
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · 書籍·文学
181 Chs

Broken Heart.

It must be said that things turned out bad. Sometimes people will hear new rumors about him here and there that further created an image of a completely loyal follower of Voldemort. By that time and coupled with his lack of interest to change their attitude, Alan became a complete outcast. That, however, didn't give him much headache. He simply let go of all intentions to become friends with anyone here.

It was at this time, when he found a letter on his desk. A letter of invitation from Delacour household and it was more than pleasing to make a visit. Thus he directly went for France the next day in expectation and very eager to see Fleur.

Cab took him to already opened gates where Monsieur was waiting. But there was no Fleur in sight that made Alan a bit unearthed.

Alan walked out, payed the bill and looked at the man closely. He had a worried look, but seems not the one of desperation, so things can't be so bad.

"Alan." - he said and his voice was not very welcoming. - "Come inside, there is something you need to know and see."

They walked through luxurious garden to the mansion where he was escorted to the library.

Monsieur sat behind the desk and kept silent for several minutes with grim look. He seems to be trying to find words.

"Alan. Fleur is ill." - he said finally.

"What? How?" - that was unexpected. What he actually thought will be a long talk of a father not wanting his daughter be with someone having such notorious reputation turned to be very different from the start.

"We don't exactly know, but it started after her birthday. And now there are some alarming symptoms." - Monsieur stood up, approached the cabinet by the desk and removed a bottle of whiskey. - "Want some?"

"No, I'm underage and don't like to drink in general." - Alan said, while the man just shrugged and sat back. - "So what symptoms are we talking about?"

"She said that it is making her forget things and what is more... a very specific person."

"Me?" - there was no need to guess, as a grip of pain and desperation firmly held his already hurt heart. Now... if he will lose Fleur he might as well just leave this world for good. Leave and never come back.

Verga team can do without him. The only reason he kept himself together was her. The smiling girl with sapphire eyes and silky blond hair.

"Yes. For now she forgot just a little about one of your childhood plays, but she seems to be getting worse the more she thinks about you. The more she misses you, the more pain she is feeling." - Monsieur drank a whole cup in one go and pours another.

"What is this curse?" - Alan asked in the voice of someone with a very black mood.

"We have no idea and no one can do anything... I thought... if the symptoms are like so than you can help." - he said.

"Wait, you said it started after her birthday." - Alan raised his eyes that became sharp like swords. - "It was more than a month since than, no? Why did you notified me only now? Why the hell are you, her father, didn't even bother to go through all possible solutions as soon as possible?"

"We thought Ministry and Beauxbatons Academy can solve it."

"And they did shit you dickhead!" - Alan screamed at his face, but looking how pale it became he sat down and took a deep breath. - "I apologize."

"It's fine. Let's go, she is asleep and I believe it is better for you to see her while she is unaware." - Alan clenched his teeth and nodded.

They went through the corridors and eventually stood in front of a room.

"Well, here goes nothing." - Monsieur opened the door and entered with Alan in tow. But the next moment Alan was hit by a powerful beam of red light and sent flying out. His whole body contorted in pain and head spun as salty taste of iron went to the mouth.

"Apolline!" - screamed Monsieur. - "Are you insane?"

"It is because of him! After his gift my daughter is like that! It is that damn thing on her neck!" - she raged and in her hysteria tried to send Reducto at Alan. Without a doubt if he is hit it will be the end, but Monsieur deflected it with timely Protego charm and stared at his wife with incredulity, however deep down he felt guilt.

"Wait, maybe he can heal her! Don't be rash!"

"If he can't, I will kill him right here!" - screamed Apolline. At that moment Alan stood up and directed a bone chilling gaze straight at her. No matter who she is, if she tried to kill him there will be consequences to her actions.

"You better be thankful, that I forced down my reflexive response, otherwise this spell would have being hurled at your face, missis Delacour." - he said with coldness in his voice. - "You are unhurt only because you are her mother. And I won't hurt you, but I can do many other things, if you dare to try that again."

He was in no mood to be compassionate or forgiving. Mother being hysterical over her daughter condition? And even blaming him for it to boot? Where was that so called mother for a month already? She wasn't that interested to contact him before. If she is so sure the reason was his present, than she should have contacted Alan first hand, but she didn't.

And now she cares so much to outright kill him? Bullshit!

