
Adventuring With Wishes

Your average otaku has had it enough with the monotony of middle-class life. What does he do? He challenges Truck-kun! *While staring at the weird scene* Creator: So this is what the Author chose...oh well...time for my vacation...SEND IN TRUCK-KUN! I do not own any of the characters here except for MC! I am only writing for fun and messing up the plot lines(Literally) This is a multiverse Fanfic and I am just a new writer trying to fill the boredom in life COVER PHOTO IS NOT MINE! retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/644437027905891659/ By JenRos If you want it taken down please message me, thanks

ForgeCoffee · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs


A month has passed since the indefinite closing of the Medical building that was seen as the hope for many, and a certain Hero decided to try and talk to the All-Father.

*Ring* *Ring*

Alexander who was playing with his floating daughters with the Twins suddenly received a call, "Ohh, now what does Mr. Symbol of Peace want?" he said as he looked at his phone.

"Sorry about this but I'll excuse myself" he said making his way out of the room, but not before taking strikes from the duo.

"Nee-sama, Nee-sama, he is leaving again to cause trouble like always"

"Rem, Rem, we should protect the children from his behavior"

"Papa!" x5, the children floated to him and barraging him with multiple hugs and kisses.

Little Lokia looks at her mothers confused, "Mama! Kiss Papa!" she shouted in her baby-like" voice. While Yin who was near her Papa only asked, "Papa...Kiss Mama?" quietly.

When the Twins and Alexander were suddenly thrust into this situation, they couldn't help but avert their eyes from each other.

"Nee-sama, I think we are being violated in his mind right about now."

"Terrible indeed. We are experiencing the ultimate shame in our hu...person's mind"

Ram who almost slipped a word out immediately had a shade of red on her already rosy cheeks but luckily was not noticed by anyone.

Alexander instead thought of another alternative and just patted the twins, "Thanks for being their mother figure willingly", and his statement just made the two receive the pats willingly too.

"We will allow you to pat our head only this time, right, Nee-sama?"

"Rem is right."

Alexander could only laugh at their antics as he has grown used to their daily antics ever since they came. Waving before he left to exited the room to answer the call.







Hero Public Safety Commission...

Right now two people can be seen talking about a matter that needs to be handled properly or they will face retaliation of the highest order.

"All Might, we need you to convince Mr. Morningstar or better known as All-Father in reopening the Medical building

We do not want to be forceful nor try any underhanded means with him as it seems like the higher-ups might end up opting for it"

The current President of the Hero Public Safety Commission said to All Might, the current President is your typical middle-aged politician that is nearing his 50s kind of look.

When All Might heard what the Commission President said he lost the usual smile on his face and turned into one that is serious, where the term "Might" is just right.

"To even suggest such a thing, do you absolutely know what you're doing, and to even mention this in front of me." All Might said, not even adding his usual jokes.

"All Might, you Heroes act like the Heroes you are in the spotlight, while we the HPSC will handle the scenes from behind, okay?" the wrinkled man said while smiling at All Might.

'Tsk, you heroes should just stay and play your roles as your job indicates. Especially that Morningstar brat! Treating the Government like your backyard.' the wrinkled man thought.

"I do not share your ideals in any of your doings nor the ideas you are trying to harbor. For the betterment of Japan do not provoke the 'line'.

That's all I will say, I will be contacting Mr. Morningstar then."

All Might said and turned around to leave to return home so that he can talk to the man in private.






"Ohh, what does our Symbol of Peace want?" the man asked in an annoyed tone.

"Haha, Mr. Morningstar would it be alright for us to talk in person?" All Might back to his usual self casually asked.

"I can guess what this is about, anyway, come over and have dinner with me and my family then we'll talk." Alexander said in a bored tone as he didn't want to leave his house today.

All Might who was hearing this was elated for he would finally meet the man that has been hailed as Europe's Number 1 Hero.

"VERY WELL, I SHALL ACCEPT!" All Might said in his Hero persona happy of the idea.

