
Adventuring With Wishes

Your average otaku has had it enough with the monotony of middle-class life. What does he do? He challenges Truck-kun! *While staring at the weird scene* Creator: So this is what the Author chose...oh well...time for my vacation...SEND IN TRUCK-KUN! I do not own any of the characters here except for MC! I am only writing for fun and messing up the plot lines(Literally) This is a multiverse Fanfic and I am just a new writer trying to fill the boredom in life COVER PHOTO IS NOT MINE! retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/644437027905891659/ By JenRos If you want it taken down please message me, thanks

ForgeCoffee · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

The Reincarnators




When the world and Japan saw the happenings within Europe, everyone was shocked that such technology existed and at an affordable price too!

The Japanese community was extremely anticipating a Morningstar Medical building that would soon appear within their country or Tokyo to be exact, as the owner was living there currently.

As soon as people connected the dots that the capitals of each country within Europe had one Medical building, they were expecting one for Tokyo too.

When news that there will be a Morningstar Medical in the heart of Tokyo, real estate prices of the surrounding residential houses skyrocketed much to the dismay of people.

But as soon as the building finished construction and was almost ready for business, it suddenly released a notice that they will be indefinitely closed and to contact the Government about it.

When retired heroes who were forced to retire due to injuries heard of this, they were enraged. As they saw the service of Morningstar Medical as a hope to get out of retirement.

Mr. Morningstar only released a one-question interviewed Video and his response was:

[I do not play around. I have said that previously already.

The Government wanted to purposely raise my tax? Okay.

You can raise my tax as much as you want for my businesses then...that is if there is even any.

Do you know why I only set up one Medical Building per Capital/Nation and added up various restrictions on who we will only entertain?

If I didn't I would have taken the ENTIRE medical industry's market and an increase in unemployment will HAPPEN. As my Medical Buildings only NEED staff to operate the machine.

Just a quick scan and a tap to heal. Done. No degree, No Experience, Nothing.

If I did that I would have rendered the professions of doctors and nurses ALMOST useless.

So, I will leave Japan as is, like nothing ever happened. You people can go back to your people that specialize in Healing Quirks and act as if a life-saving device was never present.

You may call my actions petty but if I do not set where the line is, everyone might as well take my property.

And my line is only one warning. You start, I end it.

Remember, I still have my Support Gear to offer, now I want to see who wants to increase my taxes.]

After the interview, many quickly criticized the Government for being greedy and even viewed Morningstar Industries in a favorable light of not being greedy.

During this time, many retired Heroes and others around the globe went to Europe for healing and only to be shocked by the fact that they have to pay 10% of their Annual Income!

When questioned why the representative of Morningstar Medical Europe just said

"10% Monthly are for the Citizens of Europe and annually are for foreigners. So please wait for a branch to open in your respective countries"

Immediately citizens of their respective countries voiced out to their Government the need for a Morningstar Medical to appear.

The Government could only heed to the voices of the people but till now there is no response back from the Government.


A man with golden hair and fiery red eyes while also the current Head of the Lionheart Family, Gilbert Lionheart, is currently reading a blog post about Morningstar Industries.

"Alesha, what do you think about his actions?" the man asked his wife, who was termed as a business prodigy that can compete with just about anyone.

"His actions all have a reason. The first one I believe started when those pilots of the combat suits allowed to show themselves" Alesha said while also holding a baby within her hands.

The baby they termed as a genius for he started to already talk although only in broken words after his 5th month of age, is none other than Gilgamesh Lionheart!

"I know where you are going but do please continue" Gilbert said as he had an inkling of what his wife wanted to say.

"When the combat suits debuted they showed efficiency, power, and technology that no country has ever achieved. There wasn't a show of quirks even, this shows their quality and usefulness.

Then when organizations and hired countries tried to steal the technology and blueprints behind it, they were only met with destruction.

That shows the power behind his words and yet people kept testing it and he simply proved them again and again.

People who tried even sneaking anywhere near their land were immediately removed from existence although it depends on what their intentions were.

This shows that they do not care about the background of anyone, be it country or hidden organizations.

Even us, we can't even penetrate further into the European market for it is too peaceful, although we have no problems in Asia for now as our Uruk Corporation heavily deals with disaster relief and real estate"

Alesha finished what she wanted to say and Gilbert could only nod in agreement,

"Even though our bloodline quirk [Sha Naqba Imuru] has degraded to the point of only letting us see one week ahead, it is enough to know that we should not mess with that man.

And whenever I try to focus it on him it's always blurry and the opposite happens, I feel like I am the one being stared at" Gilbert said with a chill in his spine.

