
After Transmigrating into a Book, I Became the Evil Female Supporting Character Who is the Real Young Lady!

Wham! Miao Dong was sent flying just a second ago. In the next second, someone slapped her. "You're a major embarrassment. You're so young, but you're already shamelessly pestering other men. Didn't your parents teach you any manners?" Miao Dong covered her face. The familiar lines made her realize that she had transmigrated into a novel she just finished reading. It was a novel about real and fake young ladies. The female lead was the fake young lady who replaced Miao Dong. She was also the male lead's crush. Meanwhile, Miao Dong was the real young lady who was found and wouldn't stop pestering the male lead. In the end, she died from cancer. She also happened to be the evil female supporting character in the novel, and she was hated by everyone. Realizing that she was going to die young again, Miao Dong felt her vision turning dark. "Hello, Host. I'm a life extension system, and I'm here to help extend your lifespan. If you want to continue living, please earn 100,000 life points. That will give you a lifespan of 100 years!" To earn life points and live through her golden years, Miao Dong cut her hair short. She picked up her luggage, cross-dressed as a guy, and moved into a male dormitory. She became roommates with the villain. She made his bed, did his homework, washed his clothes, and cooked for him... She did all this just to hear the sound of her life points being increased. However, the young man misunderstood all this. "Hey. Although you're very nice to me, I don't like men. Got it?" Miao Dong, who was serious about extending her lifespan, felt confused. "Huh?" Afraid that she might be treated as a homosexual and get kicked out, she began to keep her distance from the villain. A few days later, the villain forced her into a corner with an impatient look on his face. "Stop avoiding me. I'll give liking you a try." "Huh?" Miao Dong was deeply puzzled.

Mountain Springs · 都市
40 Chs

Shen Ming

翻訳者: Henyee Translations 編集者: Henyee Translations

Shen Ming was Shen Jin's elder brother. In the novel, he was simply Shen Jin and Miao Chu's god-like helpers!

In the novel, he bullied Miao Dong a lot. Every time Miao Dong wanted to frame Miao Chu, it was also Shen Ming who interfered and caused trouble for her. The two of them could be said to be extremely at odds!

No wonder he spoke to Miao Dong like this. So he really saw himself as her Big Brother.

However, Miao Dong remembered that in the novel, he had gone overseas to study. Why did he appear at Science and Technology High School?

However, Miao Dong quickly remembered. In fact, there was a mention in the novel that because Shen Ming had gotten someone pregnant before he was an adult, the matter had blown up. So the Shen family sent Shen Ming to Science and Technology High School to avoid trouble.

Studying abroad was just what the Shen family said to the public to help Shen Ming cover up this scandal.

It seemed that the Shen family was not a good family!

However, Miao Dong and this man had nothing to do with each other at this time. The two of them had never even met before. How did he know that she was Miao Dong?

Shen Ming looked at Miao Dong's stunned expression with disdain on his face. He sat down beside Miao Dong and leaned against the back of the chair arrogantly. "Go get me a meal."

Miao Dong directly refused. "Why should I?"

Is there something wrong with this guy's brain? Miao Dong complained in her heart. Does he have no hands or mouth? Can't he even get food himself?

Miao Dong's family had only given her a limited amount of money when she went to school. She calculated the money and realized that it was not even enough to add herself a portion of meat dish. Shen Ming actually wanted her to spend money to get him food?

Shen Ming was furious. "How dare you disobey me?"

Miao Dong couldn't believe what she heard. This person was really interesting. The two of them had nothing to do with each other. Why should she listen to him?

Miao Dong retorted, "Why should I listen to you?"

Shen Ming didn't expect her to really dare to talk back to him. He was stunned for a moment before he suddenly understood. He leaned in front of Miao Dong and said in a low voice, "I advise you to be obedient. Otherwise, you won't be able to hide the fact that you're a girl."

Miao Dong looked at him in shock. "How did you know?!"

Shen Ming was even more pleased with himself. "Miao Liang told me not to let your life in school be too comfortable the moment you entered the school."

Damn it! Miao Dong couldn't help but curse. Miao Liang was really Miao Dong's biological brother! He really couldn't let her enjoy any freedom! She didn't expect her family to hate Miao Dong to this extent!

Miao Dong's face turned redder and redder. She was furious, but she didn't know how to flare up. She could only curse Miao Liang crazily in her heart.

Shen Ming supported the back of his head with his hands and leaned back in his chair leisurely. "One serving of braised pork, one serving of roast beef with potatoes, and one serving of pork ribs. Hurry up."

This guy was really daring! Wasn't he afraid of eating too much and getting bloated to death?!

Although Miao Dong was angry, Shen Ming held her leverage after all. She could only stand up unwillingly and prepare to buy food.

Miao Dong had just stood up when someone pressed her shoulder and made her sit down again.

Miao Dong still wanted to get up, but the hand on her shoulder pressed her down even harder.

Miao Dong was speechless and wanted to curse. Shen Ming was already troublesome enough. Why did another troublemaker appear?

She looked up at the person holding her down and saw only a beautiful jawline and a sexy Adam's apple.

That person stared at Shen Ming with a fierce gaze. He had no intention of being afraid at all. He said coldly, "How dare you touch my people!"

!! Wow, he's like a domineering CEO! He's so cool!

Miao Dong recognized that this person was Zhou Feng and her eyes instantly lit up. She thought to herself that this brother had appeared at the right time! When she returned, she would immediately help him wash two more clothes to thank him!

Shen Ming stood up with a whoosh. The plate in front of him was knocked over by him, spilling soup and food all over the table.

He stared at Zhou Feng and scolded, "Who are you? How dare you meddle in my business?"

Zhou Feng was not afraid at all. He didn't even raise his voice. His tone was cold and threatening. "Why? Do you want to fight?"

Since Shen Ming entered the school, no one dared to provoke him because of his burly physique and family background. He became the boss of the school and had two lackeys behind him wherever he went.

Hearing Zhou Feng's words, he was amused. "It's been a long time since anyone dared to talk to me like that!"

The two lackeys behind Shen Ming also hooted. "Boss, teach him a lesson!"