"Very well, then do please wear whatever is comfortable for you, as we are not one for formalities in this household"

Alexander suggested as even though he was living the life of luxury he was still usually just wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt and only wears a suit when he decides to take an interview.

The two said their goodbyes and hung up and as soon as they did Alexander called a nearby servant and said that All Might will be coming for dinner so they must prepare more dishes than usual.

When the Chefs heard of what is to happen for dinner all of them seemed overjoyed as they would be serving another great Hero which is All Might of all people.

The Chefs seemed to be in overdrive right now as it was the first time they would be serving a guest apart from the family they cook for and their colleagues.

The thing that all employees enjoy working here is that they are free to use any of their colleague's services as long as it's their day off, though only the Helicopter is off-limits, and even the guards enjoy this too.






When All Might arrived at the walls of the residence, it was automatically opened as if anticipating his arrival.

When he was nearing the residence he was excited as it would be his first time seeing the house of the Morningstars!

No one has seen the full residence of the Morningstar family as it is outside of the city and mainly surrounded by forest. Though they can only see what seems like a huge building.

And the ones who have tried sneaking around to try and see it at a closer look have all been taken care of by the JAVELIN pilots and end up as a missing person.

Thus, in the line of paparazzi and media jobs, it is an unspoken rule that one mustn't go near the Morningstar's Residence to take pictures and stalk if you still want to be found.

As several media companies have sent their own team of photographers to the site thinking that they will never harm them...only to lose contact moments after an hour of reaching it.

Media Companies went to their local Police thinking they can solve it and started talking about their missing crew, and when they finally mentioned the area where they were missing they were instantly told to just leave and never send a crew again.

This was when the unspoken rule came to be as Media Companies now know that the Morningstars Family have enough presence to scare the Police Department without even Alexander talking.

And now, All Might is going into that very residence where the Dragons live and driving to their doorstep with a smile.

When All Might was nearing the residence he couldn't help but open his mouth wide at the sheer size and magnificence of it.

Arriving at the entrance he gave his car to the valet who took his car and parked it within the guest parking floor. What greeted All Might at the door was the Morningstar Family.

The five floating babies who can now float for about 40meters before being tired are now floating towards All Might!

All Might who was looking at the babies was shocked for their ability to float at their age and in sync with all five of them too!

Then with the family's Star-studded features that are noticeable on every baby, it made to be an amazing sight.

When the babies saw the guest they immediately knew who he was, he was the one they always see on TV hence they are now floating towards him.

"HELLO, YOUNG MORNINGSTARS!" All Might said in a heroic pose as he saw the floating babies heading for him.

"au might!"

"al might."


"al ight~"

"aw might~"

The babies exclaimed which sniped All Might's heart multiple times from the barrage of cuteness.

The reason for them knowing All Might is because he keeps popping up during TV Commercials and the girls have now been trying some of his poses.

When the girls reached All Might they began to play with his hair and giggled for how the hair stands up like bunny ears.

The babies went floating back into the arms of the Twins and Alexander, with the Twins saying.

"All Might-san, thank you for entertaining our daughters" Rem and Ram said simultaneously with a small appreciative smile on their faces.

"MY PLEASURE, MRS. MORNINGSTAR!" This time turning his back and doing another different pose making the babies laugh.

Although when All Might said the term "Mrs" they blushed at the thought which made Alexander look at the two and caught them having pink tints on their cheeks.

Releasing the awkward tension in the air, Alexander quickly invited All Might inside to finally start dinner. All Might walked inside the 'house' not knowing of the tension he created.



-After Dinner-



After the family and guest ate their dinner the twins picked up all the floating babies who were floating on top of the table and left the two adults at the table to talk.

"I'm surprised all of your daughters can already float!" All Might exclaimed as the babies were already manifesting quirks at such age was similar to the "Glowing" baby!

"They do have my blood" Alexander said in a proud manner, but immediately went serious after.

