
Adventurer In The Multiverse

Lucifer dies to save a little girl from an accident. Now GOD gives him the chance to reincarnate in the Marvel Universe. He will be the strongest, he will travel worlds, he will obtain all that there is to obtain "Now that I'm here all those cosmic beings beware, I'll soon stand on top!" -------------------- Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters from the Marvel Universe or credit regarding the existence of this characters or content.

Eroevolution · その他
26 Chs


"Let's go" Lucifer smirks as he raises his hand.

As he utters the command, the suit responds. Turning completely fluid as though liquid and flying over, it begins to envelope Lucifer from the hand, up the arm and across his whole body. Completely wrapping itself around Lucifer, as he now stood in a white riot esque looking suit.

"Feels…Feels like skin… Like it's not even there…he he he… freaky" Lucifer comments as he checks the suit out, pinching it, pulling on it, pressing on it.

"It almost feels as though I'm naked" Lucifer mocks while adding "M.I.N.E.R.V.A I believe the suit digested the materials that constituted the clothes I wore beneath it and added to its constitution, there by gaining any outstanding qualities the material may have possessed. So let's do a little experiment before I take the thing for a spin" as he wills the suit to adopt properties identical to the clothing he wore before, yet he made sure to not alter the design or hardness of the suit, there by only gaining the positive effects of malleability and texture from the previous material.

"What are you suggesting sir?" The AI questions in genuine bewilderment.

"Whip up a suit, whit the latest specifications available, we will see if the suit can gain any benefits from the absorption of the nanites" Lucifer clarified.

"Understood sir" M.I.N.E.R.V.A intoned as she got to work.

- - - - - - - - - -

A couple of hours later.

Lucifer was currently jumping about the lab, he had already cleared out most objects present in the room, such as microscopes and holographic projectors, which endowed the suit with the ability to delve into the microscopic world, project 3D constructs, change the suit composition into a glass like state and more.

As Lucifer continued a series of exercises to test the limits of his current suit, the AI came back with a notification.

"Sir the suit is ready, it will be down shortly" M.I.N.E.R.V.A said and as her words died down a ding is heard.


As the elevator arrived at the floor, a nanosuit steps out, step by step it approached Lucifer.

Stopping his tests, Lucifer turns towards the suit. Just as it was only a couple of feet away, Lucifer willed the symbiote off himself and let it latch on to the nanosuit, leaving Lucifer naked.

"Sir, we may want to prepare an extra pair of clothing you can use in case anything goes wrong with the suit" The AI cautioned Lucifer, after noticing his nudeness.

Observing the symbiote assimilate the nanosuit, Lucifer can't help but nod "Yes you are right M.I.N.E.R.V.A, prepare the clothes for me please and bring it down"

"But sir, what will you be using to transport the clothes? Shall we use a camouflaged drone?" The AI inquired.

"No, it could be tracked and give away my identity. Besides we have a better way to do this, just bring the clothes and I shall show you" Lucifer said, while stretching his hand to recall the symbiote that had just finished to assimilate the nanosuit, which unlike before did not liquefy itself but in turn, disintegrated into tiny particles, akin to the nanosuit before it.

Adhering once more onto his body, Lucifer was amazed, for as soon as the link was reestablished with the suit his mind was bombarded with information. The suit gave him information down to the tinniest atom of the nanosuit's composition, hardness, tensile strength, weapon and digital interface. Sadly the digital interface was not perfect while the suit was purely organic, however having the suit adopt the nanosuit's composition in certain places, would allow M.I.N.E.R.V.A limited access to the suit even when it was mostly organic.

Willing the suit to change, the symbiote changed to a more metallic look, as the white turned to black and it was once more the suit worn by the antihero Samael, with the matching fur coat.

"Sir your clothes are here" The AI said as a pair of robotic hands came from the roof with some clothes neatly folded.

Graving the clothing Lucifer said "Watch this"

Just after saying this the suit enveloped the clothes and in but seconds it was gone.

"Should I get another pair sir?" The AI asked, believing the clothes to have been absorbed.