The Morningstar Industries and Uruk Corporation seem to be in a fine line of not stepping on each other's tail by trying to enter each other's market.

This is the same thought for both sides, as Alexander does not want everything to be under his company and the Lionheart Family respect and fear Alexander's power which seems to act as a bloodline power as well, which is predicted for his children starry appearance.

Others may underestimate him for thinking that his transformation heavily correlates to stamina, by logic, it is just right to assume this but this is far from the truth.

Alexander has never stated what are the conditions for his transformation and is still keeping it a secret.

The same for the Lionheart family, their bloodline quirk is only listed as [Clairvoyance] for the public, to see from afar and know of people's weaknesses.

But, if people knew they could see a week into the future then unnecessary problems will arise from people's fear and greed, though some people seem to have guesses but never bothered to risk knowing it.







The baby held within the hands of Alesha Lionheart who was acting asleep was keenly listening to the discussion being taken place.

To say he was shocked by the events happening around the world because of one man was an understatement.

'Who is this Morningstar guy? Why haven't I heard of him in the anime?' thought Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh decided to ask the God who sent him hear but he isn't even getting a reply after many tries!

Gilgamesh remembers that the God who sent him here gave him the ability to communicate with him, but right now it proves to be useless.

'But no one will beat me once I am able to access all of the weapons within the Gate of Babylon!' he thought before succumbing to mortal slumber

The King of Heroes will soon find out in the future that that title should've just been buried in the past, as he will see the disparity in strength.



"Honey, look Madara wants to hold the tablet", a woman who had an active baby on her lap who was trying to grab the tablet and read it.

The doting parents were proud that their son is a little genius for being able to talk although single words only. And now they are happy that he is showing signs of interest in something!

As little Madara never played with any of his toys and is usually very quiet, but this time the tablet caught his interest.

In the eyes of the parents and observers, they are only thinking that little Madara is just attracted to the bright lens of the tablet.

However, what little Madara is after is what is written on the newly posted blog by the Japanese Times!

During his time on his mom's lap, he was able to see the word "MORNINGSTAR INDUSTRIES" and since this company never appeared in the show it piqued his interest.

So what he did was to grab the tablet from his mom's hands or at least tried to, but he was still able to read the important parts of it.

Madara managed to read how Alexander Morningstar developed a machine said to heal almost everything and that technology is not available anymore for Japan and the new company he has never heard of in the anime, Morningstar Industries.

'I guess real life is very different from the anime or I was instead placed in an AU, but once I even acquire my Perfect Susanoo through training I will be the strongest!' thought the little baby who was being praised.

(In Madara's Fanfic he was able to gain all of Madara's power through age and training, and right before the school term for UA started he already gained the Perfect Susanoo and the Rinnegan too)


Another Meanwhile...#3

A family of five, the Hado Family, were happily eating their lunch at a table while talking about the storms that a certain retired Hero is making.

"Dear, what did the Government say about the Morningstar Medical issue? With your status as No.10 in the Hero ranking, you should've at least gotten information, yes?" asked the mother who was currently feeding Sayo, the reincarnator.

(For those who don't know or have forgotten, her wishes in her fanfic were Zenith Tempest and the Titan Bloodline, Atlas)

"Hah...I don't even want to think of it anymore, you would think after their unveiling in Europe other countries would treat him as best as they could.

But it turns out our Country is the first and will certainly be the last one to try and push anything else.

We will basically be a laughing stock once we are the only country in Asia to not have such service. At least we still have the support gear coming soon"

The big blue-haired man said with a depressed look on his face, his quirk Physical Refinement which grants him immense physical strength and the ability to strengthen it further by harsh physical training.

(Just as shown in the Fanfic of Sayo's original, Akio Hado trained by getting beaten up by his daughter, Sayo, and with each beat down he got stronger and managed to reach Top 4 in the Hero Ranking.)

Sayo was apparently not listening and only attentive on feeding on her mom's breast as this was one of her favorite activities but her mom would usually opt for baby's formula.

Due to Sayo's Titan bloodline, she consumes like a leech trying to devour the life essence from her own mom, hence the bottle was the sacrifice.

After finishing her meal she manages to drink two baby bottles worth of formula, before letting the weaknesses of babies take over...sleep.

And right now...she has fallen into temporary darkness once again.






(Apparently staring at my laptop thinking what to type took longer than I thought, Cheers!)

Question and Comment:

Should I go back to my early chapters and edit them? Since some of you have said that I have improved and stuff or should I just let it be?