

Just in case, Alexander actually did check.

Folly apparently is the lack of good sense, or foolishness. So, it could be a foolish act, idea, or practice.

It could also be a costly ornamental building with no practical purpose.

And then there's some theatrics or 'revues' with glamorous female performers as well. Like the likes of the Ziegfeld Follies.

This last one seemed a bit far off yet it's oddly close to the dynamic that he and the girls have.

Theatrics with glamorous female performers. Though most of their "rendezvous" were hardly a spectacle nor musical, for the most part.

Of course, while he was at it... he actually checked foley as well. Cause, why not?

It should have almost been in the same section of the dictionary... but apparently, foley or 'Foley' is actually that much in line with filmmaking terminologies.

After consulting one of his grandfather's books on the topic... Foley is actually considered the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to films, videos, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality.

Interestingly enough, its roots trace back to the sound renditions that were unique during the age of old-timey radios.

A more practical origin of the sound bites before it was optimized and digitized.

At a time when radio narration states that a man is walking... a guy will literally tap shoes near the microphone.

And when thunder is a necessity, a guy will shake a thunder sheet like his life depends on it.

When a character opens or closes a door, some guy will make those sounds happen as they can.

A job that actually extends to the wind chimes effect, closing and opening doors effect... and etcetera.

The original guy that did all that must be this Jack Foley, a sound effects artist, that's credited for why it is all called Foley from there on out.

Obviously in no relation to Axel, but this Jack actually intrigued him more than the so-called Beverly Hills Cop.

Then again, coming to terms with the fundamental difference between folly and Foley was of no actual help...

However, Alexander still felt that it was good to know.

At the very least... it distracted him.

Only that it wasn't for long...


Nonetheless, Alexander had to prepare himself for what was about to happen next.

For there was to be another premiere that he had to get to, for Back to the Future that's going to be in its part two.

Truth be told, he actually didn't have to prepare much. If he did, then what was the point in employing those employees in the first place?

They just need to get their jobs done with Old Sullivan at the helm, while he himself is mostly free for whatever else.

In any case, he needed a suit that suited the occassion... so, a visit to the tailor was clearly in order.

And a rather interesting tailor at that.


Swiftly, they got there.

Though, not that swift since this tailoring place was situated in quite some place in Los Angeles.

Not too fancy and not too conspicuous.

Somewhat hidden, given the twist and turns to spot and reach the corner it was at.

Kinsman. Is what its sign said.

Making it to be the establishment's business designation. Also specifying the type of clients it wants to serve.

Man and kin.

Evidenced by the suits and tuxedos on display. So, this tailor shop is specified as a suit shop in a sense.

However, the kin part doesn't exactly mean that it only tailors to blood-related family members.

For even family businesses fail when it comes to that family-only approach.

Kin is more on the lines of being fellow countrymen... and since the owner is European-ly British, his service would only cater to British gentlemen who are looking to dress well in this city of sins and lost angels.

Which is a bit pretentious in Alexander's opinion. Not to mention that it's still limiting profitability by targeting such an exclusive market.

However, the pretentious owner made an exception for an American-born half-British like him, so this all could be tolerated as an eccentric business at the very least.

It also helped that Old Sullivan has a particularly odd connection with said owner.

Yet they're not exactly friends. More like one is bitter over the other but both maintain civility all the while.

Of course, it didn't take long for Alexander to figure out that it had to do with his grandmother.

Which all seems to be ancient-esque history. One he didn't want to get involved in.

He just wanted to get his suit and get it over with...

Something that would have been made easier if someone else was allowed to pick it up or just have it delivered to his home in convenience.

Unfortunately, Alexander had to respect the final fitting process. His initial measurements weren't exactly that reliable at this puberty phase of his.

Alas, the girls were also quite curious about who his "designer" was, so this all turned into a throuple excursion in some way.

He could only hope that ye olde tailor was welcoming of a Ukrainian girl far from the union and a well-known American child actress.

Both aren't exactly befitting the demographic that Kinsman is fitting for.

Oh, well... it's really just a matter of finding out how the seamster would react.


But, yeah... given his particular eccentricities and all.... the Kinsman owner was actually fine with all of this.

Oddly enough, he seems even more accommodating than he should be.

"So, did you actually do all of Alex's suit work?" Milla asked cause this is the first she'd come to know about this.

As it would seem that her boyfriend didn't actually just straight-out buy and wear from anywhere else.

"I believe so." The old seamster mused with a smile. "Are you disappointed that I'm not someone well-known and well-praised?"