Reaching to his side, as though trying to put his hand inside his pocket, Lucifer's hand sank into the suit and pulled out the clothes he had just enveloped "What for M.I.N.E.R.V.A?" He cheekily asked.

"SIR! SIR! IS THAT SUIT CAPABLE OF SPATIAL STORAGE?" Seeing the display before her, the AI burst in an uncharacteristic excitement.

Laughing at her reaction, Lucifer responds "Yes, Yes it is"

"WE HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO REPLICATE SUCH EFFECTS WITH OUR CURRENT TECHNOLOGY, SIR YOU MUST LET ME STUDY THIS FEAUTRE PLEASE!" M.I.N.E.R.V.A continued, high on the notion of advancing the technology available to them as per her personality matrix.

Chuckling to himself Lucifer generates a sizable blob of symbiote biomass and lets it float in place "Here start your analysis, I hope we can develop something out of it" he says.

"Yes sir! Right away sir!" The AI happily chirped as it sent some robotic arms with a levitating device to safely take away the suit.

"Should we take precautions the same as last time with this sample sir?" The AI asked.

"No need, the suit is now an extension of myself, it will not respond as an unintelligent blob as before" Lucifer clarified. As he lifted his hand and watched the symbiote change into different shapes, finally settling into a shaped that resembled a repulsor beam in the iron man suit.

Seeing the result Lucifer's eyes begin to shine in anticipation, as his mind was enraptured in the possibilities and a smile appears on his face.

"Let's go" He utters as he disappears from the lab in a black flash.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Some of hours later.

Lucifer jumped form roof to roof, bagging bad guys and laying down the psychopaths, rapists and other scum.

'Sigh, I really want the main line to start, at least then I will be able to fly or swing by without the worry of tampering with anything in the timeline, wouldn't want the purple bastard not getting my personal, non-transferable thanks for the decimation' Lucifer thought as his body moved through the concrete jungle subconsciously.

When suddenly shot were fired his way, making him hastily dodge.


"What th...?" Lucifer utters as he continues to dodge everywhere, until he finally identifies his attacker and yells in his altered voice.


"Ho ho ho, I thought I'd make our reunion a bit more explosive considering our previous parting Samael, no need to get so worked up" A sexy voice sounded from a nearby rooftop.

"And you do this? May I suggest the names of a number of head shrinks?" Lucifer mocks as he takes a "safe" distance from the attacker.

"No, I'm good thank you" She answers, packing her sniper rifle "Anyway, missed me?" she asks coyly.

"Well, miss is not the kind of word I'd use, to strong Miss Matthers" Lucifer responds in an equal flirty manner.

"You still remember little old me? I'm flattered Samael" She says as she moves closer towards Lucifer, having disposed of the weapon already.

"Yes well, although you aren't the European woman I'd like to meet, you still aren't easy to forget" Lucifer honestly replied, once more taking distance from the dangerous woman.

"Oh…? I'm not? It's kind of disappointing… Hey how did you know I was European?" She says seemingly disappointed, yet snaps back with a questioning glare.

"Ho? Isn't it obvious? Eastern style face, use of strong words, incredibly beautiful… Not to mention completely crazy and using heavy duty weapons for a greeting, who does that?!" Lucifer begins relating in a smooth and gentle voice, yet finishes in a mocking tone while dodging more gun fire from the twin hand guns in the widows hands.

As she hears his words, Widow feels a bit of inner happiness yet it all turns into fury as his final words are heard, so she pulls her pistols and begins to shoot.

"Well, nice seeing you! But I'm busy right now so latter…" Lucifer shout as he hastily retreats.


"Widow, come in widow, have you acquired target?"

Putting her guns away, widow hold a hand to her ear and says in a firm tone "Yes, I have eyes on target, I will follow and keep under shield surveillance promptly" hanging up she stares at the place Lucifer left, eyes a blaze 'This time you won't get away'

"Surveillance huh? Good luck" Lucifer says as he shifts his focus away from snooping and back to his present objective.

Arriving at an abandoned warehouse Lucifer searched for a vantage point in a rooftop nearby. Getting in place, Lucifer hid in the shadows, ready and in place to perform a common routine stake out, at least it would be common if not for the footsteps he heard coming up from behind.

