
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · アクション
60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 3

Sorata and ukina were in the training fields as ukina was explaining somethings to him. While sorata was sitting on the ground listening to her, ukina explains to him "Its about time we declared war already! Dont you think?". Sorata responds to her saying "You are the leader, you decide. The only job I and the rest of the gang have is to follow your instructions." Ukina then smiles abit and asks him if he's ready to face kojin, sorata responds by telling her that he has made up his mind that he will kill kojin but it might cost himself to die, he explains to ukina that he doesn't really care what happens to him, as long he has fulfilled he goal, he will be fine. Ukina then explains to sorata telling him that if he and kojin were to go on an all out fight, kojin will win. Sorata then gets an aggressive look on his eyes as he asks her "What do you mean I'll lose?! Are you trying to say I'm weak?!" Ukina then tells him "Its not because of that. If anything, you aren't weak at all. It's just that there are two things that kojin has that you dont have... which are, the experience and the fact that kojin is far more battle crazed" Sorata is abit lost but then asks "What do you mean? You've lost me!". Ukina tells sorata "Looks here, if you and kojin were to go on an all out fight, you will have enough durability and endurance to stand against him. And aside from that, your destructive energy is far more stronger than his.. but there is just one problem. And that problem is that you lack enough experience and will to stand against him." Sorata them responds saying "In other words, you are saying I dont have enough hatred to take him down?!". Ukina tells sorata that he is wrong and that she knows for a fact that he has alot of hatred built up in him but there is one problem and that is he is not crazed enough and lacks experience. Sorata then gets up his feet and says "So what you are saying is that I don't have enough experience and thirst for battle to take him on?" Ukina then responds saying "That's right! Although I've seen alot of your battles and I know how unhinged you are capable of being. But it will not be enough to take out the beast of destruction" Ukina then tells sorata that she has something to help him and that the first things she will do for him is for him to build his experience by summoning B-rank level shadow puppets for him to fight and for him to build enough battle craze, she will have him observe kojin for a while. Sorata smirks in a devilish manner as he says "Is that so?! Oh well that sounds nice" sorata then gets a little confused and asks were kenji has been this whole time. Meanwhile in the iron country were lord Yamamoto was sitting on his table with shouya, Rin and kazu standing in front of him, Yamamoto asks kazu how he has been since he got out of the hospital. Kazu responds "I'm fine now sir. You dont need to be worried about me, and plus, I've been in fighting shape for a month now since I was discharged so I'm fine" they then hear Kenji's voice saying "Is that so?! Well I'm glad my beloved student is feeling alright." Shouya, Rin and kazu along with Yamamoto were shocked as they see kenji sitting beside one of the windows with a smile on his face. They all are ready to attack as shouya begins to shape shift his hands while rin was ready to charge up some sound waves to attack. Kazu summons his sword as he asks kenji what he is doing here and calls him a traitor, kenji just smiled as he responds "Traitor?! That's no way to greet your dear old teacher who came to visit ya know!" Kenji then steps down the window as he tells them that he only came to say hi and tells them a few things. Kazu's sword then begins to glow with yellow energy as he tells kenji "Ohh you'll be telling us all you can in jail!" Kenji then grins as he tells Yamamoto "You haven't told them yet? The reason I decided to betray the iron country! The reason for why I'm doing this." Shouya then tells rin to get behind him but kazu disagrees with him and tells him that he would take kenji on. Kenji then smiles devilishly as he summons his sword cloaked with lightning and tells kazu "Let's dance, as your sensei, I'd like to see how strong you are now". Few seconds later, kazu and kenji burst out of Yamamoto's office with the speed of light, into the streets as they began to clash swords with the impact of wiping a large part of the city and countless buildings with one strike. Kenji and kazu were moving at light speed as they were slicing buildings and destroying the entire city just as they were clashing swords. As this fight went on, kenji kicks kazu across several buildings which forced the buildings to collapse. While kazu was flying across and endless amount of buildings, he gains his balance as he uses his sword to create yellow beams of light and was blasting them at full power at kenji. Kenji seeing this endless rapid fire attacks began to dodge them as fast as he could while maintaining his speed. Kenji then see's kazu above him, as kazu launches himself at Kenji with an incredible speed and uses his sword to hit him, causing a blast of yellow light which basically destroyed the basically the entire city around them. As the smoke clears, kenji and kazu were both seen with their two swords clashed together. As they both began to continue with their sword clash at the speed of light, kenji tells kazu with a smile on his face saying "Well I'll be damned! Your swords skills have increased. As a sensei, I'm proud of you." Kazu responds to him saying "That's surprising coming from a traitor such as yourself."