"Just correcting some facts I thought I knew well." Milla said sincerely since she really had to update her personal scrapbook containing data on all things Alex-related.

No joke, cause she really may have one already. If not or not yet, then it's probably on the way and in the making.

"Don't mind her, mister. I just think you're good at what you do. Perhaps even having those guy brands at red carpets beat." Drew was not just flattering here as she added. "Especially the one he was wearing on the very first Back to the Future premiere. You made him look so noble and prince-y that to this day, I call him my prince charming. Hehe."

"Oh, I do the best I can, little miss." The old owner chuckled at the praise but redirected it with an. "However, I only do half the work, it's my client here that completes and actually elevated it."

"Yep, Alex just looks good at everything he wears." Milla attested. Thinking that a photo collage of her boyfriend's day-to-day wear is not a bad scrapbook addition.

"Right! Right!" Drew concurred with her rival in this situation.

"It's like being photogenic but with clothes." Milica chimed again. Thoughtfully adding to maybe buy one of those small photo thingies for her upcoming endeavors.

All the while, Drew actually wondered about her prince charming's prospects in the modeling industry.

The old man, in the midst, just mused at their chirpings. Not minding it too much and finding it quite nostalgic.

Such youth and energy is sure to be missed by an aging bag of bones like him.

Of course, inadvertently, he couldn't help but think back on his childhood.

At a time when he was at these girls' age, chiming about fashion and clothing with his childhood friend.

Which wasn't out of place given that they were children of seamstresses and all the while their co-working mothers worked on dresses.

As a boy, around this kind of environment, he wanted to do what his mother did for a living. Only on more manly apparel, hence his aspirations to tailor suits.

His friend, on the other hand, was on more girly fashion pursuits. Since she was actually a girl. And that this childhood friend was actually his crush.

Ahh... the good, old times.

Through thick and thin, they were together. Not romantically, because he was too afraid to take that step.

But, together in a sense of growing up, learning the craft, and even running a small fashion business.

He was for suits and the like, while she took on dresses and such.

The good, old times... indeed.

Then came along Creed.

The annoying Sullivan Creed.

Wooing his childhood friend, business partner, and long-time crush.

Turning his dear Tina, into Tina Creed.

And turning this good memory into a sad, mellow, and yellow one.

Inevitably, they should have drifted apart. But heartbroken him still wanted to stick close. Going as far as relegating himself to a worker within Tina and hateful Sullivan's family business called Creed Clothings.

Alas, the sad times turned grimmer when another Creed came along. For Oscar's life brought Tina's death.

He couldn't bring himself to blame the young baby but he partially blamed slimey Sullivan for this.

Then again, the widower was in the same but also a worser boat than he is.

In any case, they channeled their shared sorrow into the other thing that their beloved left behind. The business.

Unfortunately, that didn't end well either. Because of the country's politics and the nobility that ruled it.

So, it wasn't just the Creed father and son that migrated. There was him as well.

Languishing so many years in this foreign land but he also hoped for a better life for his fellow men that took the same trip as he did.

Hoping that the reasons for leaving their homeland were not so brought about by the kings and queens and everything in between.

Hence, his establishment of this place, Kinsmen. Suits for countrymen who bettered themselves outside of the royal rule.

And the memory eventually came full circle, with his old self in his shop. Catering to these younglings.

But not just any younglings, for one of them is another Creed in the flesh. With Tina's legacy in him.

A young boy already planning to revive Creed Clothings anew.

But, honestly, his attention to the boy was more than that. More than just a client with an uncanny, aesthetic figure. More than all the praises that sleazy Sullivan sang.

It's more on the great potential he had.

The potential to match and even topple the so-called royal dynasty itself!


The exalted subject all this while was actually just wondering... where is this old tailor's integrity to excluding non-Brits?

At this point, he looked like the girls' personal butler... but with a measuring tape draped over the shoulder.

Come to think of it, this old man was oddly accommodating not just to them but to him as well.

But knowing the history, maybe it's a given.

It's just weird. Especially weirder with this trio commentating and eyingly judging all the while he was checking out his suited form in the mirror.

It's just awkward all around. Fortunately, the out-processing was quick and easy. And that fashion trip was already done for.

In any case, that was Kinsman.

No misconception there because it's really what it's called.

And, unsurprisingly, Alexander had long been "inspired" to use this as an excuse to plunder that tailor-tailored espionage franchise.

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched and obviously controversial topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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