
West City

Walking in with drool coming out of her mouth Sarada said to the clerk, "Let me try one - no two of everything" She changed her order midway after remembering Aeon.

Looking at the two kids the young clerk thought, "One dressed in some sort of cosplay and the other like some savage. Are they villagers or is this the new style that out, and what is that on their face.

Ether way it doesn't look like they have any money since their hands are empty and they don't seem to have pockets."

"Hey kid, you got money to pay for it?" said the clerk to Sarada.

Sarada had a confused look on her face when she asked, "What's money?" Then she turned to Aeon and said, "You got some money?"

The clerks face went dark when he realized that these kids don't know much about the outside world. Aeon then said, "Oh right!"

Then Aeon materialized some money, looked at the clerk and asked, "How much is it?"

The clerk eyes opened wide in surprise, after calming down he said "600 Zeni"

Aeon handed the clerk a bill worth a thousand, both Aeon and Sarada Grabbed what they wanted and left while the clerk stood there in shock.

After leaving the shop the duo quickly finished their food while walking around.

"The food on this planet is the best, after eating it I don't wont to go back to the boring food made on Planet Vegeta or those plain plant dishes on Namek." said Sarada as she praised the food while patting her stomach.

"Did you think I was doing nothing while we visited the villages, unlike you who lazed around, I was learning all of their recopies." Aeon said.

Using some materialization magic to make a stack of money, Aeon gave it to Sarada and said, "Take this, use it to buy things that you want. When the sun sets meet me back here."

Having said that Aeon flew away leaving a confused Sarada.

Aeon went a few kilometers outside of the city before landing. "Now that I have some time I could practice teleportation." Aeon thought.

"To teleport I need to first visualize the place I want to be or at least know the location, then I should use magical energy to demolecularize into atoms and move inside the 'Teleportation Zone' and reassemble in the designated area." Aeon went over the information on the skill.

When he felt he was ready Aeon materialized a wooden block, then tried to teleport it. Nothing happened so he kept trying until he got irritated.

"Something has to be wrong because the Namekians are a part of the dragon clan which specialize in magic. I must be doing something incorrectly but I don't know what because the all of the knowledge on space doesn't have many clues." Aeon thought in his frustration.

***Somewhere else***

Within the bustling city a child was carrying a bunch of bags a she walked down the sidewalks. She had black spikey hair, wearing what appears to be a red dress, with a red and white pair of sneakers.

The strange thing that the people who walk by the child notice is the brown tail that is flailing behind her and the irregular strength shown by how she is carrying bags that seem to weigh more than her.

This girl is Sarada who changed her outfit after visiting a clothes store, and many other establishments.

Currently Sarada was walking down the street when a blue and white car stopped on the curve. Two people got out of the car and walked up to her

They wore blue short sleeve shirts, with a star above the heart that had the word 'police' on it. Underneath the blue shirt was a white t-shirt and on their head was a blue hat with a star on it.

On the lower body they had blue pants, at the waist was a light blue belt that had a small pouch hanging on it.

"Excuse me kid!" said policeman A.

Feeling like the voice was talking to her, Sarada pointed at herself and asked, "Me?"

"Yes you." replied policeman A. He continued, "Are you the child that has been causing a ruckus in the shopping district.

Making a strange face as she tried to remember Sarada replied, "No, I don't remember doing anything."

Policeman B was irritated so he said harshly, "Now's not the time for games kid, we got reports of a kid spending money like its dirt and you match the description"

seeing how Sarada's face turned red in anger, Policeman A stepped in, "Sorry about my partner here, he's still learning the ropes. We just want to ask you a few questions."

After hearing policeman A, Sarada started to calm down. Seems like the interaction with the villages has helped reign in her savage nature more than Aeon thought.

Seeing her calm down policeman A continued, "Where are you from? Where did you get all of that money you spent? And, Why aren't you with your parents or in school?"

With how respectful the policeman A was Sarada kindly answered his questions. In one breath she said, "I am from Planet Vegeta, me and Aeon were sent out to destroy all lifeforms on some planet. I got the money from Aeon. Our mothers sent us off when we left the planet, and I don't know what school is."

"I see. do you know where this Aeon is?" asked policeman A, since he thought the answer lie with Aeon.

"No, but he'll meet me at sunset." Sarada said innocently.

"Do you mind if I tag along with you until then?" asked Policeman A after checking the time and realizing that it'll take another hour.

She thought about it and agreed, "Sure, but he cant come." Sarada looked at Policeman B with a fierce look.

Policeman A agreed and sent the other policeman back. Turning back to Sarada the policeman smiled and said, "So, where are we going?"

Sarada smiled and said seriously, "To eat."