

Richard a mafia is on a mission to avenge the death of his parents, the king . Getting encounter with the princess, Richard abducted her for his revenge. Along the line he found her attractive, letting go of his resentment for her, though the king is on his way hunting for her. *Excerpt* Richard just go back to the quiet life you were living, No Jessie I've never been living a quiet life since the death of my parents,all I've felt was anger and hatred, I've been a criminal,a terrorist. But something also changed since the day I met you,I've been happy, somehow that feeling of anger and hatred was alleviated. Raising her chin up,I am not living you now and in the future Richard, Jessie called out,I want to ask you a question. Sure,go ahead. Why did you abducted me? *End of Excerpt* Seems Richard parents had some dealings with the king during the past, since the king is hellbent on killing Richard.

Joan_maco · Urban
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26 Chs


The sun ray beamed into the room, Jessie creased her brows feeling weak, turning to stretch her body she felt someone close to her, Jessie opened her eyes to see Richard sleeping face.

Geez, what happened to him, wait don't tell me he slept close to me through out the night,

Quickly she jumped from the bed, running into the bathroom,

 what I'm I going to say to him, when he wakes up

Jessie came out from the bathroom to see Richard still asleep, looking at his peaceful face, she couldn't help but just stare lovingly at his handsome features, all her life being a princess, she had never for once developed feelings for any guy, though they were a lot of handsome guys back in Petro,

What did Richard use on me, what if I keep falling deep for him,

He once told me,he was just trying to save me and nothing else, what if Richard don't feel the exact way I feel towards him.

Richard opened his eyes to find Jessie eyes staring at him,he was surprised to see her standing,

Hey, Good morning sleepy head, Jessie managed to say, after staring at each other for some time.

Morning, Richard replied,I'm sorry about this, last night I was too tired to walk to my room and I slept off just like that.

It's fine, I'm stepping out for a little walk

Oh, Alright Richard nodded.

What happened just now, what have I done this time for her to give me that look,I woke up to see her staring at me, isn't that strange,he thought

Getting up from the bed, he left for his room.


Get up Rolly, Roland if you are not waking up,I will not leave,

Evelyn,let me be this is way too early, and how did you get into my room.

Now I'm fully convinced you have no shame, what if I'm not properly dressed .

Well thank Goodness,at least you're dressed,stop complianing and get up, freshen up so we can go have breakfast Evelyn replied .

Roland got up from his bed and stared at Evelyn frustratingly,

Alright go now,or do you still want to watch me while taking my bath.

Hell no, Evelyn shouted giving him a punch on his arms,

Ouch, what the hell is wrong with you Evelyn,

That's what you get for spewing nonsense, hurry up I'll be waiting downstairs and don't keep me waiting for too long ,

She turned walking out from his room,

Evelyn you're really something else, Roland shouted.

More reason why you need to be fast,her voice echoed from outside, Damn,he dashed into his bathroom 

As, Evelyn walked down the stairs, she smiled to herself,

She caught a glance of someone outside through the window.

 Who is that she thought as she hurried to the door to check who it was,

To Evelyn surprise,she found no one outside, wait don't tell me I'm hallucinating,she said to herself,I saw a woman walking outside just now,

Whatever,she turned to go in, when she heard a voice from behind.

Hey, Good morning, Looking for me,

She turned to see Jessie standing,

I knew I can never hallucinate stuffs like this, Evelyn said without responding to her greeting.

What are you doing outside so early in the morning, Evelyn asked

I came out for a little walk, Jessie responded.

Whatever, Evelyn continued giving Jessie a scornful look.

That reminds me, how about I introduce myself properly to you since there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding the previous day,

Well, Jessie I guess,

Yeah, that's my name, Jessie replied.

Since you're a novice,let me do some little introduction on my pretty self.

Moving close to Jessie while swaying her hips,my name is Evelyn, but you can call me Aunt Evelyn as a sign of respect,I'm a jeweller, and of course I own the most biggest jewelry shop in this city, I'm from the hometown of Lyon, but you know,I just wanted a change of environment so as...…

That's enough, Jessie interrupted,

Too much information,I guess.Giving her a mocking smile she walked away leaving Evelyn standing dumbfounded.

Looking back at Jessie retreating figure, she glared hardly,

That jerk, how dare her cut me off when I'm still talking.

Walking close to the house, Jessie could smell the exciting aroma of fresh bread.

Exactly my cravings,she said to herself walking into the house.

Getting to the dining room, she found Richard already there,

Looking at Richard, she tried to avoid his gaze, but somehow she could feel his stare piercing intently to her.

Good morning Roland, Jessie greeted.

Good morning my princess, how are you feeling today, today is such a lovely day don't you agree with me .

Yeah, the weather is nice, Jessie affirmed.

This is the perfect weather condition for two couples to cuddle.

Roland turned to Richard, what do you think.

Well, for me I think this is the perfect weather condition to kill someone, Richard uttered plainly with his eyes shooting daggers at him.

Come on let's eat Roland changed the topic quickly,

Please I need a glass of freshly squeezed juice, Roland ordered a maid,

Jessie you can have some of my broccoli's,

Thanks Roland,

You're welcome.

The maid hurried back to serve him his juice.

Jessie, Roland called out

Looking at Roland, she gave him a cute smile.

Would you like to have some juice he asked her

Sure, thanks again you're so sweet Roland.

Please serve me another juice, Roland ordered 

Yes sir, the maid bowed and left hurriedly.

Jessie felt some cold aura coming from Richard.

Looking to his direction their eyes met.

They just stayed like that gazing at each other.

Suddenly Richard felt a cold liquid dripping down his shirt after which a splattering of a glass followed.

I'm sorry, please forgive me sir.

Hey, you should be more careful next time Roland shouted.

The maid had slipped, which ended the juice landing on Richard.

I'm sorry, the maid knelt down bowing to Richard,

Please forgive me.

What were you thinking of, what if it was something hot, Roland said

It's okay Roland, I'm sure she didn't mean it, Richard managed to reply

Helping the maid to stand on her feet,Are you hurt he asked.

No sir, I'm okay, the maid answered

Richard, Jessie called out

Turning to her, Jessie got up walking to him.

Are you hurt, she asked pulling out a table linen to wipe his body.

It's fine, I'll just change 

Then what about breakfast,

Forget about it Jessie,or you can ask a maid to bring it to me,he replied plainly, and walked away.

The door opened and Evelyn walked in , she looked upstairs to see a well built figure of a man walking away, but she was not able to see his face.

Turning to Roland, what happened here.

Just a little mess occurred, Roland replied,

And Evelyn where have you been all this while,

I went out to take some fresh air, any problem she continued

No,sit down and eat your food.

Roland, I'll quickly prepare some food for Richard, I'm done eating so you guys can continue.

Walking to the kitchen, Jessie quickly served some food and hurried upstairs.

Roland are you sure nothing happened here,why was the maid cleaning the juice spilled on the floor.

Uh, about that Evelyn, the maid poured the juice on my friend accidentally.

Which friend, Evelyn asked

On Richard,...

Uhh the ugly guy you bragged about,she cut in

Not today Evelyn,we agreed that you'll see him for yourself, please don't bring that topic up.

Okay, if you say so, Evelyn was confused but she didn't want to tell Roland she caught a glance of him, the man she saw upstairs was having a well defined muscular shape,

Evelyn what is wrong with you, she thought, don't forget he can always look good from the back but ugly from the front.

Trying to shake the thoughts off her mind, she gulped down a glass of water.

Why are you suddenly drinking like a Carmel, Roland said jokingly

Shut up and eat your food Evelyn eyed him .
