
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Action
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 2

As alex and kazuki are having their fight against each other, kazuki creates multiple lightning arrows which starts to fire at alex without stopping. Alex on the other hand is running and dodging the lightning arrows as fast as he can while the lightning arrows were just causing explosions and destroying trees. While alex was dodging them, he flash steps behind kazuki to give him a devastating punch as he activated his energy fist(plus 20) and as he was about to land a blow, kazuki summons his lightning sword and smacks Alex a couple of yards away in the training field, making alex fly a couple of yards. After the smoke clears, Alex is seen unharmed and tells kazuki with a smile on his face that he will have to do better than that to beat him, kazuki then responds with a smirk telling alex "I know! that's why I'm about to do this". As kazuki appears behind alex and about to hit him with his purple flames, alex manages to weave it but then kazuki kicks him and then they begin to go back and forth in hand to hand combat. As alex and kazuki were throwing and blocking each other's blows and kicks while showing impressive combat ability, kazuki uses his purple flames and punches alex backwards in order to close their distance and starts to blast fire balls made out of purple flames at rapid fire. Alex then begins to run and dodge them seeing how fast kazuki's attacks were headed towards him. While alex was dodging, son notices that alex hasn't really used any flashy moves and all he has been doing is just using pure combat ability along with a few energy fists, baraka then asks "I'm not sure if anyone else here has noticed but... alex has just been dodging this whole time, and each time he gets close enough to kazuki, he doesn't bother using any technique to hit him at all unless its energy fist". Kinto then responds to him "Alex is trying to work better with combat ability, it's not that he's bad at close combat but he wants to get better at it. After all, he's a assassin, a trained soldier, he is supposed to be good at things like these." Kazuki then fires a very powerful lightning arrow at alex but then alex switched off his energy fist and backfires the lightning arrow by punching it with his bear hands. Serena was abit shocked seeing alex being able to punch lightning with his hands and not using energy at all, she asks herself how alex could have done that without energy at all. Raquel having an inner dialogue saying "That was really risky. He turned off his energy fists?!Why? He could have lost his arm or gotten his arm incinerated! It looks like his physical strength and combat abilities has increased rapidly. But that was risky, and it was his right arm. If he lost his right arm then how would he finger me?! And that's his good arm!!!" Sukuna seeing Raquel abit worried then says to herslf "She's thinking of something perverted again, is she?". While kazuki kept on keeping his distance and was firing lightning arrows at rapid fire, he has a smirk on his face as he says in his inner monologues "I can see what you are doing Alex. You are building up energy within you so that at the final moment you can release a powerful attack all at once, So you switched off your energy and now you are depending on your combat ability by dodging and closing the gap between us, if you wanted then you could have spammed multiple blade of death and flash fists at rapid fire. You even punched my lightning arrow with you're bear hands! That's a menace to society type shit right there." Alex with an incredible speed then appears behind kazuki while kazuki was distracted and then punches him, but kazuki managed to block it as he flew backwards. Kazuki then smiles as he tells alex "You are really insane budy! Honestly, you surprise me by the day, its actually kind of shocking and very impressive at the same time" alex then responds to him saying "Yeah yeah! All I know is that after this fight, you'll just have to admit I'm better than you". Kazuki responded to Alex telling him "Not a chance. And plus you're the one who's going to have to know that I'm better!" Alex and kazuki then charge towards each other as they both were even displaying even more impressive combat skills and abilities than before, they were so good that they were blocking each other's punches and kicks, every single move they both made were canceling each other out. Alex and kazuki then jump backwards as Alex charges up a huge amount of energy and creates a blade of death while kazuki creates his purple flames but with much more power. Serena then yells at them telling them that if they go all out like that, then they'll injure themselves, as Alex and kazuki charge towards each other to land the final blow, tobi comes in out of nowhere and grabs both their attacks with a finger as he then uses a blast wave to push them away which caused an explosion. After the smoke clears with Alex and kazuki laying on the floor looking beat up, tobi laughs at them telling them that if they had hit each other with their finishing blows, then they would have ended up in the hospital. Alex and kazuki then get up annoyed and yells at him as they both say "Are you kidding me right now! Why did you have to spoil all the fun?! Now I wont know if I'm better than him or not". Tobi then responds "Do you guys have your balls in your head or something? You both could have gotten injured" Kinto then asks the rest of the group if they want to get something to eat and everyone agrees to go eat. Tobi then sighs and tells alex and kazuki to do what ever they want as he just zooms off. Alex and kazuki then begin to laugh as they both just lay down on the floor, kazuki then commends Alex on his skills and that they have improved while Alex commends him on how strong he has gotten.