After Head Case
Episode 4.03
Disclaimer: I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left, but no Castle. Rating: K Time: See above.
Kate was just finishing up in the bathroom, getting ready for bed when Rick walked in. She smiled at him in the mirror and he smiled back. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her back to him.
"You are so beautiful." He said.
"You're not so bad yourself, Castle."
He kissed the top of her head. "Beckett, you're every bit as gorgeous as you were the day I first met you."
She leaned against him. "Wow! The romance hasn't gone out of our marriage even though we're an old married couple now."
Castle nodded. "We just celebrated our one month anniversary two days ago."
"One month, Castle? Where does the time go?"
"Time just flies by when I'm with you." He raised his hands to gently cup her boobs.
"Do you like them?" She asked in a whisper.
"I love them."
"You're sure?"
"Of course. I love every perfect part of you. Why?"
"Did you know that I thought about getting a boob job for you once?"
"What?" Castle was shocked. This was not the Kate Beckett he knew and loved. "Seriously?"
"No, not seriously. But I did think about it for maybe half a second once."
"Why would you think I'd want you to get a boob job?"
"Kyra has big boobs. Meredith has big boobs. Gina has big boobs. I thought that maybe you'd like me with big boobs."
"When, and more importantly, why would you think I wanted any part of you changed?"
"Do you remember the murder of Dr. Lester Hamilton, the life extension researcher?"
Castle frowned as he thought. "Yeah, but what does that have to do with your perfect boobs?"
"Perfect boobs?" She giggled. "You think they're perfect?"
"No, I don't think they're perfect, I know they're perfect. And what does any of this have to do with the murder or with your boobs?" He added for emphasis. "Your perfect boobs?"
"Hamilton's project involved implants in the arms to increase life span. You asked me if I'd get the implants. To tease you, I looked down at my boobs and asked you if you thought I needed them. It was a joke, but just for a second, I wondered if you'd like me better with bigger boobs."
Castle turned her around and kissed her, running his hand through her hair. "Kate, you are absolutely, totally, one hundred per cent perfect for me. You always have been and you always will be. Don't ever think otherwise."
Kate rested her head on his chest. "It's just that I spent years trying to figure out how you really felt about me. You were right, we never did talk. If I hadn't been so buried behind my walls for all those years, we could have just talked. But those walls were there."
"But you knew by the time of that murder that I loved you. Why would you wonder about it?"
She shrugged. "You loved Kyra, and Meredith and Gina, didn't you?"
Castle nodded. "I did, and I love you more than all of them put together." Castle frowned slightly. "But you would have no way to know that, would you?"
"Oh, I had a pretty good idea you really, really liked me, but I had no idea how to tell if you really were my one and done. Actually, I discovered I had no idea how to tell if anyone was my one and done. Those walls again."
"I wish I'd told you."
"It's not like you ever got any encouragement from me. Do you remember the Heat Wave book launch party?"
Castle got a faraway look in his eyes. "You were gorgeous."
"I got a new dress, had my hair done and spent about an hour on my makeup. I wanted to show you that I was more than this deadly serious, ass kicking detective. I wanted to show you that I wanted to be more. That I could be more."
"And we got into some stupid argument all because I wouldn't tell you I'd rather write one Nikki Heat that a hundred Bonds."
Kate nodded. "And what deadly serious, ass kicking detective had repeatedly told you she hated Nikki Heat?"
"I should have had the courage to tell you how I felt."
Kate kissed him. "Me too. And when I heard you break up with Gina on the phone in the precinct, I was hoping maybe you'd want to talk and maybe I could sort of let you know that I liked you. That I liked you more than Josh."
"I plead temporary insanity." Castle said.
"Temporary?" Kate teased.
"Yes, temporary. I'm married to you now. Why I ever got back together with Gina is beyond me. I knew what she was like. I knew why we got divorced."
"Maybe you got together because a certain detective stupidly picked some guy instead of you and then waited to the last second to accept your invitation to the Hamptons?"
Castle shook his head. "Doesn't sound like anyone I know. A detective who makes stupid decisions? No, I'm positive I've never married anyone like that."
Kate slapped him lightly on the chest. "Liar!" She again rested her head on his chest. "Remember Alex Conrad?"
"My protégé. He has another book out, you know. It has a killer twist in it. This time the girlfriend really did kill the guy."
Kate shook her head. "I told you I was a one writer girl. Of course, I was still with Josh, but I was kind of hoping that you'd understand that I wanted to be your girl." She ran her hand along his cheek. "Just like I am now."
"So many missed opportunities."
She nodded. "When we were together right after Montgomery was killed, I just wanted to put my arms around you and hold you and ask you to stay with me, to be with me, but I was so upset…The moment passed. The walls again."
Kate suddenly giggled.
"What?" Castle asked.
"There was one more time I thought about a boob job. The night after you asked if I'd get the implants, I stood in my bathroom, naked in front to the mirror and pushed them up to try to see what they'd be like."
"What were they like?"
Kate pushed up her sleep shirt and pushed her boobs together and out. "Like that."
"I think we should examine this more carefully, Mrs. Castle."
"I thought you'd never ask, Mr. Beckett."