
After The Returner's End

When he came down from the sky, several people around the world received the 'blessing'. Powers hidden in their bodies and minds. Until one day, "New", the strange creature from the skies decided that the time had come for human beings. Rowan Woo died when "New" came down from the skies. Now, given a second chance, he will get his revenge.

gustavkoh · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Emperor Of Healing

Rowan remembered when Padryma first appeared on Earth, in a time that no longer exists.

The shiny figure stayed 5 long years flying over the clouds. Watching. Studying. Laughing at the misfortunes committed by human beings.

In the first year, governments around the world tried everything. Missiles, satellites, jets, fighter planes, anything that could try to hurt, or at best kill, the yellow entity. But it was no use. The missiles did not even reach Padryma, exploding thousands of kilometers away. The satellites stopped working. What about jets and fighter planes? Destroyed.

The second and third years were devoted to attempts by the first world countries to study. Korea then allied itself with China in their exploration program. Russia tried a possible alliance with the United States, which was refused in an unkind way, aggravating the already destabilized enmity of these two great countries.

The Americans reached several conclusions in less than a week. All quickly refuted in scientific articles.

The panic caused in the first year had passed, even though some people were still afraid of the creature. Others, however, adored him. The Catholic Church for example believed that Padryma was God. It did not take long for the appearance of churches in the name of the entity that was named "New" on internet forums, which ended up going viral worldwide.

In the fourth year, false prophets and messiahs were the vast majority, mainly in Korean territory. Even the most indecisive came to believe in each of them, fearing the "New" ire over their families or lands.

In the fifth year, things had already improved. It was as if "New" didn't even exist anymore. And then, the event came. Rowan was in yet another of the boring classes at his university in Seoul, when he suddenly started to shine. Not only him but some other students and the professor. He thought he would explode, that it would hurt, but it didn't hurt. It was actually a good sensation.

On that day, 37,000 people around the world received the 'blessing'. Rowan dedicated his life to learn more about his skills. Leaving his family aside. Thing he regrets a lot.

The Korean government and others had created programs to support selected people. Money, housing, daily meals, anything that could help them.

Classes and ranks started to be created among the Selected and soon the governments also adopted this system. Those who had great physical resistance came to be called Tanks. Those who had a strong affinity for melee weapons or even firearms, in addition to being masters of stealth because of their abilities, were called Assassins. Those who had the ability to control fire, water, earth, air, or any other element, were called Sorcerer. And there were those who had healing, buff and debuff powers, known as Healers or Supporters. Considered the weakest of the classes.

There were also those called doubles or triples. People who had a double or triple class. And the most dangerous, The Freaks. People who did not fit into any of the classes because of their powers. Powers that could range from a simple lightning coming out of the hands, to someone who was able to control the entire climate of the Earth. There was also the possibility that a double or triple freak might exist. Most went crazy in Rowan's dark future. Power had completely corrupted those people's minds.

If Rowan remembers well, Dredd was a freak, with the power to control people's minds as he pleased for a while. He had a 3 hour cooldown to be able to use again. It was as if Rowan was part of a Korean novel while Dredd and the rest of the Freaks were part of comic books.

He returned to the present, away from his thoughts. People stared at the sky with fear and curiosity. The Selected, however, just looked on with anger and a desire for revenge, as did Rowan.

A man who looked to be 30 years old started flying towards Padryma while screaming madly. Other freaks with the ability to fly followed the man covered in anger. It didn't take long for the man to just turn to dust. Its charred skeleton falling to the floor. Two women who were just behind tried to stop abruptly, but were not quick enough, suffering the same fate. The other three remained alive, frightened as they flew through the air.

All Rowan and the others were able to do was watch as the three skeletons collided with the asphalt, breaking them. The sound could be heard from meters away.

The time of terror had arrived.

"My god, they are dead."

"What is that thing?"

"Did you see all these empowered people?"

"How could I not see?"

"What is happening?"

Rowan ignored all comments made by people. He was so focused on Padryma that he didn't even notice that his father, mother and sister were at his side, perplexed by the situation.

"My god ..." Han said quietly. Her voice barely came out of her mouth. The girl who was still in high school did not understand what was going on. In fact, no one really understood. Army soldiers simply stared at the sky with their weapons, firing as many bullets as possible. Obviously, nothing happened.

Rowan wondered if Padryma watched it all with joy. Wasn't all of that more than a comedy show for that sadistic God?

That was when the Special Forces arrived on the scene. They also had Selected in their troops, they were probably the ones who warned about everything that was happening and for that reason they came almost prepared.

People expected a battle between the powerful. But that's not what happened. In fact, they were there to summon each person who had the blessing. Some even went to the soldiers in a good way, others refused and were forced by incredibly powerful soldiers to introduce themselves to the general. Rowan remained in the same place.

A soldier approached his father and checked on him. Nothing. The same thing with his mother and sister. He probably had an ability to read blessings. The user could recognize a selected and an ordinary person. Rowan's time had come. His heart sped up for a moment and ... Nothing.


