
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

Doragon · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

The Apocalypse and the look

Apologies my dudes, but I have just ended my exams 2 days ago.

Normally this shouldn't require an apology but since I did not inform you it is my fault. Will now resume write officially.


In the lizaedman's home.

"GABERU-SAMA!! Orcs have entered our water-yard!" One Lizardman shouted to Gaberu.

Gaberu grunted as he witnessed legions of Orcs killing his men and eating them, the more they eat, the more powerful they get "They have already nullified our water advantage, Troops moral is going down." Gaberu jumped to the battlefield and joined his troops in fighting, being a named Monster, he had an easy time killing Orcs left and right with his father's spear.

"Hoo...we have a strong meal?" A few voices sounded as Gaberu fell another Orcs.

Gaberu shuddered "This presence!" He mumbled as he saw his men getting scared too, soon a few Orcs in jet black armor entered the battlefield.

"What a funny thing you are!" One Big Orc looked at Gaberu stupified face and chuckled.

"I wonder if his flesh will taste funny too?!" Another Orcs added.

The jet black armored Orcs gave Gaberu a dangerous feeling, especially the one in the middle "You...you must be the Orc lord, My instinct can not be wrong, you have trespassed our land...I...I am ready to forgive such act if you agree to face me in a 1v1 instead of hiding behind your troops like this."

The Orcs fell silent, somehow Gaberu felt even more dreadful than before.

The Orc leading the Jet black armor troops grunted "I am not the Orc lord." He said.

'He isn't?!' Gaberu was shocked, this Orc was this strong yet he isn't the Orc lord?!

"However..." the Orc took up his shield and mace "I'll take your challenge in his place as one of the Orc generals." A purple energy came out of his body as he spoke. Without any delay he attacked Gaberu with his shield with a shield Bashe to his chest.

Lizardmen and Orcs retreated back to make space for the battle, in a sense, the Orc still could command his kin even though they are crazed with hunger.

"Gaha!!" Gaberu stumbled back with pain in his chest, he managed to put his spear to block most of the damage but the impact was still strong enough to push him back and do damage to him 'Bastard! He was lying to me, he is definitely the Orc lord, just that wolf from the Last Orc Village, they managed to let me drop my guard down, how humiliating!' Gaberu thought as he stood up.

"I will not hold back, take this special attack [Grand Spiral]!!" Gaberu shouted as he thrusted forward with the trident as it Water twisted around to give more piercing power.

The Orc General took his shield and readied to black it.

"Fool!! This attack can not be blocked by a shield!!" Gaberu was confident in his attack.

However the Orc General spoke "I wasn't blocking..." He said, as soon as Gaberu's trident made contact with his shield, the Orc General body glowed in blue and an explosion irrupted sending Gaberu flying away injured.

The Orc General grunted "funny Lizard, your lack of knowledge is your ultimate joke." The Orc lord General chuckled.

"Damned pig!"



The Lizardmen were worried for the downed Gaberu as they shouted his name.

Gaberu grunted in pian as he stood up with his scales falling like a second layer of iron "Thankfully I activated my extra skill [Steel Skin]...This could have been bad!" Gaberu smirked as half of his body had his skin falling down like steel exposing his real skin.

The Orc General was amused "Interesting, you still have more jokes."

"What was that before? I saw it clearly, you used my attack on me, impossible, How can you use Grand Spiral?" Gaberu asked.

The general smiled under his armor "I didn't use it, I just sent it back to you with my [Reflect] extra skill."

"... Reflect, so you countered my attack and reflected it back to me." Gaberu said.

The general snareld "Enough wasting time, No one us coming to save you." He then sprinted to attack with his mace.

'Tch, that last block took all my energy, I can barley walk!' Gaberu engaged with the General in a heated Close quarter combat. He was in the losing side, out of energy as more attacks landed on his iron skin, draining him off more energy untill he finally fell on his knees.

"Humph, you can't even last a full fight." The general said, Gaberu was in his knees and hands, his body failing to stand on its own. His jaw was open in disbelieve.

'Th-this is the end! He will kill me! Me, Gaberu will be killed!!' Gaberu felt his world twisting as the voices of his screaming subordinates shouting his name were fading, his eyes looked up to see the Orc General swinging his mace down.

'I see...' Gaberu accepted his fate with a bitter taste as he waited for his death, but it never came.

He should be dead by now, yet he still can breath, his vision is still clear.

When he decided to look up and see what happened, he saw a falling Cyan hair in front of him..."Angel...!" Gaberu muttered as he saw the most beautiful person ever in front of him. A beautiful girl with Golden eyes was grabbing the General's mace with her delicate hand like it was nothing more than a falling feather.

"Hm?" Rimuru heard what Gaberu said and looked back "You drunk?" He spoke.

"It appears so..." Gaberu muttered as he kept his eyes, burning the scene in his eyes.

Rimuru tilted his head and then spoke with a smile "I don't like the way you are looking at me, Go away!!" He kicked Gaberu away sending him crashing to where the Orc General first sent him.

Everyone was shocked including Gaberu's subordinates who were glade that their master was saved. But now they are frozen from shock...the Angel is a devil.

But the one who was most surprised was the Orc General, in an instant he jumped back as he noticed the situation they were in.

"We are surrounded!!" He shouted.

Every Orc strated looking around them just to see Hobgoblins with a wolves surrounding them, their aura was leaking which was outrageous as such energy shouldn't go unoticed.

"So you have noticed? And here we were hoping to assassinate you all quickly and be over with it." Rimuru spoke in regret.

"Do not be so disappointed my Young lord." Benimaru walked from behind "There is no fun in a battle where the enemy doesn't realize he is getting killed." He said

"That is right, Rimuru-sama! Even Master Acnologia allowed us to rampage as we like!" Shion spoke as she took out her greatsword.

The Orc General was shocked, the amount of energy he is detecting was impossible, but his sense, all of them, hinted for him to look up.

And when he did, he wished he never did so.