
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · アクション
60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 36

As mori and zora are about to deliver the finishing blow, mori imbuedes a huge amount of energy in his sword as the immense energy starts to overflow all over his body, zora creates a light arrow packed with a very powerful amount of energy. Zora with a grin on his face then says "I'm putting everything into this final blow, so let's go!". Mori then launches his attack called "Divine spear of heaven" in which he creates a large and powerful arrow made out of energy and launches it at zora. Zora on the other hand just smiles as he was able to gather a huge amount of energy into his light arrow and then launches it at mori's attack. As the two attacks collide, it makes a big explosion that wiped out everything in the city. The smoke clears of and zora is leaning on the wall of a building with serious injuries, mori who was able to survive had huge injuries as he was panting heavily. Zora just laughs and says "Well what do you know? I lost. Didn't see that coming.", mori manages to walk to his opponent and says "I never thought I'd win as Well, but I guess I miraculously survived. So why, why did you end up like this? Surely a guy like you couldn't just decide to become a criminal. I could tell from the way you were talking." Zora responds "You're right, I didn't decide to become a villain. Like I said before, it was due to some circumstances." Mori then says "You're about to die, so just say it. From fellow soldier to another. So why did you do it?" Zora just smiles and say "Well it was about three years back, I came from a clan of assassins who went on alot of missions. I also had a younger sister who was as equally as skilled as I am despite the age difference, but she was skilled with swords instead. We went on a mission and some how we failed, and the information we were supposed too secure from the enemy was taken. We failed our mission! The clans head was so angry and furious because for generations, our clan has never had a failed mission. So my sister and I set out to run away. And then we were targeted as criminals!", zora began to cough out blood and just laughs and says "You know its funny, how the bad guys lose even tho they have valid reasons. At some point I met this woman who influenced me to join the dark sign, although she seemed nice and unlike other villainous group leaders, she was really nice to approach. At the end I worked for her and made some friends in organisation. Sorata, kenji, shinki, garou, Kirihai and the rest, we got along coz we all had reasons to be what we were, we were like a big family." Mori after listening to zora then says "And what of your sister? Did anything happen to her?". Zora then says "She's fine, although she takes assassination jobs to gain money for herself. Although I haven't seen her for 3 years, since I was captured and imprisoned " Zora begins to caugh out blood and says "In a few minutes, I'll die. I'm glad I didn't die any gruesome death, that way I can close my eyes and rest. My sister is around the mountains, infact she should be over your age. Tell her I said that she should stay safe and not behave so recklessly, okay?" Mori then says "Sure, I can do that.", zora then slowly closes his eyes and says "Yeah, thanks. Now I can die in peace." Zora passes away while smiling, mori is staring at his corpse and says to himself "How unfortunate! If only bad occurrences never happened, maybe people wouldn't find the need to turn evil. I guess this is the cruel reality we live in." Meanwhile in the city were everything is destroyed due to the battles that occurred, kazuki was walking lifelessly with a traumatised look on his face. He says to himself "So this is what happened! My dad, yuji takanoguro,was part of the prodigy children! He was killed by the higher ups due to his immense strength. My elder brother, shinki. He was adopted and trained by my dad, but due to our father's death, we stayed in an orphanage. I didn't have a mom because she died due to the child birth of me, I'm guessing she was from the spirit clan, my dad didn't have any spirit like abilities. Maybe I got my spirit powers from her. Shinki fled the city at the age of 12 years old to come back to get revenge! Now I see, he wanted me to become stronger so that I would be able to take care of myself, he even went as far as to wipe my memories of him away to think I was all alone, so that I could have the determination to work hard and become strong when I get older. It's all because of this damn city! If the higher ups didn't fear power so much and wanted to have control over it by killing people who are strong, non of this would have happened!" Kazuki then gets a cold look In his eyes and says "Its no wonder diablo was so wary of them and harboured hate towards them. Its because he was once a victim. With that strength of his, i wonder what he went through in their hands!" Kazuki looks around him and realizes that the city is completely destroyed. After looking around him, he says "Wow, this place really is in shambles. The battle that occurred must have been a very devastating one. So what am I to do now? I wonder were Alex is . He's probably somewhere fighting, oh well, I'll find him later." A beam flies straight out of nowhere as it was about to hit kazuki. Kazuki easily slaps the attack away with a serious look in his eyes and asks "Who's there! You aren't even trying to hide your presence!" He see's three people standing on a building, two women and a guy. The woman at the middle who seemed to be wearing a long pink gown then says "Oh dear, I didn't know we were disturbing you. My name is lady rimeta, part of the higher ups of this city and I'm hear to carry out your execution. Kazuki takanoguro of the spirit clan"