

Traped in a dilemma situation, her own father were after her life, lost in her escape. She found out that her father's kingdom was suffering, because of his evil heart. Her father had sworn to kill her, just to make sure he accomplishes his plans. How will she conquer her father, and who will help her. Start reading to find out

Joan_maco · 都市
24 Chs

Deja Vu

Getting back to his room, Richard sat on a couch smiling widely,I know this is childish of me, but I can be childish for Jessie,he thought.

A ringing from his telephone echoed

Picking it up, Hey , what's up Jerry.

Jerry:Boss, you need to hurry, king jasper is after us, some of the guys were killed, others were captured,I few others were able to escape.

Damn, Richard knew king jasper would stop at nothing to get Jessie,

Jerry,I need you to stay calm, move to a more safe environment, I'm on my way.

Disconnecting the call, Richard barged into Roland Room.

Roland Jessie father is coming for us, I must get to Petro now.

Please Roland,conceal this information from Jessie, just tell her I went for a business trip.

Richard what the hell are you saying, you've hardly recover from the last attack, and you still wanna go there alone.

They are not just boys to me, they are my friends, king jasper is going to kill them all.

Okay fine Richard,then my boys will be going with you,

Sorry Richard,I can't go with you,I warned you not to get me involve in this fight,as for Jessie, I'll try my best to make sure she's doesn't find out.

Fine,I won't get you involve,

Looking at Roland with sadness in his eyes, please take care of Jessie he manage to reply running out.

Getting into a car Richard zoomed off,

Roland stood outside watching the car departing,I told him to tag my boys along, but he went alone.

Well, that's his business, walking back into the house,he banged the door close.

Sitting on a chair, looking up at the ceiling he thought,I've I done the right thing, I'm not just ready to ruin my quiet life over some useless fight, brushing his hair backward frustratingly he ordered for a bottle of alcohol.

Taking the alcohol from the maid, please inform lady Jessie that I would like to see her .

Yes sir, the maid replied with a bow.


 few minutes later Jessie was seen coming down from the stairs hurriedly.

Roland what happened to Richard, I couldn't find him at his room,I searched everywhere for him,

Richard went over to visit his family,his father got hospitalized, I'm sure he would come back the next day.

Roland what is wrong with the both of you,then why did Richard not inform me,I might have tag along.

Richard seems to be in a hurry at that moment,

Looking at Roland with a sharp gaze, she moved closer to him, Roland why I'm I having this feeling of Deja Vu , like something is not right, wait are you telling lies to me.

Of course no,then call him Jessie interrupted,I want to know if you're telling the truth,

What,call, standing up from his chair in fear, come on Jessie, Richard must be very busy, probably still on his way there, it wouldn't be too good to get him distracted when driving,

Walking closer to Roland, Roland moved back trying to avoid her eyes, getting more closer to Roland ,he kept moving backward till his back touched the wall.

Roland, are you sure Richard visited his family ,

Ye,Ye,Yes, he stammered ,

Fine, but don't forget to reach out to him later, I want to hear from him directly.

Sure, I'll call him,

Jessie turned to leave, getting upstairs she kept looking at Roland in suspicion meanwhile Roland tried to avoid her gaze .

Seeing Jessie had gone back to her room,damn, that was so close he said gasping for air , Roland didn't realize he had being holding his breath, putting his hands on his chest he closed his eyes collapsing on a couch.

On Jessie getting to her room she rested her head on the door,why I'm I having the feeling that Richard is not fine, Richard had never told me anything relating to his family, I'm not aware he had a family , She said to her self.

