

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · ファンタジー
21 Chs

chapter 18

Divina Cowell Pov

We've spent all the money we sold Arie with, and with the little money I get from my boyfriends we can barely make a three square meal, so mom thought it wise to find me a rich husband but the man she found is too brutal, he beats ladies up, mistreats you and that's

something I cant handle so I came up with the idea of calling and telling Arielle am sick and we needed money urgently and as expected she bought the idea

So now we will trap her and make sure to marry her off in my place and she is going to be the one to bear all the sufferings while we enjoy the money how brilliant of us

I smile at myself as I slowly see my plan coming into reality

"Don't you think you're too naive Arielle? I mean who comes up to a family who once sold her off, we made it clear on your wedding day that you meant nothing to us but when we called you hurriedly came over too bad you won't be leaving so soon"

"What are you guys planning you have to let me go "

"Of course we will let you go, that's because we don't like you but before we do that we will make sure to work out some money using you okay so please bear with us" mom arrives and laughs at the state he finds her first daughter all tired up and looking so pitiful

" that's my girl, I knew you won't let mommy down"

"What do you plan on doing with me? Tell me I promise you guys won't get away with this….. This is the height of it all let me go" she screams as I drag into one of the rooms and lock her up

"Stay here and be good if not I won't give you food or water, "

"Big sister my ass' 'I walked out of the room feeling contented …..soon I will be back on top just a few days to go.

Ariel Cowell Pov

I crawl up in a snake style and wrap myself up as it's very cold. I have to figure out their plan and I need to get away from here Gab will be back in a couple of days and I have to be there when he gets here and secondly, I have to be the one to pick him up from the airport I have to find out if he meant what he said in the video and also if he truly wants to divorce me,

I can't force him to be with me so if he admits it then I will sign the divorce papers I can't pull him down with me…. Sitting on the cold floor I don't know when I fall asleep, am suddenly woken up with the loud noise of the door on looking up I see the angry face of my mother I wonder what venomous words she is about to spit out

It feels like its daybreak already I can't believe I passed the night here I have to escape I can't stay here for long

" We brought you up...Shouldn't You Repay Us? Mom asked

" It's not my fault you did not get an abortion when you were pregnant with me, and secondly I would not have chosen you as my parent so please don't come to tell me about payoff when you practically don't deserve one"

"Have you not looked at yourself? We've been looking after you for so long wholeheartedly. How dare you talk back to me?


Mom's lungs were about to explode with anger

I gather up my strength and tried escaping but mom was faster than me she pulls me back by my shoulder and sent me directly to the ground

And before I could record what was happening a sound slap landed on my cheeks. Mom's slap did not make Mead at all.

"Well, well, Arielle. I knew you had bad intentions towards our family.

You're just like those pretentious sluts out there how to go around seducing

people, you pretend to be the good girl while you love what sluts do, from the moment that nice gentleman bought you and you did not run away I was sure you were not the saint you have always pretended to be in front of us."

Mom kept on ranting, I had no problem with her slapping me but. However, this simple

The sentence was enough to cut through my heart.

I stood rooted to the ground. Holding my burning cheek, and smirked

"Mother, if l lut that you claim I am then it's okay, I owe none of you an explanation so stop behaving like you're the saint here for you are not… you're the devil," I said as I rub my swollen cheek

"You shameless whore don't think you will leave here in one piece for I will make sure you suffer, every pain you cost me during childbirth and upbringing I will. Make sure you suffer them

"Since you think am not good enough to be your daughter, then you might just let me go as am of no use to you, and truth be told I careless if you love me or not for you don't deserve my love as well"

" of course your not good enough to be called my daughter, making some money out of you as compensation for taking care of you all these years is my way of paying off myself I deserve it" she smiles as she talks which makes me wonder what she has in mind

" well since we sold you out to the rich guy he threaten to have us dealt with if we ever approach you again but here we are we've run out of cash and there is a rich man ready to marry any of my daughters, and in return, he will give us back the life we've been living

You can relax because he is rich I know you will love him so it's not a big deal at least I did not get you married to some old man in his 60s right so mom is good to you" she smiles as she explains her ridiculous idea to me, well I do not care all I know iI I have to escape and my chance is now I can't betray my husband

" Arielle mom has chosen the best husband for you, you will live well his name is Pisell and I know you've heard about him, he is the landlord to all the neighboring lands in our former neighborhood

His people will be coming later so don't play any tricks, and after thinking for a while she spoke again… don't say I did not preview you because if anything goes wrong I will personally roast you and feed your flesh to the dog understood"

Mom, you want me to marry that scumm, he is nothing but trash he doesn't treat ladies right and he is a woman beater and you're proud of him being my husband?

"and least you will enjoy endless fortune " she defended

" I am chatting about my life, you're talking about wealth? It's Of no doubt you're not my mother, because if you were my mother you would not treat me the way you do, Ursula the witch is better than you, I love the way you make it sound… if someone overhead you they will have the impression you are are are the best mother ever not knowing you're the devil in my life"

"What do you want? She asked which made me let out a scoff.

Looking at herInoI I know iI I take her unprepared I a stand d greater chance of escaping so without thinking twice I plan out my way

"Since you so desperately want a wedding to take place you might as well marry him yourself or aren't you a woman?"

With that I quickly yank the door open and find my way out, luckily for me the main door was not locked so it made things easier for meI I ran as fast as my feet could carry mI I cupbearer the pain emanating, as a result,s, as a result, I had to stop and catch my breath.

I don't know what happened but I suddenly felt dizzy and before I knew it I Passed out … I woke up in a dark room. My legs are bound together. I could barely move, my waist felt sore. I guess it's because I have been sleeping in the same position for a long time, my body aches all over …

"What's going on, where am i" I wonder to myself and I try to untie myself to no avail, just then the door slowly opens and my mother and sister walk in with a younger lady carrying wedding outfits and a makeup kit.

"It seems even the heavens are in support of these wedding big sis….Divna spoke first

Did it happen? I asked

" you don't remember…. Oh my bad I Forgot you passed out mom and I found you on the ground and brought you back home you've been out for two days, which is good it served us the stress of having to keep an eye on you"

Oh, no Gab will be coming back today. I can't miss these. I have to make a move thinking to myself. I will develop methods to stop these supposed marriages at least.

"Can you at least bring me a wedding dress which I will be comfortable in, a casual knee-length knee-length"

"Since it's your last request and your wedding day, I will do that for you, " divna says as she heads out and later arrives with a knee-length party gown With a jacket I thought you might need this as it's Cold outside" I thank her as I freshen up and get dressed

"What about my bag? Can't Have it?

"Sure it's of no use, to us anyway, " divna says as she hands over The bag to me. I quickly check the hidden bank card and my cell phone and it's still there. It's so hidden, no doubt. she didn't .realized it.. take it out to avoid one and realized its power was off and to avoid suspicion, I put it inside my bag without turning it on

We headed out for the venue. I sat in the car with Divna and suddenly when the Iar got to the vomit bridge I suddenly felt the urge to vomit so I asked if the driver could stop, which he did. I emptied my stomach, and after that, I felt better. Well, I hadn't planned on going to escape now but I had to seize these opportunities here and now.

Even after I had emptied my stomach to my satisfaction I continued playing sick while I ask Divna to get me my bag from the car with the excuse that I have some drugs inside … as soon as she brought my bag and handed it over to me I pushed her so hard that she hit herself against the car I hire a taxi and off I went to the airport."