The soldier had marked Rowan as an… ordinary person. As if he had no skills or a class. It made him feel offended, but ... That was a chance, wasn't it? Don't be recognized. Not that anyone was going to recognize him as the Emperor of Healing, but still, it meant that he could have more time to understand the skill that Aldria had mentioned without government interference. He just needed to find out what it was.

Rowan put his fingers on his chin, thoughtful. He and everyone present were leaving something out. Something that he couldn't quite remember, but that he knew was important.

"Wait a minute, the Dung ..." Rowan murmured to himself when several crashes went through the ears of the world.

It was the Dungeons. How had Rowan left such important information unnoticed? And how did other people also not seem to remember?

Dungeons… They are large, small and medium-sized towers that appeared around the world during the arrival of "New". In a dungeon you could find ores and rocks that don't exist on Earth. These ores could be used for various industrial sectors, from technological to transport. It was also possible to make incredibly strong and durable weapons, depending on the skill of the blacksmith who forged it.

But most important of all, The Monsters. Terrifying creatures that inhabited the dungeons and caused the majority of deaths in the towers. When dead they could be dissected in search of a small crystal of light that was used for the improvement of armor and weapons. Sometimes monsters escaped the dungeons and caused destruction and death wherever they went.

Rowan then felt a tremor below the earth, completely shaking his body. In front of him, where there was a commercial building for some company, a Dungeon appeared in the place. The building and all the other buildings next door collapsed. A tower of rough, moss-covered stone began to emerge at the site. It should have been about 20 meters high and 12 wide, one of the largest that Rowan had ever seen. He did not remember such a large dungeon appearing so close to his old home.

People surrounded the dungeon that had appeared there, pulling out their cell phones and filming everything.

Everything was going slightly well. Rowan narrowed his eyes, looking deeply into that dungeon. He felt the cold on the spine of some people beside him.

Before receiving the blessing, they had to face the monsters with firearms. It was not easy and practical.

Now the monsters were walking the streets. Humanoid ogres and wolves roamed the streets, towards whoever was within reach.

Rowan remained in the same place. His mother tried to pull him back into the house, but it was as if his body was now a huge heavy rock, not moving a muscle.

He walked slowly towards a red ogre who seemed to have noticed him. The monster ran towards him, furiously. That was when something fell from the sky, causing a big explosion.

Rowan realized that it was not something, but someone. Waiting for the dust to clear, he finally saw the person's face.

It was Lee Ji-chul. His teammate and friend in the future.

The young boy was a double. He possessed both a tank and an assassin class, which made him a fighter. Lee Ji-chul punched the red ogre, who fell on the ground spitting blood. With a strong kick to the face, the ogre's head separated from the monster's body, falling at least 10 meters away from where the body was. His strength was still monstrous.

That was enough inspiration for a small percentage of those selected. It was not as if everyone there had passed the first year of life with their powers previously, so some remained in the same place.

They threw punches, blasts of energy, used pieces of iron to hit the creatures that received them with axes and sharp claws. More people died than monsters. Rowan should do something. Should he? They could take care of themselves. The future of humanity was in his hands, just as the goddess had told him. But what about Lee Ji-chul?

"Brother, let's go home..." Han said almost whispering to Rowan.

"Son, we have to get out of here. Now!" Rowan's father was out of breath with concern. That was supposed to be the strangest day of his life since he had caught a fish of almost 8 meters.

Rowan was about to leave, to turn his back on his friend Lee Ji-chul and all the other people who were fighting courageously against the creatures because he wanted to spend more time with his family, when a werewolf appeared behind a car jumping towards his sister.

Han Woo-bin closed her eyes as she shouted. Her parents covered her in a big hug, trying to protect her from the attack. She opened her eyes slowly, thinking she was dead, only to face her older brother immobilizing the werewolf.

Rowan realized that with the return in time his abilities decreased. The same must have happened to each person. Hence the difficulty in facing those monsters. Still, a buff of strength would be enough to kill that werewolf.

"Buff of strength. Buff of strength. Buff of strength." Rowan reached 3 buffs of strength in his body lasting 15 seconds. It was enough time.

With about three straight punches, the werewolf's head exploded in his fists. The red, slimy blood was stuck to his hand along with the rest of the creature's brain matter.

Rowan rose. The buff effect had already passed and he was going towards his family to help them when something strange happened.


A strange noise resounded in Rowan's head. And then, something appeared in front of him.

[You gained 350 experience]

[You have reached level 3. Attribute level increase: 1 strength, 1 agility, 1 vitality, 1 magic.]


[Rowan Woo-bin]

[Returner Level 3.]

[Title - Integrated System Returner (Emperor of Healing)]

[Strength - 30] [Agility - 31]

[Vitality - 72] [Magic - 3]

[Active Skills - Level 1 Evolution (Ability to evolve without known limit)]

[Passive Skills - None known]

[Status levels increase by 3 when leveling up]



Rowan had a long way to go.

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