
A Year With Super Stars

Synopsis: It was the first day of school. I hated Mondays, I always have. I was seventeen and was hoping to make my first friends in this new town I was in. My mom called just when I was walking through the hallway. It was awkward as my ringing tone was a cat meows. A girl looked at me weirdly and sighed. "Hey, baby, guess what?" Mom's high pitched voice asked. "What?" I asked, less enthusiastic. "Stray Kids! They're going to be admitted to your school. I knew it that's why I enrolled you there". Of course I didn't believe her. What was she on now? "Mom, I gotta go, bye" I said and was about hanging up. "No, baby, I'm being serious. I'd send you the post from JYPE. Not all of them, but 2000 line. Wait" she hung up. I sighed, I wanted to hang up first. I walked slowly to my new class. Not everyone was in class yet. I wanted to walk up to a pretty girl sitting at the back when a notification came in. And my notification sound was a dog barks. Yes, I am that crazy about animals. I hurriedly check the message while the pretty girl placed her bag on the chair besides her making sure I didn't sit besides her. I frowned, if it was my mom I was so going to be mad. My annoyance turned to confusion and then happiness. I literally screamed. JYPE just confirmed. Stray Kids 2000 and 2001 line was to be admitted to my school. The hyung line was admitted to a nearby university. I screamed again. This year was going to be crazy!

Princess_Treasure · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

16 Irene

"So what happens now? My mom lose her job?" I was panicking. 

 "Tell the boys that you were blackmailed to stay away from them. They can't give your parents jobs so they'll understand" Zara shrugged. 

 It was more than just jobs. Personally, hanging out with SKZ has given me both happy, embarrassing and cute memories.

 And Irene would make use of their ignorance being in a new culture. She had those red horns sticking atop her head. 

 "I just wanted to give Lix an answer. Sorry" Nikki hugged me. I wasn't expecting her hugged me but I hugged her bag.

 Zara glared at us, feeling left out again. When I wanted to pull her into the hug she shoved my hands aside. 

 "Don't do hugs. Also, that's a 'Irene would sack our parents soon' hug. No offense". 

 Nikki and I chuckled, taking no offense. 

 "Well, we are having that lunch. We can't miss it. Irene would be there but… it's okay" I wasn't sure of the last part. 

 I made a U-turn and tried marching confidently towards the cafeteria. For some reasons I nearly slipped, so tagged behind. 

 And I could swear I heard some noise behind us. I turned and saw the clear hallway, everyone at the cafeteria, or supposed to be.

 Someone was sneaking on us. Could be Irene and her monitoring. She's so diehard. 

 I snapped my head forward and got into the cafeteria. Nikki waved awkwardly at Han as we came closer. He didn't give his usual smile and just nodded. Jeez, we must have hurt them badly. 

 "I'd stay with them" Zara pointed to another table and made to leave. I held her hands back, "Why?". 

 "Well, incase Irene see me there and realize that My Parents have jobs that can be lost too. She might have connection to the bank they work in" she shrugged. 

 Dang, and she was to be the icebreaker in the conversation. I let go of her hand letting her sit with some other girls. 

 I pulled the last empty chair there, after Nikki had sat down, and sat on it. Avoiding their gaze. 

 "So what are we eating?" Hyunjin asked, acting like we didn't just arrive.

 Felix and Seungnim looked at us, attentively, trying to read out emotions and movements.

 Han just acted like we weren't there though his eyes sometimes betrayed him.

 But Hyunjin, he never even seemed like our absence bothered him. 

 Of course it shouldn't. We barely know each other and the fact that we are Stays doesn't mean he'd be sulking on us. 

 "Chips?" Jeongin appeared from no where with a bright smile on his face. He greeted Nikki and I like we have just met recently.

 It felt weird but we greeted back with the same energy. Seungnim gave Jeongin a confused look. 

 "So what have you girls been doing recently?" finally Han decided to be the icebreaker. 

 I exhaled, "Streaming. 'Awkward Silence' came out recently and it deserves a win". I said that with will, determination and no obvious nervousness or so I thought. Jeongin snickered but didn't revolt. 

 "Same with me. Though I'd add I was a bit unwell recently so it dulled me" Nikki answered. 

 "You could have said that though. They were worried" Hyunjin sighed, looking up from his phone into Nikki's eyes. 

 They were worried? He wasn't as well? And quit staring at Nikki. The poor girl would melt.

 "Oh, I forgot and.. my phone went bad… no, my dad seized… Nah, Nah, just… I forgot" Nikki nodded to bounce off the awkwardness. 

 I could literally hear the sounds of silence, 'Kah, Kah', from the song 'Awkward Silence'. 

 "That said. We'd still be streaming more. And it could take our time" I added. I had to let them know we can't be meeting all the time. 

 The boys were all peering into their phone, not listening to us. I don't know what Jeongin wanted to tell them in a group chat that was so important. 

 "Guess we lost our value" Nikki whispered to me. I nodded. It was sad, but maybe for the better. 

 "3'oclock" she whispered again. I looked confused so she titled her head towards my left.

 I followed her eyes sight and saw Irene with her gang, watching us. She was fondling her company card. 

 When she saw us looking, she picked her phone and acted like she was calling someone. I didn't panic. 

 She just can't call her dad. It was working hours. But Nikki panicked as she held unto my skirt. 

 "My dad like his job though" she sounded distraught. 

 I patted her hand on my skirt. 

 This was one of those Kdramas I watch when the female lead is told to stay away from the male lead with a threat.

 I always wished the female lead would just come clean about it. Now I was in such shoes, I understood the fear in coming clean. 

 "We have to leave for now. Catch you guys later" I tapped Han to get his attention. 

 He gave me one cautious look before nodding. And this time with his cute, gummy smile. I smiled back absentmindedly. 


 "Catch you guys later then? Want us to drop you home?" Seungnim smiled at us as well. 

 Was I missing something? 

 Felix had a smile too. And Mr. Hyunjin was just his phone addict self. Something was about Jeongin's smile, like mischievousness was buried in it. 

 "Umm… well, I'd be going to my dad's workplace after school so no thanks" Nikki gave a thumps up. 

 I figured I should do the same. I don't know why but chip something in about my mom finding another job as this was at the brink of over? 

 "Why would you do that?" Han looked crossed. Why shouldn't she? 

 I saw Felix tapped his knees and he straightened up. 

 "Well, visit your dad if you want. Encourage him at his work place" he smiled. 

 Nikki nodded. I couldn't imagine she didn't smile back when she was smiled at. I guess she was too sad to think. 

 I dragged her away from her seat. 

 "We can drop you then, right, Lia?" Felix asked. 

 "Um… no. I'd just walk. Thanks" I bowed slightly, for no reason, and left. 

 Something was up with the change of their expressions. Either they bought the excuse. Or they just forgave us. 

 Or Baby bread has some explaining to do.