MC dies gets reincarnated into Mha with alchemy. The rest is in the novel so enjoy. Yeah the cover isn't mine who would've thought? Chapters get uploaded qhenwver I feel like it, but I'll try to upload one wvery week atleast, maybe more than that.
My god does it feel good to have made this. The philosopher's stone is ready and it's abilities are truly outstanding.
With the help of the transmutation circle on All Mights body I was able to analyze his quirk to some extent and create this 'thing'.
When it's inserted into Gluttony it will have a few effects. Firstly, his hunger will be unbearable and mine will be ripped out of me. I still need to eat but I'll never again feel hunger or starvation.
Secondly, it will give him the power to rebuild his body after death and use the DNA of what he ate for improvements.
If he for example eats a piece of Todoroki and gets burned to his core afterwards, he'll be able to permanently gain Todorokis ice and fire.
His potential is almost infinite at this point. I've also started to experiment with the smaller philosopher's stone and the reaults are amazing too.
I created different chimeras and even demi humans. They can only follow my commands and are truly loyal to me.
They're the perfect tools to get people I can trust into powerful places, at present the only problem is their lack of true EQ.
They're as emotionless as it gets, even more so than me, I know it's hard to believe. While they have those shortcomings they're still good fighters and will be used as weapons until they are able to speak with other people without freaking them out.
I also gained a little power up with the philosopher's stone. I'm able to change my appearance and body structure at any time as long as I hold the stone. It ranges from simple changes like a new haircolor to drastic ones like growing wings or hardening my skin.
I'm sadly not at the level where I can steal quirks but my ablility is similar to Tamakis without the need to eat thing, the only restriction being that I need to know how to modify my body without causing organ failure or instant death.
Now to my future. I've checked the credit card Doc has left for me and it has a limit of 1.000.000 USD so I invested some of it to ensure future income.
I also started buying different identities on the black market. It was pretty easy with all the money I still have left and I planted owl like chimeras near the sellers to look out for snitches under them.
Among the many achievements this week my biggest one is the enrollment into the UA.
Of course I still need to do the test with the robots and avoid using any transmutation circles while at it but with my new servants and the philosopher's stone it shouldn't be a problem.
The reason why I'm enrolling there? I'm ok at my previous worlds martial arts snd stuff because of the sensei and martial artists souls inside of me but I still need to get real fighting experience. And of course the most important reason: Strong people gather there.
If I want data on any strong person then everything I need to do is to wait at this school and strong quirks will swarm me.
It may be possible that I actually only want to go there because all of my big projects take time and I want to have something I can do when I get bored, instead of reading, but that can't be true now can it?
And no I'm not scared of the possibility of the humans of this world learning alchemy. Yes they could figure out wich lines does this and that, but even then unless they learn how to channel the energy of the earths plates movement in their hands they get no reaction from the transmutation circle.
So yeah I'm pretty confident about what I'm doing.
(All Might pov)
All Might was sent to a top security hospital with the best equipment this world has to offer after the attack of a new villain.
Sadly his successor Midoriya was left completely clueless but his believe in All Might is so big that he didn't even think of All Might dying.
All Might was therefore only visited by official and well known friends even his old sidekick Nighteye came to check up on him once he woke up.
After all his friends were gone someone else opened the door to All Mights room and it was a certain mouse like creature.
Nezu comes near All Mights bed and begun to speak.
"Hello friend. I know that you're tired so I'll make it as short as possible"
All Might who's in his small form nods weakly showing Nezu that he can continue.
"We could hide your current state from zhe public but a few policemen saw you. They shut their mouthes for now but you should still be informed"
"We've also made sure to cover up your battle. The public thinks you went on a private another city.Is there anymore you wish to know?"
"Ah did the villain get captured or do you atleast know who he is?"
Nezu looks down on his lap and closes his eyes for a few moments before anwsering.
"No. We got nothing neither himself nor any information on him.
We still don't know anythung about his quirk nor what his goals are."
You could almost hear All Might teeth gnash even though he's weakend, showing just how much anger he feels.
The villain he faced wasn't just a simple evildoer no it was a child and then the pain he felt before getting unconscious.
He heard the voices of dead people crying in his ears blasting into his mind. He doesn't know how but he could understand that these voices weren't just part of an attack, they were part of that boy they must be torturing the boy and they must be the ones making him do the thingd he did.
Even though All Might and the kid were foes his instincts as a hero tell him to save the poor child and redeem it.
"Then what about the people attending the concert what happend to them"
Nezu pulls a laptop out of the tiny bag he brought with him and explains.
There was no real footage from the security cameras but we were able to get a video from space. Luckely a satellite was just above the city when it happend. Though we have the video ,ou should prepare yourself, this is nothing for weak nerves.