
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · ファンタジー
43 Chs

Training the soldiers

I opened my eyes and found myself in my room.

All of my previous wounds seem to be gone, and the only thing I have to believe that they were is the coldness left in my body.

Ingrid must have followed my instructions when she brought me here.

This wolf, werewolf, or whatever it was, was very powerful.

But it helped me understand my limitations. Theoretically, a blue core like me can't fight a rank 3 beast.

The beast would slice you up like you were nothing. It's surprising that I can skip my level.

I have to admit that it has helped me a lot anyway. I have a much deeper understanding of my level and I did it in a controlled environment.

I was able to allow myself to take that risk because Seth, Layla, and especially Ingrid, who is stronger than all of us, were there.

And now I understand that I need a new skill.

If I could have used my essence outside of my body in that fight, everything would have been easier.

Now I have something else to practice.

I have to admit that the idea of forming a sword in the air is pretty good in my mind.

But I don't know if it will work.

The door opened as Ingrid entered.

At least she knocked on the door first.

"Marcus, how are you, your wounds were deep and your chest was cut so you could see your heart, why take such risks?" She said with concern, but there was also anger in her eyes.

"Such risks are sometimes necessary. We won't always be in situations like against the hero, where he was stupidly weak. He'll come back and be much stronger, so these deathmatches help us observe what can be improved and what has flaws," I explained in my calm voice.

"That's just stupid, how are you supposed to notice if something you're doing is wrong when you're desperately fighting for your life?" I was now more angry than concerned.

"It's easy. You just use your memories and tactics to replay the fight and look for mistakes. It's trial and error."

"So instead of just training, you'd rather almost kill yourself to progress faster," she said. She seems quite annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Ingrid. But these injuries now will keep me from dying later."

I looked at Ingrid and she looked back at me without moving an inch.

Finally she sighed, as if defeated, and spoke.

"All right, but try not to die. You still owe me a lot," she said and left without saying a word.

The worst part is that she is right. Technically, she just saved my life, so I do owe her a lot.

Thinking that, I went out to the training grounds where the soldiers were running around. Much more evenly than before.

Elijah stood watching them with an icy stare.

I don't know what the soldiers were doing, but they must have pissed Elijah off. I've never seen him angry before.

I go up to him and greet him.

"Why the long face, old man?" I said with a cold face, just in case any soldiers were watching.

"Young master, I'm glad to see you well. Don't think I don't know the stupid things you do. At least take me with you next time," he smiled and said calmly.

"How long was I out?"

"About a week and a half young master," Elijah said.

1 week and a half? That's long, but it could be worse. Well, time to rough up the soldiers a little.

"Have you started the soldiers' sword training yet?" I asked.

"Yes. There are some who are quite talented and some who are rather useless but still cheeky. More than one of them made fun of me while I was teaching them. I don't understand the young ones."

Now I understand why he looks so angry. He told me he wouldn't hit the men, so he's in an awkward position where he can't punish insubordination.

"Show me," I said as I walked out into the yard.

I feel as if Elijah is accusing children in front of me. Too bad these children will be severely punished.

Elijah returned with about 10 men. All without rank, for it seems that stupidity comes from the lower ranks.

"Soldiers. You are charged with insubordination and disobedience to the second-in-command of this troop. Do you have anything to say?" I said with anger in my voice.

The 10 soldiers looked at me in fear. They thought I was going to whip them.

But one of them stepped forward, his sword at the ready. And spoke in a confident voice as if it were all true.

"Sir, this man tried to change the orders you gave us. You said we were only to hold the race and nothing else until you said otherwise. I was just following your orders," his arrogance could be felt by everyone.

I don't know why he's arrogant if he's no big deal.

"My orders were until further notice. The second-in-command decided it was time for a change while I was away, so his decision carries a lot of weight. Yet you ignored it and stand arrogantly in front of me."

My voice become colder as I spoke.

"As soldiers, you are part of a unit. And every unit must follow an order, a hierarchy that holds everything together. But you chose not to follow it, and when the unit you disobey, the unit suffers."

"You ten in particular will be punished for the above accusations. You will be punished twenty times, and your legs will be broken. Then you will be thrown out into the street."

"The rest of you will come with me to continue your training."

Saying all that, I turned and walked over to Elijah.

Speaking softly I said, "Old man, start your sword training now. I'll join you later."

He nodded and I went to find the ten of before

As I approached one of them tried to escape, the arrogant idiot and I stuck a needle through his leg.

"What an idiot, now I can add desertion to your list. You won't get out of here alive, my friend."

I laughed a little as I dragged the idiot away, and his friends followed with their heads bowed.

The courtyard was filled with shouting in the background.