
Abused, Rejected, and Loved

Natalie Moore has always been shy, too afraid to speak up. However, that is not her fault. Ever since she remember she has been abused. Whether that abuse came in the form of verbal, mental, or physical. All Natalie wants is to be able to find her fated mate, and finally be happy. Little does she know, her fated mate is in her pack, and he wants nothing to do with her. Will he reject her, and if so is there a chance she will get a second chance mate? Come to the land of werewolves, vampires and witches, follow Natalie on her journey to finding out who she really is, and whether or not she will find love and happiness

Erica_Lee_5321 · ファンタジー
33 Chs



After we were all in the interrogation room, my eyes automatically went to Natalie. I am hoping she is going to be okay watching this. However, there is a look of total determination, and fury in her eyes that tells me that she just might be okay. Looking from Natalie to everyone else, I decided that it was time to get started.

"All right, guys who wants to start?" I asked.

"We would love to start this interrogation." Said a voice that took me a second to recognize. Midnight and Natalie must have decided to share control of their human form.

"Alrighty then loves, have at it." I said while the guys and I started walking to the back right corner of the room, closest to the door. As we were walking to our corner, I mind-linked the guys.

Me: So, how do you guys think this is going to go? I am honestly worried that Natalie will have some trauma after this is all said and done.

Kayden: I have no clue man. But her look of determination and fury sure says something.

Oliver: I think they got this in the bag. After all, Natalie went through growing up may very well give them inspiration. I know there are some things that she is not going to tell us that happened. So if I was you, Lucas, I would make sure I am paying attention to how she is going to get the answers out of him. It may enlighten you and us on what she went through.

Nathan: I agree with Oliver. Just sit back and watch the show. If you feel you need to step in, or Dom feels you need to, then do it.

Me: True, just seriously hoping this does not haunt her in the long run.

Before we could say anything else, Natalie and Midnight had gotten started with the questioning.

3rd P.O.V.

Natalie and Midnight knew the guys were mind-linking due to their clouded eyes, and they figured the guys were worried about them. Hence the reason why they decided on joint control. If or when it got too much for Natalie, Midnight would let Dom/Lucas know, that way the guys could take over the interrogation. So, while the guys were mind-linking they decided to get started.

"Can you please enlighten me on what your name is?" They asked while walking over to the workbench, and looking at the various tools that were laid out. When they asked this question, the guys were pulled out of their mind-linking conversation.

"Since you have such manners, I will answer that question for you. My name is Alpha Lance Ramirez." Alpha Lance stated with a smug smile. This smile made Midnight and Natalie want to punch him in the face already.

"May I also know which pack you are from?" They asked while continuing to look at all the tools on the workbench.

"My pack name is the Demon Ridge Pack." Alpha Lance answered, although a little hesitantly.

Once Lucas and the guys heard the pack name, they tried to remember if they had even heard of it before. However, they did not. They even went as far as asking their wolves, who gave them the same reply.

"How have none of us heard of this pack before" Midnight and Natalie asked together. Unlike the guys, Midnight found that the pack name did sound a little familiar but could not place where she may have heard of it.

"That my dear Midnight Queen is a secret." Alpha Lance said with a look of defiance in his eyes.

"Now, now Alpha Lance…we are either going to do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is where you can keep your fingers, and toes, and not be cut up or beaten. Or the hard way, which includes torturing the information out of you." They said. After a couple of minutes of silence, they picked up a pair of bolt cutters off the workbench and made their way over to the Alpha. "Hard way it is then."

Once Midnight and Natalie were in front of the Alpha, they calmly picked up his index finger on his right hand and placed it between the blades of the bolt cutters at his first knuckle. Then while looking him straight in the eye, they squeezed the bolt cutters until his finger was cut. Alpha Lance tried not to make a sound however, when they cut the same finger again at the second knuckle, he could not keep the scream any longer and caved.

"Because the last time someone heard of it was when the last Midnight Queen was around. She was able to make everyone outside the pack forget about us." Alpha Lance stated while panting and sweating.

"Why did you want to capture us?" They asked the Alpha.

"That is easy. I want to mark and mate with you. Then with the powers we have combined, we could rule together as King and Queen." He replied.

After hearing this from Alpha Lance, Lucas was raging on the inside along with his wolf Dom. How could Alpha Lance think that Midnight and Natalie would allow this to happen? How could Alpha Lance think that Lucas would allow this to happen? While he was having an internal battle with himself and his wolf, the guys were moving closer to Lucas to make sure he did not run over and kill the enemy, even though they wanted to do that themselves for thinking he could do that to their Luna.

"Now Alpha Lance, you know that we would never willingly let you mark or mate with us." Midnight and Natalie said with anger and disgust in their tone.

"Oh, I know. I would have done it with or without your permission…" Alpha Lance would have said more, but Midnight and Natalie had had enough. They cut off two more of his fingers simultaneously with the bolt cutters and enjoyed hearing him scream again.

"How did you learn about the Midnight Queen Prophecy? Does anyone else know about the Prophecy?" They asked Alpha Lance. This time while they asked the questions, they walked back over to where the workbench was, set down the bolt cutters, and continued around the workbench to the cabinet that held anything and everything silver. They had had enough already, and Midnight knew that if they did not get this done and fast, she would have to get Lucas and Dom to take over. Natalie was already having some trouble completing the questioning.

By the time they got to the silver cabinet, they were given a pair of heavy-duty gloves so their hands would be protected. Then after they opened the cabinet, they chose a silver dagger that they knew would slice through just about anything easily. However, by the time they got back over to Alpha Lance, he still had not answered. So, not wasting any time, they cut Alpha Lance on his forearms, and chest before he finally spoke again.

"I know about the Prophecy because it was one of my ancestors who knew the previous Midnight Queen. He tried to do what I did and failed. However, he made sure to leave journals in a secret safe in the pack house. The only other person who knew about this was my mate, who I rejected and killed. My pack does not even know what is going on. All they knew was that I "found" my mate and needed to rescue her from a pack." Alpha Lance confessed.

"So, will we need to keep an eye out for retaliation?" They asked him.

"No, they already do not trust me. I think they were already trying to find someone else to fill the Alpha position before all this happened. I just wanted to be able to show my ancestors looking down on me that I am not a failure like they were." He stated.

"Well, hate to break it to you Alpha Lance, but you did fail." They stated before turning away.


Midnight: Lucas and Dom, you guys need to take over. Natalie is done questioning him. She wants to go lay down while you guys do what you need to do. I will be giving her back control once we are out of this room. May want to have someone walk with us, just in case she needs support.

Me: Okay, thank you for helping her Midnight. You guys are Dom and I's world. I will make sure this "Alpha" pays for thinking he could take you two.

Midnight: I know Lucas. Thank you for showing us the love we never received.

"Could one of you guys walk back with Natalie? Midnight said that she is done with questioning and that Natalie may need someone to walk back with her just in case she needs support." I asked the guys while keeping an eye on Natalie.

"I will walk back with her, I may even back to see where her head is at after all of this." Nathan stated. "But you better leave some of that Alpha for me…he messed with the wrong pack and Luna."