Something is definitely off,

~~~~~~~~~ ~

Richard came out from the car running the basement area.

Shit, jasper that bastard, he screamed, some men lied on the floor half dead , king jasper had set the place on fire,he destroyed everything in the basement.

Picking up his ringing cellphone,

Jerry, where are you hiding, jasper has destroyed everything at the basement,

Boss,we hiding at the forest for now,

Then stay there, I'm coming to get you guys.

Getting into his car,he drove towards the direction of the forest,


King jasper sat on his kingly chair, his black eyes shined brightly with happiness, King jasper was a man having a nefarious features,his gray hair resting on his shoulders,a white beards spreading round his face, His looks gave him the aura of Lucifer.

His face was in a serious expression, holding no emotions.

In his chamber ,a guard knelt down giving him a bow,

Your majesty,we invaded the basement, killed some of his boys,few manage to escape, but we couldn't find any trace of the princess or Richard,

I might come to a conclusion that he ran away with her to another city,

What city? king jasper asked

Your majesty, I'll dig more into it,as for the other guys who escaped,we will go in search for them ,

No, forget about them,find out where Richard is residing now.

Yes your majesty, giving a bow, the guard ran out from his chamber.

Richard, this is just a little reminder that,I'm coming for you, seeing your boys lay on the ground lifeless must be shocking to you, feeling relieved he smirked.


On getting to the forest,he found Jerry rolling in pain on the ground.

Rushing to him, his clothes was soaked in blood,

Shit, what happened to you

While trying to escape,a stray bullet penetrated towards my right hand he said hissing in pain.

Looking at the other guards, were you guys also hurt,


Then we need to leave Petro now, I went to the basement , jasper that son of a bitch had destroyed everything there,I found some of boys half dead, seeing their condition I knew they were not going to make it,so I left them

Taking off his sleeve shirt, Richard tore it into pieces,

Jerry,I know it hurts alot but we need to take the bullet out to stop the bleeding .

I need a hand here ,he said to other guys,

Jerry hand was pinned on the floor,

Jerry look at me , don't fret , breath in 

Jerry obeyed taking a sharp breath in,

Good, now breath out Richard ordered.

Breathing out in relieve while in pain , boss it hurts like hell he shouted.

Bringing out a knife ,he thrust the knife into the affected area.

The other boys held him down, while he screamed in pain

Applying more force to the knife,he pulled out the bullet from his hand.

More blood kept whooshing from his hand, picking up his sleeve he tore,he tied his hands with it to reduce the bleeding.

Bring him to the car,he ordered

We need to leave this place Asap. sunset was fast approaching,helping Jerry up who was still in pains,they rushed to the car, and drove off hurriedly .


Roland walked back and forth his room frustratingly,

Richard, that dumb head , I'm so dead once Jessie finds out he's still not picking his calls.I think I should call him once more,

Pick up, pick up, pick up Richard, shit,no response, Richard where the hell are you, wait was he captured by Jessie father.

No, that can never happen,he said putting his hands over his face.

A knock from his door echoed.

Geez, that must be Jessie, it's getting dark already,no trace of Richard .

The knock from his door kept banging.

Roland walked slowly to the door,oh goodness, what will I tell her now, after surmouting enough courage,he sighed and opened the door ,

Master, dinner is served, please do you want to have your meal here or downstairs,

Thank goodness, Roland sighed in relieve, lady Jessie , how about her,

She's having her meal downstairs now,sir .

No need, I'm coming downstairs for my dinner.

Giving a slight bow , the maid left .

If I were to have dinner here at my room, Jessie might suspect I'm avoiding her,he thought.

Rushing downstairs, Jessie sat at the dinning room, her food was still untouched.

Hey, Jessie, what's up, Roland said smiling to her, surprisingly no response came from her.

Pulling out a chair ,he sat across the dinning table.

Picking up his fork,he had a taste from his food.

hmmm, this taste really good Jessie, come on try some,he said trying to feed her. 

Ahhh, open your mouth,he played

Looking at Jessie ,her eyes gave him a death look, Roland could feel the cold aura coming from her.

Uhh, sorry,he said feeding himself.

There was a grave silence between them for a couple of minutes.

Roland picked a glass of juice,

 it's dark already, where is Richard,

On hearing this, Richard choked on his juice

Trying to clear his throat, Jessie you should eat something,I mean your food is still untouched ,

I asked you a question Roland, I need an answer.

Oh, about that ,I called him,he said he would be coming the next morning, the incident was so severe

Even his mom fainted out of shock from the accident.

Geez, that must be really bad, Jessie said,

Yeah really bad, Roland added.

Fine, I've lost appetite,I really don't feel like eating ,off to bed she said turning to leave.

Goodnight, Roland replied.

Thank goodness, Richard thought

The door banged open , looking at the person standing at the doorway,

Richard stood there like a statue with his bare chest

Roland spat the water from his mouth in shock,

Damn Richard, he shouted.

Jessie stopped climbing the stairs, when she heard Roland calling Richard name.

Turning back, her eyes met with that of Richard still standing at the doorway.

Richard, she called his name in surprise ,

Jessie turned Looking at Roland with a questionable look,

He looked back at Jessie in fear and shock.

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