
After The Returner's End

When he came down from the sky, several people around the world received the 'blessing'. Powers hidden in their bodies and minds. Until one day, "New", the strange creature from the skies decided that the time had come for human beings. Rowan Woo died when "New" came down from the skies. Now, given a second chance, he will get his revenge.

gustavkoh · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Despair Of The Selected

His thoughts were confused. Rowan randomly thought, "This must be a dream." It should definitely be a dream. But it was not. Like the bodies of monsters and people on the streets, that 'thing' was also real.

"A status window." He murmured to himself, repeating it again to make sure he wasn't seeing things. It was like the novels Rowan had read when he was younger.

He ran towards his family, helping them to get up.

"Y-you... Are you also one of them?" Han Woo-bin asked through the tears streaming down her face. The status screen continued to cover the view of Rowan who could not see his younger sister's face. How did he close it?

"Rowan... how did you do that?" His father spoke softly, but worried. Rowan did not answer. Instead, he asked something else.

"Can you see it too?"


"In front of me, something floating. Like a window. "

"What are you talking about, son?" His mother's voice was high in concern.


So he was the only one to see the status window. Rowan did not remember having something like that in his old future. He didn't even remember anyone having that ability. Was this the secret skill that Adria had spoken of?

"But seriously, status window? Wasn't there something more creative in your mind? " Rowan thought aloud, almost letting his voice out of his mouth.

The active ability said "Ability to evolve without a known limit".

"No known limit." Could he evolve as much as he wanted? Like… a god? Could he finally have his revenge on Padryma? Rowan would find out as soon as he left the area.

He led the way home to his family. The status window had not yet disappeared, making it difficult to see. He could still see between the lines people running desperately to every corner, seeking shelter behind cars, trees, inside buildings.

That's when a message appeared over the status window.

[New messages received: 1]

[This message is mandatory.]

[Click "Read" to read this message.]

[Warning, in case of resistance, the punishment will be applied.]


He stopped for a moment. So that message screen was like a touch screen phone. It should be the same with the status screen then. "In case of resistance, the punishment will be applied." What did that mean?

Rowan redirected his finger to the read button in front of him and clicked.

[New mission]

["Despair of the Selected"]

[Kill 20 red ogres in 5 minutes.]

[Kill 30 werewolves in 5 minutes.]

[Help Lee Ji-chul and the others selected to survive. Each dead selected reduces 25 seconds from the original time.]

[Assists will be counted.]

[In case of not fulfilling the mission within the specified time, the punishment is death.]


"Is this some kind of joke by any chance?!"

[Kill 20 red ogres in 4 minutes and 46 seconds.]

[Kill 30 werewolves in 4 minutes and 46 seconds.]


He realized that the longer he complained, the less time he would have to finish that 'mission'. But was that really real? Would he die if he did not carry out the orders in the necessary time? Speaking of which, had he become a double after discovering this ability? Rowan, in fact, does not care. He just doesn't expect to die before killing the one responsible for destroying the world.

"Father, mother. Take Han, home. Now!"

"Where do you think you're going, Rowan? Look around, these monsters are everywhere." His father was confused. Afraid. His mother and sister too. But not him. Rowan had gone through worse things a thousand times. He had already killed things more terrifying than a red ogre or a werewolf and he was going to complete the mission in time.

"Buff of strength. Life regeneration buff. Acceleration buff." Running the hands over his body, the buffs were activated. His speed increased dramatically, running 50 meters in almost 4 seconds. "Regeneration debuff. Speed ​​debuff " He shouted, triggering the debuff on three big red ogres in front of him. It would only last 20 seconds.

After finding the horde of monsters in the streets, Rowan began to think fast while moving at absurd speed.

Rowan took a steel sword fallen next to a dead ogre. His sword hit the face of a red ogre with precision. Its skin hard as an armor, the muscles highly complex and defined, the red meat, and the bone as hard as the sword used by Rowan, were lacerated with a single direct attack. The creature's brain exploded into millions of tiny pieces that spread across the floor along with dark green blood.

[You have gained 1000 experience.]

[You reached level 5. Attribute level increase: 3 strength, 2 agility, 4 vitality, 1 magic.]

