
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Fantasy
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43 Chs


As I followed Seth through the forest, I kept thinking about the monsters that appear in the forest.

Elves have a pretty deep understanding of anatomy and evolution.

And all the monsters are technically evolved forms that arrived at this point after millions of years.

Humans have no such knowledge, they believe that Decrea created them as perfect beings and so on.

But this is not true at all. Decrea created the worlds and made them adaptable to sustain life, but he didn't create us per se.

We are a by-product of his creation. Still, he will always be considered the creator.

There are monsters that have evolved into extremely powerful forms. For example, there are lizards that are now class 5 dragons.

They are the least. Too few to be of real concern.

But there are many rank 1, 2, and 3 monsters.

I want to train the soldiers here to test them. It is very easy for me to kill these monsters, but not for them.

"Boss, we are already coming to the rank 2 and 3 monster zone," Seth said with a serious voice.

I still haven't advanced my core to the light blue. A rank 3 monster would give us a hard time.

So we advanced more cautiously, with Seth telling us when to slow down and when to continue.

"Boss, there are 5 enemies ahead of us. I estimate 1 rank 3, 2 rank 2 and 2 no rank" His voice became very serious as he waited for my orders.

"Are you all ready? Get ready!"

I said to them as I made a spear.

I ran forward followed by Ingrid and Seth and Layla behind.

In front of us we see the 5 enemies. They are variations of the wolves from before, but the rank 3 wolf is bipedal. Its back is curved, its face has a snout full of teeth that look like blades, and its fur is completely red.

The other wolves are like the others, but the rank 2 wolves are a bit bigger.

"You three take the small ones, I'll take the big one," I said and moved forward.

The rank 3 wolf looked as if he understood my words and walked away from his pack.

He raised his long clawed arm and looked at me with his black eyes.

I raise my spear, get into position and wait.

The wolf doesn't have much patience and lunges forward, slashing at me with his claw.

I raise my spear to block with the shaft as I charge it with essence.

Its claws fall and I absorb the blow with my whole body.

Its face stares at me as it snarls and my arms shake from the blow.

It is much stronger than I thought.

The wolf continues to press against my block, but I let go of the spear and jump back, letting out a burst of fire.

The wolf lifts his arm and covers it like it's nothing. His fur doesn't even have a burn on it.

As I stepped back and created a sword to fight, my enemy decided to give me no time as he advanced, eager to kill me.

His arm lunged in a vertical slash that I covered with my half-made sword.

His claw struck as I retreated, but the wolf pursued me and the claws on his other arm grew as they slashed downward.

Unable to block, I had to bend my body to lessen the damage, but it still sliced through my chest.

A sharp pain shot through my body as I fell backwards.

"Marcus!" yelled Ingrid and I waved him away.

It's not out of pride that I don't want help. I know she will save me if I need it. But I need these fights to get better.

I upgraded my entire body to the limit by creating an essence flow between the nodes of my body.

And I launched myself while creating two daggers.

The wolf looked at me with disdain and also jumped at me.

Its claw slashed downward, and I dodged by throwing myself to the right while my arm used the momentum to slash vertically.

But the wolf grabbed my arm and pinned me down.

With my arm gripped, it opened its jaws and sank its teeth into my arm.

The pain came again, but I ignored it and raised my other arm as I pressed it against the wolf's chest.

With my hand in place, I used a lot of essence to create a whirlwind of fire.

The whirlwind spins in his chest like a drill and pierces his skin.

But he doesn't let me finish killing him as he drops his teeth and kicks me in the chest.

I shoot out and fall to the ground, bouncing from the impact.

I barely stand up and see the wolf.

He has a burned hole in his chest. Any human would die for a wound like that.

But not him. He can still fight.

But I'm tired. My chest hurts every time I breathe and I can't feel my arms.

Blood runs all over my body as I finish adjusting my stance.

I have no choice.

I hide the pain and run towards the wolf, but this time he doesn't run towards me.

I created several steel needles and a sword and started attacking it from a distance to provoke it.

The wolf was visibly upset but did not come towards me.

Then I threw small fireballs at it.

It doesn't have much intelligence, but it can relate the danger of the black fire to its chest.

The wolf started to dodge more and more desperately until its patience was exhausted and it came towards me.

Running with madness in my eyes, I wait for him to come closer and lift a hardened stone pedestal.

He falls and is thrown off balance, but only for a few seconds.

A few seconds that were enough for me to get close and bury my sword in his foot, pinning him to the ground.

The wolf screams and tries to cut me with his claws in his limited position.

Unlike before, his attacks are desperate and therefore much easier to dodge.

I create another whirlwind of fire and bring it closer to his chest as the wolf goes mad.

He desperately blocks it with his arms, but I release the fire and grab the wolf as I bite into his jugular with my teeth, ripping the flesh away.

I jump back as a fountain of blood rushes to my face.

The wolf covers his wound in desperation as he falls to his knees.

His blood forms a small puddle where he finally falls.

The enemy fought like an animal, and my techniques were designed for humans and elves.

To kill this animal, I had to fight like one.

After confirming his death, I fall to my knees and search for Ingrid.

My body is not responding very well to me, but it is trying to speak.

Ingrid appears before me with worry in her eyes.

"Listen to me, I need to use your ice essence to freeze my wounds and take me to the manor when I can be healed," I said as I faded away.