
AES Academy

After a 1000yrs of war, humans went extinct. Leaving animals, "without a leash". Without humans, we went into a new ecosystem. During the war, humans had released chemicals into the atmosphere. After they were gone, it lingered there. Though, it was contaminated enough a normal human would be dead just by breathing it in. So . . . what about us animals? Well, thats the werid part. Our ancestors managed to adapt and breath it in properly and still function a normal life. Though it had a side effect. It had managed to change our DNA. . . Leaving us to evolve.

SocietyReverse · ファンタジー
6 Chs

A Lullaby's Tears

"Get her! "

My lungs gasped for air, heart beating as fast as an olympian.

Sweat dripped down my fur, coating me.

I whipped my head around as I jumped on the rocks to give me the upper hand.

The adrenaline pumped through my veins, legs shaking from exhaustion.

I could hear them coming, the forest echoed and shook in their yells.

I bolted, my claws dug into the soft ground.

Hope sprung through my heart as I could smell the fresh air.

I could see the clearing coming up.

When I reached it, all hope drowned there and then.

It was a cliff, to a waterfall.

I heard a chuckle behind me.

I sprung around, fear painted my face.

3 large beastmen slowly came from the forest.

All nearly triple my size.

2 on the sides had guns.

The biggest of all was in the middle, he was the one who had chuckled.

He stepped forward, a grim smile appeared on his face.

"There, there, little female.

We just want to talk. Come with us, and we won't hurt you. "

He spoke out, the deep raspy voice sent chills down my spine.

That had seemed to amuse them.

"How about you transform into your human side, and let's say we have a little 'deal'. You be a nice female and come with us, and we won't shoot you. It's a win-win. " The one on the left spoke up.

I began to step back towards the cliff, fear tearing my body apart.

This only seemed to anger them at my actions.

The one in the middle stepped towards me more, teeth bared.

They lunged at me, transformed into their animal side.

I yelped, quickly trying to back away, it felt as if time itself slowed down, but in those last moments, I could hear a voice hum a familiar tune, it sounded like a male in the silent world before I heard a crack, falling into something cold and then, . . . darkness.