
Sun Slash

Chapter 11: Sun Slash

***Gold's courtyard***

Gold came back to his courtyard after grabbing his training manuals and sat down to read them.

Gold: "I've finally improved my ki control and by a drastic amount. I guess I should finish Spatial Twist."

Gold then got up and started to feel the ki in his body.

Gold: "Hm I feel my ki much more easier than before. Must be because of the K Forming Art."

Gold started to move the ki into his legs. Gold felt how much easier and smooth it was to move his ki around than before.

Gold, "So I need to learn how to sprint with ki refined into my legs and how to dodge swiftly and accurately.

Gold then started moving his ki around his legs in a cycle over and over again to get his legs used to the pressure of the ki. Finally after multiple cycles Gold attempted to stand up. As he was coming up his legs were wobbling and he fell on ass.

Gold: "A few more cycles should do it."

Gold the proceeded to move his ki in the same cycle a few more times. 30 minutes later Gold then tried to stand up again. Gold barely managed to stand up but was still shaking as he was standing.

Gold: "I can stand now, just a little more till I can walk."

***Main courtyard***

Jane came back to the main court yard to have a conversation with Athena but she felt a small surge of ki and knew Snow had broke through.

Jane then walked over to Snow and congratulated her.

Jane: "Good job making it to the Body Enhancement Stage."

Snow: "Thank you senior."

Jane: "Now that you have broken through let me the trick to help you control your ki."

Snow: "Ok."

Jane: "So this trick is called the Ki Forming Art it has....."

***Golds court yard***

1 hour later

Gold: "I can finally sprint now. Now I just need to practice my agility."

Gold then went to his mother to ask her to attack him. When they reached the courtyard Gold told his mother that he was ready.

Athena: "Ok here I go."

Athena then chops her arm down hit but Gold managed to dodge.

Gold: "Whoa that was unexpected."

Athena: "Anything can happen in a fight."

Gold managed to dodge the next to hits but then is kicked right in the chest knocking him to the ground.

Gold: "Ow!"

Jane: "Your movements are wrong when you do this your actually supposed to do...."

***Main courtyard***

3 hours later

Jane walked in and didn't even feel shocked. The room had become a drawing of a snowy forest with two people sitting and chatting. Jane looked closer at the two people and realized they were drawings of Gold and Snow.

Snow: "I cant lose to Gold. I'm supposed to be stronger than master so I can protect him."

Jane then sighed.

***Gold's Courtyard***

4 hours later

In Gold's courtyard Athena was swinging her wooden sword at speeds a little faster than the average human swing speed. Gold was dodging every hit flawlessly not allowing any hits to touch him.

Athena: "Good, but now I'm going to speed up."

Athena sped her attacks up to the point where the normal human eye cannot see the attack.

Gold managed to dodge the first three attacks and then got hit on the head then in the stomach.

Gold: "Ow, that kinda hurt."

Gold then sat down and rested his body for a few minutes before getting getting up.

Gold: "let's keep going."

***1 more hour***

Gold was dodging Athenas attacks easily like before flawlessly and smoothly making his movement look like an illusion.

Athena: "I think you are proficient enough to move on to the next skill."

Gold: "I think so too. Those at my level shouldnt even be able to attack that fast."

Athena: "Never underestimate your opponents they can be like you and be a genius and be a tough much for you."

Gold then thought about it and agreed to what is mother said.

Gold: "Ok mother."

Athena: "Now, which skill will you be doing next?"

Gold: "I'll probably start Sun Slash right now depending on the time. What time is?"

Athena: " Well we woke up at about 10 am and you trained for about 8 to 10 hours so probably like around 6 to 8 pm."

Jane then walked through the door with snow and unturned their conversation.

Jane: "It's 7:30 pm right now."

Gold: "Hello senior and Snow."

Snow then bowed and greeted Gold.

Snow: "Hello Young Master."

Gold: "Congratulations on reaching the Body Enhancement stage."

Snow: "Thanks."

Jane: "Anways time for both of you to start training. Gold what are you working on? Snow is working on a defensive skill."

Gold: "I'm gonna do Sun Slash."

Jane: "Ok let me help you by explaining the basis of it. Sun Slash is a technique the represents the sun. You want to spread your ki around your sword, you want it to envelope the sword like the sun's light."

Gold: "Hm I see"

Jane then left with Snow and Athena to let Gold focus on practicing. Gold then grabbed his sword and tried to cover his sword gently and lightly like on a perfect sunny day where the sun shines brightly but gentle on the warmth and doesn't burn all.

Gold's sword was covered by a small layer of ki that lightly shined a bright orange. Gold then tried to slash but as soon as he did the ki around his sword dispersed. Gold frowned and then tried again but the same result happened again and again.

Gold: "What am I doing wrong?"

Gold then tried multiple times over and over again but each time failing.

Gold: "Am I doing something wrong? I'm using my ki correctly and spreading it out. What's the matter? Am I not using enough power?"

Gold then tried one more time but instead used all his power and tried to slash but the same thing happened again.

Gold: "Whyyyyyyyy!"

Gold then put his sword down in frustration and headed towards the bathroom.

Gold: "I need to rest maybe I've trained to much.

Gold then showered, brushed his teeth, then headed to bed. Gold then got in bed and went to sleep.

In bed Gold had a dream that gave him enlightenment about Sun Slash and suddenly woke up.


Athena: "SHUT UP!"

Gold then got up and ran to his courtyard.

Sorry for not uploading chapters these past few days. I've been busy and to tired to write this at night.

JoshScreators' thoughts