

Richard a mafia is on a mission to avenge the death of his parents, Getting encounter with the princess, Richard abducted her for his revenge. Along the line he found her attractive, letting go of his resentment for her, he protected her from the king who is hellbent on killing her . *Excerpt* Richard just go back to the quiet life you were living, No Jessie I've never been living a quiet life since the death of my parents,all I've felt was anger and hatred, I've been a criminal,a terrorist. But something also changed since the day I met you,I've been happy, somehow that feeling of anger and hatred was alleviated. Raising her chin up,I am not living you now and in the future Richard, Jessie called out,I want to ask you a question. Sure,go ahead. Why did you abducted me? *End of Excerpt* Seems Richard parents had some dealings with the king during the past. Getting to know the real identity of Richard, the king embarked on a mission to get rid of him along side the princess.

Joan_maco · Urban
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35 Chs

Truth hurts

What the hell are you doing here, Roland shouted,

Giving a smirk, that's an absurd question to ask Roland, did I commit an offence by been here, and what's that fear written all over your face,

Richard, Jessie rushed to him, are you okay, what happened to your shirt, and why are there drops of blood on your pants,

Roland told me your father was hospitalized,

What, Richard looked at Roland with a hard glare.

Jessie, I'm really tired and kind of feeling sleepy, let's talk more tomorrow, okay. 

Sure, what about dinner, she asked.

Oh, forget about that, I'm not hungry.

Watching Richard leave, Jessie glare at Roland.

You told me he won't be coming today 

I'm sure he settled things quick and came back today, Roland replied.

Whatever,off to bed she said turning to leave.

Once Roland confirmed she has entered her room,he ran to Richard room, giving the door a hard knock.

What is it Roland,why do you keep knocking like a mad man,

Richard , I'm in trouble, please help me,

What trouble, come in

Closing the door behind him,he walked to Richard, Richard you need to play along ,

Play along, Richard repeated, 

Roland, come on spew it out,

I told Jessie you visited your parents, and that your dad was hospitalized, even your mom fainted,

Geez, Roland are you crazy, you should have just tell her I went for some business,you went too far, you suck so bad at lieing

I was confuse at that moment, and that was the only damn thing I had to say,

My parents were long dead,her father killed them, I'm I suppose to tell Jessie they were killed by her father,

Listen Roland,I have a lot to think about, Jessie father is coming for us,I don't know if we're safe here, he destroyed everything I had in Petro,

Some of the guys were killed,I brought few here,to lay low for now,

And here you are trying to add to my problems, whatever you told Jessie, Go fix it yourself.

Richard, are you trying to put the blame on me,

No Roland, next time be more thoughtful of what you say to her, now I need you to use the door,

Looking at Richard in annoyance,he left his room, closing the door with loud bang,

Sighing heavily, Richard picked a towel and walked into the bathroom.


The sun beam shone on Roland sleeping face,

Waking up he turned off the alarm which kept ringing,

Walking to the windows,he inhaled the fresh scent of the morning air, The weather is lovely he thought,

Last night was so hard for me,I couldn't get enough good sleep all because of that jerk,

Looking at the clock,he freshened up quickly and came downstairs for breakfast,to his surprise, Jessie and Richard was not there,

Good morning sir,a maid greeted him,

Morning he replied, where are the others,

They chose to have breakfast at their rooms,

Oh, ok 

Eating breakfast alone made him sad,

I shouldn't have lied using his dead parents, Richard must have been truly hurt.

Leaving his meal,he went straight to Richard room, maybe I should apologized he thought, bringing his hand forward to knock,he retreated it back,is this the right thing to do,I hope so , bringing his hand forward again he finally gave the door a knock.

Come in, Richard replied

Roland opened the door going inside,

Hey Richard, what's up man

Hey, Richard managed to reply.

Richard and Roland kept silent for some time just staring at each other,

About last night, I'm 

I'm sorry.....

It's fine, Richard intercepted,no need to apologize, Last night I guess I was just in a bad mood and I over reacted.

I'll just tell Jessie everything,I don't need to lie to her,it doesn't change the fact that her father is a pain in the ass.

Really,so we're good,

Sure, we're good, Richard answered

Where are the boys hiding now Roland asked ,

I took them to a more confined place,they will be fine.

Richard, what does her father really want from you,

He just wants Jessie dead, for him to get to her he must pass through me, and that's the reason he's after me too.

Roland, you don't want to get involve in this fight,More reason why I need to leave here,if jasper were to find out we are hiding here,he might also hurt you,I don't want you to get hurt in anyway.

So you plan on leaving, to were,he asked

I don't Know, wherever my leg takes me to

Richard you really don't have to leave,

I know, but this is a way of making sure you don't get involved in this.

Looking at Richard with sadness in his eyes he gave him a nod.


At this moment, Richard was deeply confused, walking frustratingly to Jessie room,he barged in without knocking,

To his surprise, Jessie was half dressed.

Damn, sorry,he apologize closing the door in hurry .

After some time , Jessie came out from her room, it's fine come in besides I need a hand here,

Since my hands can't get to my back,I need you to zip it up ,

Me, Richard asked

Yes, you Richard,who else do I have here, sitting on the bed she raised her hair falling on her back up for Richard.

Hurry Richard,stop standing like some statue, moving closer to the bed she was sitting,he sat at her back, looking at her curve half opened,he quickly zipped up her dress ,

Thanks, Richard,

Uh, I'll take my leave, Richard said shyly.

Not so fast , you barged into my, room,do you have something to tell me.

About Last night,

what happened to you Richard,why did you came back without putting on a shirt, and those drops of blood on your body 

It's your father,he destroyed the basement by setting it ablaze, some of my boys were killed,few manage to escape.

Though I brought them to this city to stay at a hidden place

Oh my goodness, she exclaimed

I have nothing Jessie,all thanks to your father people around me keeps getting hurt,

We need to leave this place.

No , Jessie replied.

Maybe I should just let him kill me,then you don't have to keep running,

Walking close to Jessie,he held her hands, what are you saying,I'm never leaving you,

Richard just go back to the quiet life you were living.

No Jessie, I've never been living a quiet life, since the death of parents,all I've felt was anger and hatred, I've been a criminal,a terrorists.

But something also changed Since the day I met you, I've been happy, somehow that feeling of hatred and anger towards people was alleviated,

Raising her chin up ,I'm not leaving you , now and in the future.

Richard, she called out,I want to ask you a question.

Sure ,go ahead.

Why did you abducted me ,

Looking at Jessie,he caressed her face,To kill you he uttered.

It's obvious Jessie,to kill you, your father killed my parents,I needed to take my revenge on you, but in the end I just couldn't.

Looking at Richard , a drop of tear fell from her eyes.

Cleaning her tears with his hand , but I still chose to protect you with my life, don't ever think of letting go of me he continued.

Richard, please just kill me, please I beg you ,she said while sobbing.

Richard leaned forward giving her a kiss on her forehead,shhhh Jessie,I said I'm not letting go of you.

Why did my father murdered your parents,

I was just 11 when they died, still don't know why he killed them,

Jessie ran her fingers over his hair , don't you have a sibling,

No, Jessie I'm just the only child of my parents,

Richard was still not ready to tell Jessie about how his sister was raped to death by her father,so he lied.

Then it must be very hard for you growing up without a sibling.

I'm sorry Richard, she apologized still crying

It's fine , I have you now Jessie, so don't ever think of dieing,

Giving him a nod, she hugged him tight .

Richard pulled her closer , while wrapping his hands around her tiny waist.

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