Rowan closed the status window with a click, quickly dodging the attack by one of the two remaining ogres. The status screen had covered his vision for an instant. He wasn't sure if he would die for that one attack, but he didn't want to take any chances.

The regeneration and speed debuff was about to end. Rowan left upwards quickly. His buffs were also at an end. The biggest ogre brandished the axe furiously at the boy, who dodged and cut off one of the monster's arms. He dropped the axe and held the spot where there had been a hand before. "Strength buff." Rowan had a limit on the number of times he could use buffs on himself or on other people. For the time being, this limit has not yet been reached. In his old future he was able to use up to 40 buffs at a time on himself. It was not for nothing that they called him Emperor of Healing.

With a clean cut, the red ogre almost had its head beheaded, falling to the ground and dying.

[You have gained 1000 experience.]

The last ogre, the smallest of the three, ran towards Rowan with all speed. The debuff effects were long gone, as were his buffs.

He turned the axe from side to side and Rowan dodged it easily.

Rowan requested a speed buff on his sword, he was able to buff and debuff equipment as well. With a rapid advance towards the ogre, the steel sword went through the monstrous chest, completely destroying its chest cavity. The ogre then fell dead to the ground.

[You have gained 1000 experience.]

Rowan was panting, sweating frantically. He wanted to look at the mission window but had already closed it and did not know how to open it. What if it was a telepathic call? He thought about seeing the status window and it would appear. It was worth a try.

Rowan closed his eyes and thought about the status window appearing before his eyes. He waited 3 seconds before opening his eyes again. There it was.

[New mission]

["Despair of the Selected"]

[Kill 17 red ogres in 2 minutes and 12 seconds.]

[Kill 30 werewolves in 2 minutes and 12 seconds.]

[Help Lee Ji-chul and the others selected to survive. Each dead selected reduces 25 seconds from the original time.]

[Assists will be counted.]

[In case of not fulfilling the mission within the specified time, the punishment is death.]


"What the hell?!" Rowan shouted. This time his voice had really come out of his mouth. He had spent almost 3 minutes against 3 red ogres. And he hadn't even faced a werewolf yet. How the hell would he kill 17 ogres and 30 werewolves in that time? Rowan had not noticed, but two selected ones had just been killed, thus reducing 50 seconds of the remaining time.

"My God…"

He had not yet closed the mission window and noticed one of the messages.

"Assistances will be counted".

He had wasted all that time trying to be all the classes that he had forgotten that he alone was a support.

"Assists will be counted." He repeated to himself. Rowan ran to the center of the battle and there, began to give buffs and debuffs to selected people and monsters. Lee Ji-chul felt it when the life regeneration buff and the strength buff entered his body. It was a similar sensation to... Looking back he saw his friend Rowan Woo-bin with both hands raised in the air, giving the most of his skills to people. It had been so long since he had seen his friend that he forgot that the two lived close to each other. He was going to enforce that battle.

"Open status!" Rowan shouted, wanting to test if it would work. It worked. The mission statuses appeared in front of him, revealing the remaining time and monsters.

[Kill 6 red ogres in 43 seconds.]

[Kill 12 werewolves in 43 seconds.]

The number of monsters needed had decreased dramatically as had time. Rowan realized that the assists also gave him experience, being half of what he would receive if he killed the monster directly. Numerous texts appeared in front of his retina.

[You gained 500 experience.]

[You gained 500 experience.]

[You gained 500 experience.]

[You gained 500 experience.]

All the necessary werewolves had been killed. Only one ogre was missing. Incredibly, no person died after Rowan went on to give them buffs. There were 14 seconds left for the last ogre to be killed, or Rowan would be the one who would die.

The red ogre advanced furiously towards Rowan, who was exhausted from using his skills so quickly on several occasions. He tried to summon a buff on himself but he didn't have any more time.

[Time to end the mission: 4… 3… 2… 1…]

With a quick monstrous cut, Lee Ji-chul cut off the head of the red ogre that flew to the opposite side where the creature's body fell. The cut was so clean, it took time for the green blood to cover the asphalt.

[Time to end the mission: 1 second.]

[Mission "Despair of the Selected" Complete.]

[You have a reward in the Inventory. Do you want to see it?]

Kneeling on the floor and unable to get up at the moment, Rowan Woo could only say a word.


[Starting Reward]

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