

Traped in a dilemma situation, her own father were after her life, lost in her escape. She found out that her father's kingdom was suffering, because of his evil heart. Her father had sworn to kill her, just to make sure he accomplishes his plans. How will she conquer her father, and who will help her. Start reading to find out

Joan_maco · 都市
24 Chs


Roland rolled on the floor laughing uncontrollably, come on Evelyn stop it, that's really crazy Roland said trying to get back on his feet.

Evelyn you haven't changed a single bit,he continued, you're more like a clown.

I know you've missed me all these years, Evelyn replied while chuckling.

Oh my God,Rolly it's getting late,she exclaimed.

Turning to look at the clock, Roland opened his mouth in surprise,

I know you must be tired and hungry, let's have dinner quickly so you can have some rest.

Standing up from the chair ,they walk down to the dinning room,

Roland pulled a chair out for Evelyn, and sat close to her,

Feel free Evelyn, what would you like for dinner, I'll have my maids prepare them for you, but hold on,I need to go call my friends to join us,

Oh, you mean the slut and her trash boyfriend, Evelyn interrupted.

Roland creased his brow looking at her ,No Evelyn, how long do I have to make it clear to you that she's not a slut, and my friend is not a ...

Forget about it, Roland stood up from his chair,

Roland,no need for that, you mean the guy you bragged about, insinuating I will stoop so low for some kind of guy I haven't seen.

Leaning close to Evelyn, Roland whispered in her ear, just wait for him, let's see who's bragging,

Evelyn pushed him angrily, Shut up Rolly, Enough of this chat, just bring him downstairs let me see for myself,

Okay, Evelyn, wait for me, I'll be right back,sit down and have dinner till then, Roland replied with a wink.

Quickly he dashed upstairs .


Richard sat on the bed looking lovingly at the sleeping face beside him, he had insisted on her having dinner before going to bed, but Jessie objected, somehow he also felt sad , seeing how paranoid she was, because of a guest,I wonder who the visitor is,he thought to himself.

Turning his gaze back to Jessie,he tucked her hair gently behind her ears, and caressed her chin,

A knock echoed from the door, he rushed to the door,

He opened the door to see Roland smiling happily,

What do you want, Richard asked plainly.

No response came from Roland, rather he kept smiling childishly,

Then I guess you have nothing to say, Richard said trying to close the door,

Whoa,whoa , relax Richard. Where's Jessie, Roland asked.

She's fast asleep. Richard replied.

Hmmm, good thing she's sleeping, come on, let's go have dinner, spreading his arms on Richard shoulder,

Roland, what are you up to, this is so unusual, the maids usually do this,

You're my friend Richard, more like a brother to me, you can't reject my kindness now,Just because I haven't done this once,

Staring at Roland suspiciously Richard shook his head,

No, thanks for your concern and I'm not hungry, besides I heard you have a guest, eating alone won't be so boring,

Richard, just a bite, come on, don't be like that,

Fine ,if you really want me to eat dinner,

Get a maid to send me some food 

No, Richard, that's not happening,

Why Richard asked in surprise.

Oh,I mean, it's much more better to have dinner downstairs,compare to having it at your room.

Come let's go, Roland said trying to hold Richard arms.

Since when, Richard replied pulling his hands from Roland grip.

Since what, Roland asked.

Since when,did you start showering love and care to me,

Go, Richard pushed him away,

Don't bother me, and stop fooling around,if you wake Jessie up ,i will kill you.

What a pest Richard hissed, banging the door behind him.

Shit, Roland walked away angrily, Evelyn will banter the hell out of me,he taught.

Walking downstairs, Evelyn gave him a mocking look ,

Where is the guy, she asked,

Uh, he's sick,so he won't be coming for dinner.

Roland sat on the chair closed to her, breathing out ,he closed his eyes frustratingly.

Just then he heard a heavy laughter from Evelyn,

What's funny, he asked

Oh, just wait,he so handsome, you will definitely fall for him, Evelyn mimicked mockingly.

I guess,he refused to come out, cause he's aware he is a trash,

Evelyn, Enough of this discussion,off to bed,he said, getting up from the chair .

When you're done eating,ask the maids to lead you to your room.

Rolly, are you leaving me, Come on don't be like that, getting up from her chair,she rushed hurriedly to cash up with Roland,

Rolly,she called out his name waving.

Wait for me,are you angry because a trash guy refused to come downstairs to show his moron face,she said laughing out .

Walking closed to him she jumped on his back.

Get off me, Roland said trying to push her away.

Okay, I'm sorry for calling your friend a trash when he's actually a trash, Evelyn continued mocking him 

Evelyn,mark my words, you will surely regret not believing me.

Whatever Roland, come on lead me to my room.

Looking at Evelyn, Roland couldn't help but smile, let's go he said holding her hand.

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