"So, you come by here often?" A sexy and sultry voice sounds just beside him.

Turning around Lucifer stares at the familiar sexy red headed super spy, crouching down just beside him. Smirking Lucifer shifts his attention back to the abandoned warehouse and responds "Not much really, only when I want to get away from the crazy ones"

Pouting Widow looks at Lucifer's figure hidden by the shadows and lightly punches his gut.

"Ouch! Why is it always violence with you?!" Lucifer snaps as he once more looks at her, while caressing his side.

"Don't compare me, I'm unique" Widow snaps back

"Yet you didn't deny your crazy" Lucifer teases.

"I won't deny it, have to be crazy to follow an overgrown man in a leather suit all over the city this late at night. Still the same can be said about the man" She states will looking at Lucifer.

"Can't really say anything about that" Lucifer responds while staring back, but turns to look at the warehouse while thinking 'Leather huh? I guess reinforced metal's texture has fallen now a days, but that could just be the new suit'

As both stare at the warehouse in silence, Widow couldn't help but ask.

"So what are we doing here?"

"We?" Lucifer asks teasingly

"Ok. You, what are YOU doing here?" She asks once more while rolling her eyes and stressing the "You" in her sentence.

"He, better" Lucifer smirks, causing a vein to pop in Widows forehead, as she threatened to reach for her guns again, but Lucifer hastily explained "I received information that there was to be an exchange in this place, sometime after midnight. The source said a new type of drug was going to be introduced into the dark market, one with a high addiction rating and sadly also having a significant mortality rate, if successful this drug could very well generate a crisis in the city in but months, even none consumers of generic stuff could be potential addicts to this type, since the drugs main consumption is done via smoking, the fumes generated as it burns are just enough to make others addicts"

Pausing to take a look at Widows changing expression Lucifer smirks a bit and proceeds "Not to mention the fact Stark's next generation weapons will be present as well, dozens upon dozens of these weapons in fact. I would believe the end goal for the party's in this exchange might be the weakening and take over of the city, in one way or another. If successful, who's to say they won't take over other places? Or maybe it's only an experiment, who knows." He ends, while cheekily staring at the vivid expression of surprise on Widows face, who seemed to have been frozen in place.

Gloating internally Lucifer can't help but say "What, did you not know about it?"

Snapping out of her reverie at Lucifer's gloating.

A bit distressed she looks at Lucifer and asks in a firm tone "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely sure" Lucifer responds in an equally firm tone.

Taking a breath she resumes her calm facade and puts her hand to her ear, relaying the information "This is agent Black Widow, come in, come in headquarters"

"This is S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ, come in agent Widow. Have you acquired target?" The field operator answers

"Forget about that, I have just been notified there is going to be a gathering of hostile forces, who aim for a total takeover of the city. The hostiles will have an exchange of heavy duty weaponry and dangerous elements, the place is located in lower Manhattan's bay area, lock in to my coordinates, I request immediate support from S.H.I.E.L.D. They must be discreet, we must not alert the hostiles. Also, please explain why is it we had no idea this was happening!" Widow gives her briefing, while almost roaring the last bit.

"Copied agent, S.H.I.E.L.D strike team is inbound. The matter shall be reported and investigated, over and out" The operator speedily responded and hung up, not wanting to be caught in the path of a woman's rage.

Lowering her hand Widow was stuck in a flurry of thoughts until a voice woke her up

"So Black Widow huh? And what was it, S.H.I.E.L.D is that who you work for Miss Matthers?" Lucifer asked teasingly "So many secrets and you didn't share, I feel hurt"

Regaining a bit of her mood she teases back "Sorry, I don't give my number away on the first date, you'll have to work harder handsome"

"Fair enough, fair enough" Lucifer says as he nods his head, finally ending the conversation.

Staring at each other in silence for a while, sound could be heard from down in the warehouse, as trucks and cars started appearing.

Staring at the thing going on, Widow worriedly mouths off "So you were serious"

Staring at the grunts getting of Lucifer responds in a steely tone "Deadly"

Here's long chapter one

Hope you enjoy.

Eroevolutioncreators' thoughts