Alan ignored her hereafter and looked ahead at Fleur laying on the bed with countenance white as a snow. He bit his lips. His arm was dislocated, but he simply put it in place without as much as a hiss from pain and entered.

"Honey, let's go. I trust Alan won't do anything to her, let's go." - if Alan was in a right state of mind he would notice some strangeness in behavior of Fleur's father, but now he could only see the girl. He didn't even look at the man at all.

"Amalgal. I'm completely clueless." - finally said Alan, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth.

"But I'm not, kid. And I'm sorry. It will be your loss." - finally aged voice sounded in Alan's mind, making his all thoughts go out of control. - "No, she will not die. Let me explain from the start. It is a curse that was used by some not very good Isu on their unfaithful wives. It germinates of memories and feelings of love, making people completely forget their true loved one and even terminate chemical feeling for them. Well... the thing is, it is a death curse that is used to slowly torture and kill unfaithful people. And before you say anything, Isu society varies from yours in more things than you can imagine, so... to us betrayal of a soul partner has rather severe consequences. You can remove it, actually, if it was first week, it could have been done without any repercussions, but they let it sprout. It is similar to cancer. You can say that it is in it's fourth stage – metastases. And the worst part of this curse... it leaves a brand in deep crannies of the soul. If she sees you again or what is worse, felt something for you for the second time, the backlash of the brand will immediately destroy her soul."

Alan listened all this in silence.

And in silence he approached the bed where Fleur was.

With same silence he touched her face with trembling hand, but withdrew it soon after to not wake up the girl.

"What do I do?" - asked Alan with the voice that scared Amalgal a bit.

It was cold as ice, completely unfeeling.

"Alan... don't do this to yourself. You are still young. It is not the end." - Amalgal said.

"Really?" - his voice cracked with heartache and pain, that a moment and will make him wail like a wounded animal. - "Why the fuck do I have a different feeling about it, huh?" - he nearly shouted, while coldness from his voice was fought with turmoil of bleeding heart. - "What do I do?"

"Use the white flame and supply it into the paths I will outline to you. After she woke up... she will neither have feelings for you, nor remember you. So... you better leave quickly." - Amalgal said. - "I will patch her memories here and there so they will be fluid enough not to trigger anything unnecessary."

Alan nodded.

"Don't be absentminded! Do you want to burn her alive? Concentrate!" - Amalgal shook his mind with strict words.

Alan looked at Fleur with his special vision he very rarely used, as there was literally no significant reason to do so. He saw a black substance like a octopus drilling it's numerous tentacles inside her head. It covered nearly half of the brain.

"Don't know whether it will placate your sadness or not, but it seems you were everywhere and nearly all her life was about you."

"It won't. Not even close." - said Alan seeing how numerous golden lines appeared and made them inflate with his flame very accurately. His heart was contorting in pain, as if he was killing himself.

Gradually blackness was retreating and evaporating.

The whole process took nearly two hours and Alan was exhausted to death by Amalgal.

He looked at the sleeping Fleur and couldn't do a step away.

"Go, Alan." - said Amalgal for the last time. Alan turned around and exited the room and went away without stopping.

"How is she?" - asked Apolline with a bit of guilt in the voice, but received only an apathetic stare. She tried to stop him, but her hand was shoved away.

"Leave him, honey. From now on I'm afraid we are not even acquaintances."

"Mom, dad?" - trio heard her voice and parents ran to her side, leaving Alan alone.

"Alan is here, dear." - said Apolline, but somehow received a glare from her husband.

"Alan? Who is that?" - she asked in confusion, but eventually let it go. Her parent had many friends, she never tried to remember them all.

Alan shuddered and felt as if part of him just died. A silent tear fell to the carpet while he apparated away to the nearby forest. He found it hard to breath and fell to his knees.

"Why do they always disappear from my life? What wrong have I done to deserve this?" - he cried. Cried like when Silver died. Cried like when he visited his parents. And now, for the third time, when he thought his eyes went dry already, he cried again with a wail of pain echoing in the forest due to the loss of his first love.

Eventually he calmed down and set by the tree.

"She is still alive, kid." - said Amalgal.

"Yeah. At least she is still alive and will be happy. She is a bright girl, she can't be anything but happy. And I have to help her avoid the war. Let's help clean up this mess they call Voldemort. I won't let it escalate to what it was back in the book. Let it be my final gift to this world. But I want to know one thing." - Amalgal waited for the question to come and sighed, when he heard it.

"Who did this?"