
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

Doragon · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

The Apocalypse and a theif

Patr eon com/RedVoidDoragon


After finishing their meal, Acnologia, Irene and Veldora exited the palace, and for once, Acnologia managed to take a good look at the Dragon Population, so he couldn't help but speak out his observation "I thought you would be ruling over a nation or something, I see no houses, no streets, just mountain and caves with dragons living on them."

Irene shrugged her shoulders "They are dragons after all, they rarely eat and spend most of their days sleeping. But somehow they got the idea that their ruler must have a palace and servants like the rest of the world, so the strongest ones started learning to build and serve." She said.

Veldora sighed "You can even say it is a miracle that they are living together in the same place. This place should have been destroyed with in-fighting a long time ago."

"I can guess you beat them to submission." Acnologia said looking at Irene.

"Nope, It's is more like I led them in harsh times against oppressors, so they followed me as their empress." Irene said proudly with a smug face which led to Veldora giving her a side glance "I wonder who started those hard times?" He said rhetorically.

"Hey! It's not my fault, Do you think I meant for overgrown lizards to go berserk on the whole world? The elder dragons going crazy is not my responsibility." Irene grabbed Veldora by the ear and spoke in frustration, she was tired of getting blamed for stuff she can't control.

"Ha?! You mad Witch! You created them!" Veldora argued back with a pained expression. "Nobody told you to make them able to absorb magic. Now they have absorbed too much to be beaten in a controlled fight."

Hearing this, Acnologia started placing a few pieces together "If you don't mind me asking..." Hearing his voice, Irene somehow flinched "What was the inspiration behind creating those Elder Dragons." He still doesn't know the full story behind their creation, but it somehow sounded like something related to him.

"That's...uh...Well you know...We are getting very late let's go!!" Irene quickly grabbed Acnologia's arm and jumped away "We must get going to gather your body parts."

"Hey!! Hold up guys!!" Veldora transformed to his dragon form and quickly caught up to the two, to which he then got used as a free ride on his back by the two.

Against veldora's constant taunting words, Irene spoke to Acnologia "First of all, We will get the Essence of nature from the druid land where the World tree is."

Acnologia nodded "Where is that?" He asked

"I said the world tree, it is obviously in the most cliche location after all....the center of the world where everything started by The first Dragon." Irene responded. "Normally it would be difficult to go there, but since I have been there once, this will only take a few hours."

"Aren't the druids dead way before the first dragon wars." Veldora spoke while flying above the clouds.

"Most of them yes, but the Tree gave birth to new saplings after that, that's when I found the tree's ability to create new life. A perfect tool to create a body for me....and now for you." She responded proudly, finding the world tree was one of her greatest accomplishments.

"Is that so." But the man himself was not that impressed.

With Veldora going almost light speed and Irene's guidance, The trio stopped in the Middle of the ocean.

"What a let down...I thought the Homeland of the druids will be more magical." Veldora said while looking at the endless ocean.


Irene slammed her staff on his head "Idiot, you think they will live on the surface like us? They live in the world between realms, and that is where the world tree and the true center of the world." With her staff in her hands, Irene chanted "[When the planets align, and when the stars die, only then the world will be seen through!]" After her words, the ocean started trembling and it's blue colors started changing to black, light particles started flying up.

"Whoa!!" Veldora was dumbfounded, Acnologia touched the light particles and thought 'They are not Magic...'

After a moment, The trio exploded into light particles too in a sudden move by Irene, completely disappearing from existence.

Only to reappear in the same place, same time, but everything was different, the ocean was replaced with a huge forest.

The world was dyed in neon.

"Here we are...The Druids' Homeland. Yggdrasil." Irene said to the dumbfounded dragons with her.

Acnologia was entranced with the beauty of this place, his eyes land on the horizon, where he could see a giant glowing white tree, with its branches piercing through the sky like roots "I must admit, I had many images about this place in my head...But this...This is way beyond what I had thought." He mumbled.

Irene smiled proudly "I had the same reaction too when I first came here."

The trio were looking at the mesmerizing world in calmness which was broken by a loud scream "AAA!! THE THIEF HAS COME BACK!!" They looked down with shocked round eyes at a man who looked like he was made of tree leafs, he had a surprised face too as he pointed at the sky, and more specifically at Irene.



Suddenly, the forest started screaming the word thief as every Druid now got the news about their old enemy.

Acnologia and Veldora stared at Irene for a long time as her face became Scarlet red from embarrassment "Stop judging me." She said.

"Just what did you do here?" Acnologia asked tiredly.

'Her comes the pain in the ass.' he thought.