
A Year With Super Stars

Synopsis: It was the first day of school. I hated Mondays, I always have. I was seventeen and was hoping to make my first friends in this new town I was in. My mom called just when I was walking through the hallway. It was awkward as my ringing tone was a cat meows. A girl looked at me weirdly and sighed. "Hey, baby, guess what?" Mom's high pitched voice asked. "What?" I asked, less enthusiastic. "Stray Kids! They're going to be admitted to your school. I knew it that's why I enrolled you there". Of course I didn't believe her. What was she on now? "Mom, I gotta go, bye" I said and was about hanging up. "No, baby, I'm being serious. I'd send you the post from JYPE. Not all of them, but 2000 line. Wait" she hung up. I sighed, I wanted to hang up first. I walked slowly to my new class. Not everyone was in class yet. I wanted to walk up to a pretty girl sitting at the back when a notification came in. And my notification sound was a dog barks. Yes, I am that crazy about animals. I hurriedly check the message while the pretty girl placed her bag on the chair besides her making sure I didn't sit besides her. I frowned, if it was my mom I was so going to be mad. My annoyance turned to confusion and then happiness. I literally screamed. JYPE just confirmed. Stray Kids 2000 and 2001 line was to be admitted to my school. The hyung line was admitted to a nearby university. I screamed again. This year was going to be crazy!

Princess_Treasure · 若者
18 Chs

17 Twerps

Twerps. Twerps. That's what does guys at my mom's office were. I can't even believe she was happy working there. 

 After school, I had followed Nikki to out parents work place. Turns out her dad worked for the marketing department. 

 While my mom walked for the design department. The company was a clothing brand. 

 The amount of men hitting on my mm there was unbearable. Almost se.xualizing her, even in front of me.

 And with the way it was going, I began wondering if their employer didn't do a background check on them first. 

 Cos they all seemed like perverts. Like one cane to me and told me I could visit him, any day. A high schooler, really?! 

 "Mom, I really don't like your job." I confessed as we went home. 

 She was munching on some soft bread but I was too pissed to join her, even though my stomach was growling from not eating anything during lunch. 

 "Well, I was hit on a lot during my youthful days. I learnt to ignore" mom shrugged. I smiled. She was one pretty woman. 

 I was so robbed off her features. With her prefect blonde and green eyes, tall and curvy body, you wouldn't believe she birthed the dark haired, brown eyed, shorty. 

 Like I was cute in my body but I didn't look like my mom one bit. I was, rather, a replica of dad. 

 I realized that this could probably be a time to bring up 'why we left dad' and engage in a 'mother daughter' talk. 

 "So how are you and 2000 line going?" she beat me to a talk. 

 I shrugged, "They're idols. How should we be going?"

 She stopped in her tracks, "You wanna tell me, none are your friends. Really? Jeez, I was even wondering if you'd date one of them. They're really cool, y'know" mom winked. 

 I laughed heartily. I had forgotten this part of mom existed. She was my faithful co-Stay. 

 "Well, I wish I can take a picture of anytime Hannie smiled so you'd keep in your wall. You should have been their classmate instead of me" I responded. Mom fake cried but laughed on later. 

 She and Nikki were basically the most ardent Han biased I know. 

 "But I hope you make friends with them. I enrolled you for a reason, y'know" she winked. 

 Tsk. Mom and her usual 'get a boyfriend' tactics. I was seventeen, almost eighteen. I should breathe. 

 "Right now, I am not even supposed to be around them. We are just friends" I said in finality. And slight pain. 


 Nikki rushed and hugged me when I walked into class. 

 I was still panting from my run, trying to beat our teacher who was coming into the class at that time.

 It was useless as she turned back to get something. 

 My damned ringtone couldn't wake me up today. I recently changed from Felix's 'Wakey, Wakey' so I can get over them, physically.

 I even tried not watching some of their videos. It felt like I was unstaying myself. I felt horrible since I had sworn to stay till the last step out.

 Irene was one horrible bastard. 

 "Hey, morning, Kitty" Lix dragged a chair besides him for me to seat. 

 What- Kitty?

 My face flushed as plopped down the seat. It wasn't his usual seating position. Nikki was by his left with a defeated look. 

 Hyunjin was by her other side and she looked trapped. 

 The moment I sat down, Han, from nowhere, sat at my side. Okay, this was a trap. 

 "Morning Han" I acted strong, despite the strong sweet smell of cologne, hitting my nose from all sides. 

 Felix tapped me and a pout was on his lips. Weirdly, I brought my eyes down to his lips due to out closeness but I averted my eyes up immediately. 

 It was a mistake as Felix had noticed. Even with my face flushing he should. He swallowed his words and looked away. I did the same. 

 So I was having so many missed emotions now so he shouldn't misunderstand. 

 "You tapped me. Any problem?" I muttered. 

 He shook his head bit didn't look at me. I so badly wanted to see if he was blushing, like me, but I doubt I had that effect on him. 

 A paper was flashed on my face. There was a portrait of two lovers, kissing. I visibly cringed on seeing it. 

 "Eww, Hyunjin. Nice drawing but cringe. Spare the poor girl" Han snatched the paper away from my face. 

 I turned to Hyunjin. Nikki had a smile so I smiled back. 

 "Great art. You draw well, Hyunjin. Can I ask though, your inspiration?" I smirked. 

 He played with hair a bit then answered proudly, "The school president and his girlfriend. And my dreams". 

 That earned a howl of laughter from our small group. 

 "You asked, I answered" he sassed. 

 "You dream of nice things. I like that. Let's both hope dreams come true" I said amidst laughter. 

 Felix turned to me, as well as Nikki and Han. Did I say something wrong? 

 "I mean, his dream, it should come true… in his life" I added the last part when I got the catch. 

 Hyunjin flipped his hair, "Yeah, Let both our dreams come true". I bit my lips nervously. I was a 'pabo'. 

 Han cleared his throat in a dramatic way and Nikki raised her brow at me. 

 I couldn't quite understand Felix expression but I knew he must have been amused.