
Chapter 17


School was over and I'm set free again from this place, seriously how can a hero school be so boring with such a name, shouldn't there be a lot more I don't know, exercising or fighting?

Well I did hinder the battle part from happening but it's still way too boring for my taste.


Sighing, I walk home while contemplating my choices till now, I don't have guilt or something like that but it's more about wheter or not I did things too impulsive.

I could've done that, this would be easier to accomplish yada yada yada if you think about it I'm able to slow my aging to such a degree that the heat death of the universe will happen before I get even a single wrinkle.

If I really wanted I could play the long game but in the end I decided to take the easy way massacring humans to get enough souls to keep my deal with Doc.

I could've for example tried to ignore Doc's order or find a way to collect souls in a peaceful manner like working in a hospital and from time to time reaping souls.

No need to regret things now, what's done is done, I've already shed enough blood to get me the death penalty even in this anime worls where a person like All for One got only imprisoned.


I open the door to my home and do my usual chores, giving Gluttony food creating a few more chimeras and some research with the basic alchemy books.

A few hours later and my door gets opened again out of it coming Garry, he bows slightly in front of me.

"Boss we encountered All Might and were able to successfully incapacitate him though we suffered heavy casualties. Rat empress has three brocken ribs, shattered leg bones and a few cuts made by debry. Frostfall is still in a coma and we think he might have a head trauma. Scarlet Flesh got away mostly unharmed though a few bones at varying places were broken"

"Bring them inside after our talk, but first you need to tell me how many souls you got and how your fight went"

"Of course Boss! Firstly we got enough souls to qualify as Alchemists, every single one of us. And well the battle ....."

"Good, really good almost perfect in fact and with all the transmutation circles on All Might we can exert some control over him the next few weeks atleast as long as it takes to remove them.

Ahh everything goes as predicted and the next deadly sins can be created sooner or later, anyways get the other alchemists here now."

A sinister smile appears on my face showing just how much I love this feeling of everything going exactly as planned. And to top it all of All Might got defeated not once but twicw by me (my creations).

The transmutation circles on All Might have many features as they were thaught by me to Garry and one of them is memory viewing, through wich I learned that All Mights suspicion of me was a simple matter of Gluttony looking similar to himself before becoming a deadly sins.

With that new intel I decide to concentrate on the human chimeras in front of me and started to operate on them partly with alchemy and partly with medical knowledge I got after deconstructing a few books on medicine.

The surgeries were done without failure and my four horsemen will be ready in a few hours of resting.

The philosopher's stones they brought with them were also truly marvelous with about 34.769 souls inside of them.

My Alchemists seem to be true overachievers and I'm not gonna complain about that.

Now that number of souls seems big and it is but believe me when I'm telling you that I need way more than that for the next deadly sins they will be after all my strongest creation yet, Gluttony has more overall potential though.







The chimeras woke up right now and were a little bit confused but got into their enotionless states again shortly after.

"Good morning sleepy heads, you did a great job"

No reaction huh?

"While you were away on your mission I was able to give chimeras emotions and that's what you're gonna get too now.

Firstly Frostfall here."

I throw a tiny crystaline piece of a philosopher's stone into his hand. The one soul inside belongs to an ex assasin of the mafia with unwavering loyality to whoever pays the most, a perfect fit for me because even if Frostfall gets his former memories he won't betray me as long as I can turn dirt into gold.

"Eat it"

"Yes Boss"

He takes it inside of his mouth and falls back into the bed again afterwards.

"Scarlet Flesh, Garry and Rat empress here you go"

"""Yes Boss!"""

Scarlet flesh's souls belonged to a villain known for her love for chaos, she would kill people to hear their screams and torture men to let their whining resound in her ears, a complete sociopath. But in the end she would follow the one causing the most harm to society and that's well, me.(only if she gets the souls memories wich has a low possibility but better safe than sorry(

Garries Soul belongs to a noble of this age, one of the extreme sort who would've done everything to secure his blood relatives. Now guess wich group of chimeras was created by the blood of a single entity, wow you guessed it right it's my group of alchemists.

Lastly is Rat empress who got the soul of the queen of said nobility, to be quite sure calling the nobility isn't right they're more of a small family with every member having the ability to see a few seconds in the future, a few of them got into Gluttony's stomache as well.

Anyway her personality is that of a sly queen who would've murdered people if it was the best for her survival, so she wouldn't want to get on my bad side if she got her memory back.







With all the people surrounding me taking a nap I think I deserve a nap too!