
Academy of Chaos

“…… She’s a failure from birth” The words of her Grandmother echoed continuously in Yetunde’s head, as she aimlessly wandered the forest, with tears running down her pitiful eyes. Her attention and interest immediately got piqued, when she heard an eerie but peaceful song, alongside a cluster of weird but beautiful glowing particles, originating from a cave, deep within the treacherous ends of the forest. At the entrance of the cave, she felt a grotesque energy surge, which for some reason attracted her towards itself, thereby distorting her sense of reasoning. On entering the cave, Yetunde was immediately greeted by a group of infuriated witches. Originally wanting to kill her for intruding, Yetunde finds redemption and solace in the coven. The Queen of the Coven, Ella, surprisingly gifts Yetunde with a rare Arcane treasure, which she believed would help the young girl out of her present predicament. Shortly after the encounter with the witches, Yetunde was suddenly accepted to school at the most prestigious Academy of magic, known famously as “Solaris Arcane Academy”. Her acceptance was due to the sudden awakening of her innate Affinity. Not only gaining popularity, she gained superiority and soon found herself in an environment of both people who despise her and those who loves her. Making both friends and enemies in her new school, Yetunde and her peers wakes to find themselves on a rollercoaster of action, horror, drama, love, tragedy and other thrilling experiences. After going on countless quests and adventures, Yetunde soon discovered a shocking truth behind her existence. It dawned on her after a brief encounter with her previous incarnation. In her previous life, she was famously known as “The Witch of Chaos”, a human God, whose name got forgotten in time, right after her inglorious Battle with the dreaded Demon Lord, Jarzodon. Unlike other humans, she had an abstract affinity which allowed her to comprehend the seven basic Elemental forces of Nature and after further comprehension of these elements, she was able to awaken a far bizarre Affinity called “Chaos”. With her new profound Affinity, Yetunde soon rises through the ranks of her peers, becoming one of the most powerful Mage, the world as ever seen, as she prepared for her fated battle against The Demon Lord of Malevolence. Immediately after the defeat of the Demon Lord, a new foe rose with an Eldritch Affinity, far greater than that of The Witch of Chaos. Easily defeating Yetunde, The New Witch of Chaos, This new foe began to plunged the universe into a state of disorder and darkness. Yetunde, not willing to accept defeat, joined forces with her peers and family, and with this new power, she challenged her foe to another duel. After defeating this new threat, The Witch of Chaos returned the universe to it’s former state of serenity, restoring peace to the world. Shortly after her battle, Yetunde was forced to relinquish her humanity, in order to transcend into Godhood. What would she do? Will she abandon her humanity and became a God or will she forsake Godhood?

David_Volpir · ファンタジー
28 Chs

CHAPTER 9: Students Orientation

Two weeks later,

Yetunde's bedroom,

Adebayo's Manor,


Yetunde was seen dressed up in a white dinner jacket, a white colored long sleeved shirt and a blue color Skirt, which was few meters above her knees. She was currently in front of an oval shaped mirror, earnestly checking out herself.

"Alright, I think I'm ready" She said with a cheery smile, taking a sit on her huge bed. She immediately wore a pair of knee length, black colored sock's. Following the socks, were a pair of Loafer's.

"I can't still believe this" She thought to herself, as she went straight to her pile of luggage, which were four large suitcases.


The sound echoed into her room, causing her to stare at the door. The banging noise meant, someone was currently knocking on her door.

"It's open!" She exclaimed.

Almost immediately, two muscular men walked into her room. Judging by their attire, one could tell both of them were guards.

"Good day Milady" One of the guard said, walking towards Yetunde's luggage's.

"Good day" Yetunde answered.

"You're Father sent us to help you with your Luggage" The Other Guard said, while they carried her suitcases, quietly exiting the room.

"We'll be waiting for you at the Griffin's Pen" They simultaneously said, leaving the room momentarily.

"Alright!" She confusedly stared at the Guards.

"I feel like I know those guys" She thought to herself, as she decided to exit her room.

She waltz straight towards the living room, where her father was already waiting.

"Good day Dad!" She said, as she casually walked up to him.

"Yetunde" He replied, signifying that he wanted a hug. Noticing this, Yetunde reciprocated, embracing her Father.

"I'm so proud of you!" Olamide exclaimed with excitement.

"I know Dad, you've said it like a hundred times" Yetunde said, breaking up the hug.

"I can't be too proud of my daughter" He replied.

"Alright Dad, if you say so!" Yetunde replied, brimming with excitement.

"I wish I could come with you" Olamide said, earnestly staring at his daughter.

"Dad, that's not necessary!" She commented wryly, waving frantically at her father.

"I'm joking" He chuckled, seeing his daughter's awkward reaction.

"Beside, I've got business meeting to attend" He promptly added, putting his daughter at ease.

"Phew… That's great!" She replied, as both of them slowly exited the building.

Outside the building, Yetunde was seen deeply embracing her father for the last time.

"I can't believe this is really goodbye" Yetunde said almost tearing up.

"It's not forever" Olamide said, breaking up their intense hug fest.

"Just do your best, Daddy will be here cheering for you" He added, giving Yetunde a gentle pat on her head.

"Thanks Dad, I'll miss you" She said, trying to fake a smile.

"I'll miss you too" Olamide replied.

"Also, tell Grandma that I'll miss her too" Yetunde exclaimed.

"I will deliver the message" He said with a hearty chuckle.

Hearing her father's reply, Yetunde's saddened expression changed, as she wore a cheery smile. "Goodbye Dad!".

"Goodbye" He replied.

"Hold on, should I give you a ride to the Griffin's Pen?" He curiously inquired.

"No need, I've got this one covered" She replied with a sadistic smile.

