless, and the stairs were the fastest at this time!

Boom! Boom!! Explosions continued to be heard outside, and it was obvious that the terrible scene just now was being repeated! Only then did Chunyu Yan understand what kind of Meteor Shower it was that made the Country make the decision to abandon an entire City. Obviously, this has already happened again! Right where you are!

[Trial mission is open, after completing the trial, the experimenter will officially become the experimenter. ]

[Mission 1: Arrive at the Fourth Basement Floor of the building within 10 minutes. ]

[Mission success reward: Elementary Physique strengthened once. ]

[Punishment for Mission Failure: No punishment required, you will already be dead by then. ]

A voice appeared in Chunyu Yan's mind very abruptly, but the current situation did not allow him to think too much. He didn't even think about where the voice came from. Now all he could think about was how to escape, and this voice just gave him a direction!

Four floors underground? Well, although I don't know what the situation is, the basement is obviously safer in the face of such Natural Disasters. Just 10 minutes? Chunyu Yan rushed into the corridor and almost collapsed seeing the big characters '48F' on the wall!

Even with Chunyu Yan's body that had been trained on the streets for a long time, it would be ridiculous if he wanted to go down from the 48th floor to the 4th floor in 10 minutes! You know it's full of people everywhere now!

But so far we can only fight! Now the situation outside has completely collapsed. There is no doubt that from the information conveyed by the voice suddenly coming from inside the head, you can understand that maybe your life really only has 10 minutes left, and it is very likely that after 10 minutes, there will really be a meteorite like just now hitting this building!

Thoughts were spinning, but Chunyu Yan kept running between the stairs without stopping. He only goes down half of the stairs on each floor, and then immediately jumps from the railing to the next floor, so that it only takes him a few seconds to go down the next floor!

However, this is the 48th floor, and Chunyu Yan's current body is not the same as before, fortunately, this body is obviously the type that often goes to the gym, and the body is well maintained, so it won't stop after a few strokes. In normal times, such a handsome, sunny, young and wealthy person would definitely attract beautiful women. Well, there was one of them upstairs, but she was struck to death by lightning.

The 15th floor...14th floor...13th floor...Chunyu Yan's physical strength was almost exhausted, his heart was beating violently, and the T-shirt he grabbed casually when he went out was already soaked in sweat, he tried his best to adjust his breathing, but for fear of letting it out, could no longer.

Chunyu Yan took a deep breath, summoned up his strength again, jumped up to the next floor with a sudden jump on the railing, and then continued to rush down level by level. The further he went down, the more people there were on the stairs, and he had to push people away several times to continue down. There was even a man who was pushed down and wanted to rush up to fight him but was slapped aside by Chunyu Yan, and then he continued to go down.

3rd floor! Chunyu Yan fell to the ground with a soft thud and was trampled on in the chaos. He hurriedly stood up, leaning on the railing and gasping for breath, sweat dripped from his forehead like rain, which was a manifestation of excessive physical exercise.

The strong desire to survive once again overwhelmed everything. During the ten years he had been an Undercover Police Informant in that small Southeast Asian Country, what had he not seen? Killing on the street, plotting and kidnapping, fighting between Gangsters and even Warlords, and even crawling out of corpses. Compared to that, this exhaustion is nothing!

He struggled to climb up the railing, fell to the next floor in a posture that almost fell, and then continued down!

Just went down to the 1st floor, only heard a loud bang! The whole building shook violently, and large chunks of concrete and broken glass could be seen falling from the window. The building was hit!

Immediately afterwards, there was another loud bang, and a small Meteorite fell from the sky with green smoke, just in time to explode in the crowd of people swarming out! Immediately, a piece of residual limbs and pieces of meat mixed with stones and flames splashed out towards the surroundings!

The crowd around suddenly let out a scream, and the scene became extremely chaotic. Some people wanted to run upstairs, but more people wanted to go down. Suddenly, countless people crowded into a mess.

Seeing that the road here was about to be blocked by chaotic crowds, Chunyu Yan immediately rolled on the spot in a hurry and rolled down the stairs. He was thrown dizzy, but he finally got down to the basement floor.

There are a lot fewer people here than on the first floor. He stood up from the ground, his hands and feet trembling unceasingly. He almost tried his best to stand on the ground, but with his last will, he rolled and climbed down three floors.


So much for the stairs! No fourth basement, no!!

Chunyu Yan's face suddenly became bewildered, and he fell to his knees on the ground, what about the fourth floor? Where? It wasn't until this moment that Chunyu Yan was a little dazed. Things that he hadn't had time to think about at the moment of life and death just now came to his mind. What was the voice in his head? Why did you ask me to come to the fourth basement? Task? What task? Reward? What reward?

The roar of explosions outside is still heard from time to time, as well as the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground. This building is collapsing! Some people started to run down the stairs, and the number of people here gradually began to increase.

Chunyu Yan gritted his teeth suddenly. He was never a person who gave up halfway. He said it was the fourth basement floor, so it was the fourth basement floor!! According to his estimation, there should be about 1 to 2 minutes left, and the fourth underground floor must be found!

He ran out of the stairwell regardless of his trembling legs. This is an underground parking lot. There are already panicked crowds trying to rush out, but they are all blocked in the narrow passage. Some crazy drivers want to hit the car in front of them, however, it doesn't help but make the scene even more chaotic.

Honking, roars, cries, collisions, explosions... Countless noisy noises interweave into a doomsday song.

Chunyu Yan ignored the messy parking lot, he struggled to run towards the elevator shaft in the center of the building, which was his last hope. Maybe the fourth basement floor can only go down by elevator, even if not, the load-bearing structure of this kind of super high-rise building is all around the central structure, most of them are cylindrical structures, if there are more underground buildings, that is only possible is in a central location!

He had just rushed out of the elevator shaft when he suddenly heard a tooth-sickening sound of metal rubbing and roaring, followed by a boom!!! There was a terribly loud noise, followed by a strong shock wave rushing out of the elevator shaft, and the walls around the elevator shaft instantly collapsed!

Chunyu Yan dodged behind a load-bearing pillar for the first time, dodged the deadly shock wave, and then rushed into the smoke without hesitation! The explosion just now was caused by a falling elevator, this is the last chance!!

At the same time, in the extremely huge storm vortex in the sky, a Meteorite shining with green light fell from the sky, and the falling direction of this Meteorite was exactly this hotel building!!

[The building will be completely destroyed after 10 seconds, 8, 7, 6, 5...]

The mysterious voice sounded in Chunyu Yan's mind again, and he didn't care about anything else, so he rushed into the elevator shaft as fast as he could with his last strength! Surrounded by burning fragments of the elevator and fragments of mutilated corpses, he ignored it completely and just rushed to the place where the elevator fell.

This place is already a huge pothole, the bottom is pitch black, and stones and rubble continue to fall from the elevator shaft. It seems that the falling elevator smashed the ground and fell to the non-existent fourth underground floor. Chunyu Yan gritted his teeth violently, leapt forward, and threw himself out.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and the whole ground began to tremble, and then he felt as if his back was hit by a truck!

Under the strong impact, Chunyu Yan completely lost consciousness, and the last picture he saw was boundless explosions, smoke, debris... and... countless Green Crystals?

At that moment, Chunyu Yan didn't see that a silver spot of light suddenly pierced through the endless explosion, and instantly sank into the back of his head!