
The ash that lingers in the air [2]

It was dark.

Darkness embraced every inch of my surroundings. 

I could hardly hear or see a thing. 

'Where is this...?' 

I looked around me. 

Still, it was dark. Regardless of how much I looked, all I saw was darkness. 

'What is going on?' 

I tried to speak, but I found my voice stuck inside of throat. Regardless of how much I tried to speak, my mouth refused to open. 


Moving my body, I pressed my hand forward where I felt something. 

It was smooth to the touch, with hints of warmth. I knocked several times with my knuckle, 'Tok, Tok—!', and each knock felt rather light. 


That appeared to be the case as I tapped again. 

Tok, Tok—! 

I stopped when I realized it did nothing. I then ran my hand around me and tried to get a feel of my surroundings. It was to my shock that I realized that I was trapped on all sides.