Tiny dot's of Azure light, slowly clustered around her body, as she suddenly got engulfed with a flaming aura, alongside her Azure glowing eyes. She began to levitate into the air, gravely shocking her father, who did nothing but gasp in awe.

"Awesome!" He blurted.

"Bye Dad!" Yetunde said, waving her right hand at her Father.

"Bye!" He replied.

Almost immediately, Yetunde bolted towards the Griffin's Pen, leaving her father behind, who was still waving at her.

"Be safe" Olamide whispered.


Griffin's Pen,

Adebayo's Manor.

A young girl was seen flying through the Fields, with her body being covered with an aura of Azure flames. The Girl released an intimidating pressure, which stood majestically above all life forms underneath her. The girl was none other than, Yetunde.

On arrival, she slowly descended, staring earnestly at the massive coach in front of her, which was attached to a majestic Griffin. She casually waltzed towards the coach, entering it without warning.

Inside the Coach, were the two guards, Yetunde met earlier. It soon dawned on her, that these Guards were the ones she tricked weeks ago. Realizing this, Yetunde choked on her own saliva, as she struggled to take her seat in their midst.

"Is everything alright Milady?" One of the guards inquired.

"Yes…yes, everything's fine!" Yetunde stuttered, trying not to make eye contact.

"Milady, are you ready to take your leave?" The Other guard asked.

"Yes" She replied, awkwardly gripping the end of her skirt.

Immediately she gave the order, The Griffin took off, soaring majestically through the air. Just like her previous flight, this one was also boring. The Coach was awkwardly silent to the point that, one could clearly hear a cricket hopping through.

"What a nice weather we have" Yetunde said, trying to break the awful silence.

"Hmm" One of the Guard grunted.

"Yes, it is nice!" The Latter said.

Once again, The Coach became silent. "This is going to be long journey" She thought to herself, wearing an awkward expression.

After a couple of minutes, They arrived at Solaris City, which was due to the Griffin's insane speed. Even if the flight was a really short one, Yetunde still felt like she was in the air for hours.

"Finally, We've arrived" She thought herself with a cheerful demeanor.

Not long after, they descended at Solaris Academy. Brimming with joy, Yetunde was the first person to alight the Coach, excitedly rushing towards the Giant Fortress. Her guards alighted the Coach, in with her Luggage's.

Without further hesitation, The Guard hurriedly went after Yetunde, who presently fixated all her attention on the glorious structure, standing right before her very eyes.

"it's so beautiful!" She blurted.

"Milady…..Milady….Milady!" Her Guards simultaneously exclaimed, snapping her out of her, self induced trance.

"What…what is it?" Yetunde frightfully exclaimed.

"Nothing, we just wanted to ask you if we may enter" The Guards simultaneously said.

"Yeah sure!" She replied.

Immediately she gave the order, her guard's waltzed towards the entrance of The Academy. Not wanting to be left behind, Yetunde hurriedly chased after her Guards.

After catching up to them, Yetunde walked in their midst, earnestly staring at them.

"I'm sorry for tricking you" She subtly whispered.

Hearing this, the Guards couldn't help but smile, "That's alright Milady!" They simultaneously replied.

"Congratulations on getting into the Academy!" They simultaneously exclaimed, causing Yetunde to awkwardly blush.

"Thanks guys!" She cheerfully commented.

After entering the Building, a voice called out to Yetunde, grabbing her attention. Without thinking twice, she was able to deduce who the voice belonged to.

"What do you want, Davis?" She said, glaring at the young male who was stood behind her.

"Nothing much" Davis said with a stoic expression.

He was putting on an attire, which was similar to that of Yetunde. A white dinner jacket with a white colored long sleeved shirt and a blue color trouser. Judging from the similarities, one could tell they were putting on their uniforms.

Beside him, were three middle aged men. One of them was Davis' Butler, Jonathan, while the other two were obviously guards.

"Then what is it?" Yetunde angrily asked.

"The last time we met, I believe we got off on the wrong foot" Davis calmly said, staring at the infuriated teenage girl in front of him.

"And?" Yetunde said.

"I'm deeply sorry and I have reconsidered you're proposal, and I've accepted to be your acquaint" Davis proudly said.

"I'll pass" Yetunde rudely said.

"Huh?" Davis blurted.

"That proposal expired the moment you insulted me!" Yetunde replied with indifference.

"But…I" Davis said before he got interrupted.

"See you later, Davis" Yetunde said, walking towards her guards who were patiently waiting for her.

"Come on guys, let's go!" She said, tapping her guards, prompting them to follow her lead, leaving Davis dumbstruck.

"Did she just walk out on me!" Davis exclaimed angrily, frightening his guards.

"Sire, please calm down!" Jonathan said.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Davis furiously yelled.

"As you wish Sire!" Jonathan calmly said.

Tightly gritting his teeth's and clenching his fist's, Davis kept cursing Yetunde, "Who the hell do you think you're?" He thought to himself.

"I swear, I'm going to make her pay" He thought to himself, wearing a wicked grin.

"Jonathan!" Davis exclaimed, grabbing his butler's attention.

"Yes Sire!" Jonathan earnestly replied.

"Let's go!" He said.

"As you wish Sire!" Jonathan respectfully replied with a bow.

Few Minutes later,

All the accepted students were all seen, quietly seated in the orientation hall. They all wore their various Uniforms, which the academy provided them.

The Orientation hall was similar to the hall used during the Induction ceremony. In front of the student was a High table, designated for the Head Instructors.

Patiently waiting, the students earnestly stared at the Head instructors, wondering what was going to happen next.

"Good day Students, My name is Blake Armstrong"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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David_Volpircreators' thoughts