

Chapter 12: Enlightenment

Gold woke up at 2 am and ran to his courtyard. He then sat down and started performing the Ki forming Art. Gold started trying to form his dream so he could try and perceive his drawing later.

A few hours later Gold finally managed to form an image of the sun that appeared in his dream. The image was more like a videos than an actual moving rather than a piece of art.

Gold: "I'm finally done. Now let's see what I can learn from this."

Gold looked at the drawing of the sun and started thinking about the way that he spread his ki around his sword.

Gold: "I move my ki softly and finely but the sun is fiery and explosive. Maybe instead I should be moving my ki ferociously and uncontrollably."

Gold then looked for more issues by looking at the picture. He then that about the amount of ki that should be uses to start the attack and how much to sustain it.

Gold then got up and decided to try his new method with different ki outputs and see the differences.

Gold: "Hm how about 75% of my ki first the use 5% to maintain it ."

Gold then tried it and attack was very strong at the start but after the first strike all the other attacks were drastically weaker.

Gold: "To strong of a start, I'm out of ki after 5 minutes and after the initial strike I'm already out of ki. I really should break through to the next level after finishing."

Gold then sat down a cycled whatever left of his ki around his body generating a magnetic energy that pulls small amounts of ki into his body.

30 minutes later Gold finally finished refilling his ki reserves and then got back to training.

Gold: "How about 50% and then 25% of my ki to maintain it."

Fold then tried it and the first hit was quite powerful and didn't take to much of his ki but to maintain it took him to much ki. With this output Gold could only maintain the skill for 2 minutes.

Gold then sighed and went back to refill his ki reserves.

Another half-hour later Gold finally had 100% of his ki back into his body. He then was about to go and think of some outputs that could help but, then thinks of way that could work."

Gold then grappled his sword and started talking to myself.

Gold then muttered to humself: "What if I try 25% of my for the ignition and use 10% to maintain the skill. Then if I need a stronger attack use a 50% or higher for the attack."

Gold then used 25% of his ki and spread it around his sword. The sword had a perfect light orange aura that gave you a nice warm feeling like the sun lights warmth but if you touched the blade a normal person would get third degree burn, while most cultivator would feel a light burning sensations.

The burning effects of the aura are not to great with the ki output being used but what is dangerous is that the lit aura will invade your body and cut the circulation of ki in your body.

Gold continued past the ignition part of the skill and started to see how many more minutes he could last before running out of ki.

Fold managed to keep up the skill for another 10 minutes before running completely dry of ki.

Gold then sat down with a happy expression.

Gold: "Pretty much finished Sun Slash just need to increase my ki storage."

Gold then started feeling woozy and realized he only had like 3 hours of sleep. He then looked at the clock and got up.

Gold: "Shoot its already 8 am"

Gold then went to his bed and fell asleep again easily.