
Aftermath of Apprehension

Our protagonist, Secno, has led a relatively peaceful life until his parents were sold out by his childhood friend, who Secno claims to have been dropped upon birth. He swears revenge, but unfortunately, god seems to have different plans. "I bet he's having fun up there", and funnily enough, he starts the revolutionary war by accident, and fights a large organization as he tries to survive this joke of a life on the land also known as "The Wild West".

Nayles · アクション
6 Chs

Train for Revenge

-No. - Comes to heartless refusal.


-You seem like someone experienced. You must've realized that..

-Even if we multiply our odds of escaping by teaming up, 0 times 2 is still 0.

I have been shot down once again.

-And if I teamed up with someone, it wouldn't be someone as inexperienced as you.

Damn, she's trampling on my already crushed dignity. But I need to persuade her, or else I'll just drift with the flow, and should consider myself a prisoner for life. I've only got one shot at this so my plan has to be bullet-proof.

-How do you know I'm inexperienced?

She dashes in my direction, her hand pointing towards my neck. She closes the two meters between us dangerously fast, however, I've been expecting this. People who are confident in their abilities, usually act on a whim. Even if this is a good tactic for throwing off their completely inexperienced victims, thus showing off the difference between their ability, for someone who is completely inexperienced but is in the possession of some above-average intellect, and some insight into human nature, this is useless.

I time the deflect just as if it were on reflex, and aim a thoroughly thought kick to her stomach. She hits it to the side with ease, leaving herself open. Just when I was about to throw an elegant uppercut at her, time seemed to stop. Everything turned back and white, our surroundings blurring into the background. It was just her and me. I could see the path of my punch aimed at her chin, but it was abruptly cut off. An enormous black tiger emerged behind her, watching my every move. I saw there was no opening on her, in contrast, there was no inch on my body that was protected from any of her attacks. The only thought I had is to escape from this embodiment of defeat. Canceling my attack, I recoiled while switching to a defensive pose.

I thought she was going to attack and tear me apart. There was no escape. But she let out an approving smile instead. Hold up. What?

-I won't take back a word I said, but I have to admit that you've some reflexes and a good judgment.

*Deducting from what she said, does that mean..?* - I thought desperate to free myself.

-I know whatcha thinking about. I already said that I'm not gonna join you. But..

Seriously what a carousel.

-I'm going to train you.

The instant she uttered those words my brain was put into full resistance. Even at home, everyone knew about my extremely lazy nature. They always rebuked me for postponing my tasks for the moment after the last. Naturally, this time was no different.

-Thank you, but...

She looked at me with disdain in her eyes. From the start, I knew she was someone who despised those who didn't work as hard as her standards. I knew I had to overcome my biggest enemy before taking revenge and rescuing my parents.

So that's what I've been wanting to do. Revenge. So many things happened, that I didn't have time to think about what I'm to do if I get out of this alive. But now, it's different. I need to embrace it. Accept it. It will fuel me to accomplish the freedom of my parents. So I must throw aside what has been holding me back. Time to step forward.

-I'll gladly accept. - before I could even think it through, these words left my mouth.

She livened up a bit, but I could still see that her opinion of me took a dive. It might be hard to get back to square one. Nonetheless, I need to try.

-So that's why you're such a wimp. You've been lazing around all day at home haven't ya?

I can't say that didn't hurt. But as they say, if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger.

-Are you a son of a British landlord or what?

I take it back. There's no way that trampling my dignity this low would actually be for my good.

-Ah, I'm not...

She waited for me to finish my sentence, but after a few seconds, she gave up and started to explain my training regimen. I didn't say another word just listened. I felt that even asking her name was above my authority for now. I had the right impression of females. They're terrifying. I think I may not want to get married anymore.

According to her, even a little kid could beat me in a contest of strength, so we had to work my power up to the bare minimum. I wanted to ask her about improving my fighting ability and shooting, but she silenced me with an ice-cold glare.

I spent the rest of the day doing push-ups, running around the camp, and performing an inhumane amount of sit-ups, before I fell to the ground in front of her who sat on the bench, while watching me struggle. I was laying prone on the ground, unable to move.

-While you were dying 'cause of a basic workout, our dear hosts were kind enough to provide us with meals. I'm just saying so you won't have to find out from the others. - she said in a sarcastic tone.

-Did you... bring mine? - I could barely speak, but even so, my hunger won over my exhaustion.

-You don't get to eat until you complete the daily routine properly.

"Daily routine"? Shit, she's kidding, right? I struggled myself standing, headed back to... Where exactly? I didn't even know where are we stationed. I looked back to ask the girl, but she disappeared. At that point I just gave up, I flopped onto the ground and fell asleep.


Charles and his buddies finally managed to stand up altogether. As the smoke was yet to be ventilated by the system of the tunnel, the incoming units weren't able to see them, at least for now.

-So, what do we do now? - whispered Hermann.

-We can't go out the way we came back in. Let's try to go through the gate, there should be another exit.

Hermann looked at Charles as if he was mentally disturbed.

-You want to break through them? - said Hermann with a strong emphasis on "them".

-Any better ideas? - asked back Charles, and not waiting for a response, he already hid behind another car now closer to the entrance.

Given up on resisting Hermann followed his boss with a frustrated look on his face. The smoke cleared, so the units dispatched began doing their jobs. The cameras of the gate were destroyed, so the team now had the ability to hide. They didn't have many options though. They couldn't make a single move without the search team noticing them, and even if they were to stand still, it was only a matter of time before they found them. Leaving him with no options, Charles pointed at the ventilation vent on the side of the wall. The path to the vent wasn't covered by their current hiding spot, and Mia wasn't afraid to state the fact, forcing Charl to explain the grand plan. It wasn't a "grand plan". More like an idea stolen from a children's show.

Two minutes later they were slowly walking behind the car, which they previously named as their hiding spot, but this time it was more like a moving fortress. Charles managed to crack the door open, and start the car, so they could walk along it, without getting exposed. Everyone knew about the weaknesses of the plan. Just as they feared, after a few seconds, someone shouted to the others pointing at the moving car. The original plan was, that by the time they get to their hiding spot, they will already have infiltrated the ventilation system. Luckily, they managed to get the car to cover the vent, so now, there was a chance of them surviving. Not so luckily, Charles made a mistake.

The screws on the lid weren't compatible with Charles' old CIA "masterscew". Maybe he was tired, or maybe he was getting rusty, but he didn't take the possibility of a new screw installed into account.

One word or a hundred, we can say it however we want to: They fucked up.


What a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my whole body hurts like it was roasted over a slow fire. My muscles are burning from yesterday's daily routine, and I can't do anything against it. But my mentor thinks she can.

-Could you get out of bed? Time for your morning jog. - she said in a normal tone, however, it looked straight menacing to me.

Knowing the consequences of not obeying her, I struggled up to a sitting position.

-I realize that you'll die if you don't eat so here's your portion of breakfast.

She handed me something that was only a sorry excuse of a breakfast. Now I knew where the sarcasm came from when she talked about the lunch yesterday. Being hungry as hell, I still decided to eat it, if it was deemed consumable by her. I noticed that even without knowing her name or background, I still trusted her to a relatively big extent.

After a while, I got myself together, steeled myself, and started my training with a newfound motivation. I'm going to get through this, get my parents back, and make sure that the Sheriff and his son are dead. If they aren't, I'm going to make them wish they were.