
The ash that lingers in the air [3]


I was eventually able to pull the door of the cabinet open. What greeted my sight was a torn-out room. Bed sheets, toys, pieces of furniture, and the shards of a broken mirror... the floor was littered with all sorts of objects. 

It looked like a hurricane had swept through the room.

'....What happened?' 

A crunching sound echoed as I took a step forward. 

It took a moment for me to completely register my surroundings. I looked through all the little clues that were scattered around the room, from the pictures to the teddy bears that were torn, and the pieces started to piece themselves together. 

'This is Kiera's room.' 

Right now, it was a complete mess and I was the only one present. 

For some reason, I was still stuck within the realm of the third leaf. Thinking about the third leaf, my head throbbed. 

"The second time."