All Might sensing the change in the demeanor of Alexander also removed all traces of jokes and smiles at this point.

"I enjoyed the dinner, but it seems you want to already get straight to the point of things, very well." All Might said in his characteristic deep voice.

"I will reopen it after you answer my questions and do the things I ask for." Alexander said, without even hinting what he said was a question but an order.

"Very well.", the muscular guest responded.

"Carter, make sure all employees are to leave this floor, starting now" as Alexander said that, the camouflaged Head of Security of the residence appeared out of nowhere in his Mjolnir Armor, startling and amazed All Might at the same time.




After making sure no random employee was left on the floor, the two began their talk.

"As I said, I question and you answer, nothing else" Alexander said but continued immediately after.

"What does the 8th Generation user of One For All need?" he said with an expression that shouts 'I know everything but...meh'

All Might who heard this was startled by the sudden secret title he holds was just said right out of the bat by Alexander.

"Hah...You sure do know how to surprise... I was told by the Hero Public Safety Commission to ask you to reopen the Medical building of your company.

And said that the higher-ups are wanting to settle this peacefully without resorting to underhanded means" All Might said without hiding any facts.

Alexander who heard this just wanted to laugh, after his show of power it seems human greed triumphs all.

Continuing on with his question and decided to save the others for later he asked,

"As you were quirkless once...why have you not once helped alleviate the troubles of quirkless?

When I walk in the streets of Europe quirkless and quirk users live properly because they understand the fact that 60% of quirks are downright useless.

Nothing amazing...nothing worth creating trouble over.

So, tell me, why do you not try and save the 20% of Japan as well?"

This was the question that has been in Alexander's thought ever since he started watching the anime, why All Might who knows the struggles of being quirkless never once helped them out?

Alexander said with a massive HINT of disgust in his tone,

"What? Now that you have a quirk you consider yourself as a quirk user? OI! Have you disillusioned yourself that when you beat criminals that you also save the 20%!?

Do you know why the crime rate is so rampant? Do you know that the Pillar you built is one made of sand, just WAITING for the day you wash away in age or by injury?

Most important of all, have you forgotten your Mentor's words!? 'A true hero saves not only their lives, but also their hearts... '

Remember that? You have only been saving lives and inspiring the future young generations to be Heroes...wonderful!

But do you know what that sounds like to a quirkless? All they hear is how IMPORTANT everyone should be a HERO, and what MAKES a Hero in today's time?

Not bravery, heroism, spirit, or sacrifice. No.

What makes a Hero today is a QUIRK. And when you have an OUTSTANDING quirk everyone looks at you as if the next symbol of peace while the HPSC looks at you as a future pawn of theirs.

So what does the quirkless do in all this? What? Kill themselves because society deems them as trash? All Might, let me ask you this within the hundreds of questions I have asked...

What are you without your quirk?"

All Might hearing every question without stoppage felt like hammers of guilt just kept pounding at him non-stop.


I thought by fighting villains left and right I would be saving everyone, but after listening to you...I just sounded even worse for all Quirkless without even realizing it.


This was all All Might said before silence overwhelmed the room but before it could get worse Alexander broke the silence.

"Good. IF you didn't realize that I would have kicked you out black and blue if you were to have remained stubborn." Alexander said while putting heavy emphasis on the 'IF'

"Now let's talk about trade instead.

My service saves life, so I want lives in return.

All corrupt members of the HPSC.

Say your agreement and Morningstar Medical will open its doors tomorrow morning without anything extra."

Alexander's offer was that akin to a devil, as his offer was to save lives and removing lives at the same time and offered it to a person who detests killing but values life too. This was just torment plain and simple.

When All Might heard of the offer he was stunned and couldn't even comprehend what he was hearing, every question and offer Alexander makes was ripping his ideals apart.

Deciding the betterment of society he took the heavy yet easiest choice, so he called the President of HSPC...






(Hello! Sorry about the wait, fell asleep and just woke up! Cheers!)