

"Let me read your power level" Sarada said while turning on her scouter.

"Okay, I'm curious about my strength as well." Aeon began concentrating on his gift Absorb to allow the energy in his body to be released. After his gift allowed his power to be detected, Aeon started to release all of his power.

A purple Ki aura appeared around his body after a few breathes Aeon let the Ki flair causing the intensity to increase dramatically. The ocean water below him started rippling as the Ki aura began to affect the world around it slightly.

Sarada was watching this in amazement through her scouter because the number showing had already passed ten-thousand. When his Ki Aura stopped increasing Sarada finally got out of her stupor and said, "21,350. WOW!! Your already twice as strong as all the elite Saiyan's."

Suppressing his Ki and allowing absorb to prevent any energy from leaking again, Aeon shook his head and said, "Although I am stronger than even King Vegeta, I am still nothing compared to Frieza."

Knowing that Sarada was going to ask Aeon said, "Frieza has a power level above 500,000 and that's in his weakest form."

Sarada's eyes open wide in shock, "Doesn't that mean that the Saiyan race is bound for destruction."

"No! Don't you remember the wish to Porunga. Their will be some survivors teleported to our new planet, but we will have to repopulate the Saiyan race. Besides a Super Saiyan will be able to defeat Frieza, so we have to work hard to prevent our race from extinction." Aeon said, trying to give Sarada motivation and confidence.

Sarada was still quiet but she appeared to have at least found a goal. Seeing that she was fine they went back to the island and hid their pods, after which they began to head towards the nearest cluster of power levels.

Unbeknownst to the duo, they were being watched.

***Some where else***

On a floating platform, a wrinkly green man with pink patches, wearing a white robe with a blue collar. On the robe was the word god, while the man carries a stick as tall as himself.

Next to him was a black skinned short and plump man with smiling red lips. He wore a white turban with and aqua-colored jewel resting on his forehead. On his upper body he wore a maroon patterned sleeveless vest with golden trims, on the lower body were white pants with a red sash wrapped around his waist.

This 'God' was watching the duo ever since they landed, "Mr. Popo do you think the alien children bring harm to this world?"

The plump man called Mr. Popo replied, "I don't know, Kami. Even if they did their is nobody on the planet strong enough to stop them."

"Lets watch them to learn their intentions." Kami said before looking back at the duo.

***Back to our Protagonist***

Aeon and Sarada flew until they arrived at their destination.

When they landed the people were shocked to find to floating kids, it got a lot of attentions till some elderly came.

Aeon and Sarada went up to one of the them and asked, "Can we have a map, some directions to West City. 'Grr' And some food."

An elderly woman ignored his questions and asked while grabbing their wrist, "What are you kids doing outside of school? Do your parents know what your doing right now? "

Sarada not liking the woman's attitude slapped her hand away and said fiercely, "Listen here lady, if you don't stop acting like you control us, then I don't mind treating you like this." Sarada raised her hand towards a mountain shot a Ki blast at it, creating a crater on the side of it.

After seeing what the children in front her could do she let go of Aeon's wrist and said nervously, "I... See. Okay we will get you the things you requested." Turning around she began to give orders to some of the villagers while the rest scattered on their own in fear.

While all of this was playing out Aeon was watching, before they had come Aeon said that he wanted Sarada to take the lead so she could learn ho to communicate with people.

"Although Sarada solved it with threats but she did start off decently. She did pretty good considering if it was other Saiyan's they would kill a bunch before asking the questions. Overall its a pass." Aeon evaluated Sarada in his mind.

Currently Sarada and Aeon where sitting at a table eating, on one side of them was a pile of dishes while the other side had plates of food.

Standing a few feet away from them was the Elder woman followed by a few middle aged women watching in astonishment as the two kids devour everything.

A few hours later Aeon and Sarada are flying with a map and full stomachs.

"So why are we heading to West City? Is it the place to learn Martial Arts?" Sarada asked Aeon curiously.

While looking forward Aeon said, "it's the place where we could get some items that are useful for the future."

Sarada didn't question his decisions since he hasn't let her down before.

On their travel to West City Aeon and Sarada passed by many villages giving Sarada many chances to interact with other people, while Aeon would learn their agricultural and cooking techniques. In exchange for their techniques and food Aeon would materialize things that the Villagers need

Soon another week flew by leaving Aeon with 16 months before Planet Vegeta's destruction.

The duo finally arrived in West City. "Whoa!!! These buildings are so tall." Shouted Sarada when they entered the City. Her yell caused those nearby to look at her strangely, but when they looked at Aeon they assumed them to be kids from a nearby Village.

Although Aeon was also a bit surprised he didn't express it out loud. Noticing everyone look at him, he grabbed Sarada with his tail and disappeared.

When they appeared again they were deeper into the city. "Lets look around a bit before we handle our business." Aeon said while looking at Sarada wore an expression that is filled with curiosity.

"Then lets go!" when she heard him Sarada grabbed Aeon and ran towards a short building.

When they stopped in front of the building, Aeon could tell it was a bakery due to the smell and started to feel hungry.